Reauthorize the Indian Health Care Improvement Act: Hearing Before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session, on ....U.S. Government Printing Office, 2000 |
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Aberdeen Area Tribal agency appropriate area office authorized behavioral health Chairman Cheyenne River clinical Committee Congress contract health service cost develop diabetes dian Education Assistance Act eligible entered entitlement established Federal fiscal funding agreement GENERAL.-The Secretary grant Health Care Improvement health care services health profession health status hospital Improvement Act Indian Affairs Indian Country Indian health program Indian Health Service Indian Self-Determination Indian tribe individual Longie Medicaid ment mental health Native American Navajo Nation needs North Dakota paragraph patient payment population priority pursuant reauthorization reimbursement retary Sacred Child Project scholarship Self-Determination and Education Senator Conrad Senator Dorgan served service area service unit services provided Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe Social Security Act Spirit Lake Spirit Lake Tribe subsection substance abuse Three Affiliated Tribes tion treatment tribal organiza tribal organization tribe or tribal tribes and tribal urban Indian organization youth
Populāri fragmenti
468. lappuse - WHEREAS, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of South Dakota is an unincorporated Tribe of Indians, having accepted the provisions of the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984); and WHEREAS, the Tribe, in order to establish its tribal organization; to conserve its tribal property; to develop its common resources...
42. lappuse - ... limitation and to a position which will enable the 2 individual so employed to receive practical experience in 3 the health profession in which he or she is engaged in 4 study. Any individual so employed shall receive payment 5 for his or her services comparable to the salary he or she 6 would receive if he or she were employed in the competitive 7 system. Any individual so employed shall not be counted 8 against any employment ceiling affecting the Service or 9 the Department.
297. lappuse - ... (17) a report on the evaluation of programs as 14 required under section 513; and 15 "(18) a report on alcohol and substance abuse 16 as required under section 701(f). 17 "SEC. 802. REGULATIONS. 18 "(a) INITIATION OF RULEMAKING PROCEDURES. 19 "(1) IN GENERAL. Not later than 90 days 20 after the date of enactment of this Act, the Sec21 retary shall initiate procedures under subchapter III 22 of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, to nego23 tiate and promulgate such regulations or...
13. lappuse - Indi14 ans' shall have meanings given such terms for pur15 poses of the Indian Self-Determination and Edu16 cation Assistance Act. 17 "(11) INDIAN HEALTH PROGRAM. The term 18 'Indian health program' shall have the meaning 19 given such term in section 110(a)(2)(A). 20 "(12) INDIAN TRIBE. The term 'Indian tribe' 21 shall have the meaning given such term in section 22 4(e) of the Indian Self Determination and Education 23 Assistance Act. 24 "(13) RESERVATION. The term 'reservation' 25 means...
296. lappuse - (4) a report of contractors concerning health 23 care educational loan repayments under section 110; 295 1 "(5) a general audit report on the health care 2 educational loan repayment program as required 3 under section 110(n); 4 "(6) a separate statement that specifies the 5 amount of funds requested to carry out the provi6 sions of section 201; 7 "(7) a report on infectious diseases as required 8 under section 212; 9 "(8) a report on environmental and nuclear 10 health hazards as required under...
290. lappuse - ... (b) SPECIAL EMPHASIS. The effect of the inter-re14 lationships and interdependencies referred to in subsection 15 (a)(l) on children, and the development of prevention 16 techniques under subsection (a)(2) applicable to children, 17 shall be emphasized. 18 "SEC. 714. DEFINITIONS. 19 "In this title: 20 "(1) ASSESSMENT. The term 'assessment...
284. lappuse - Funding provided pursu4 ant to this section shall be used to 5 "(A) develop and provide community and 6 in-school training, education, and prevention 7 programs relating to fetal alcohol disorders; 8 "(B) identify and provide behavioral health 9 treatment to high-risk women; 10 "(C) identify and provide appropriate...
307. lappuse - ... (d) HOSPITAL PRIVILEGES. Hospital privileges in 2 health facilities operated and maintained by the Service 3 or operated under a contract entered into under the Indian 4 Self-Determination Education Assistance Act may be ex5 tended to non-Service health care practitioners who pro6 vide services to persons described in subsection (a) or (b). 7 Such non-Service health care practitioners may be re8 garded as employees of the Federal Government for pur9 poses of section 1346(b) and chapter 171...
213. lappuse - PARITY. Payments due under subsection (a) 4 from a managed care entity may not be paid at a rate 5 that is less than the rate paid to a 'preferred provider' 6 by the entity or, in the event there is no such rate, the 7 usual and customary fee for equivalent services. 8 "(d) No CLAIM REQUIREMENT. A managed care 9 entity may not deny payment under subsection (a) because 10 an enrollee with the entity has not submitted a claim. 1 1 "(e) DIRECT BILLING. Notwithstanding the preced12 ing subsections...
318. lappuse - ... out its duties, the Commis6 sion may hold such hearings and undertake such 7 other activities as the Commission determines to be 8 necessary to carry out its duties, except that at least 9 6 regional hearings shall be held in different areas 10 of the United States in which large numbers of Indi11 ans are present. Such hearings shall be held to so12 licit the views of Indians regarding the delivery of 13 health care services to them. To constitute a hearing 14 under this paragraph, at least 5...