Federal Communications Commission Reports. V. 1-45, 1934/35-1962/64; 2d Ser., V. 1- July 17/Dec. 27, 1965-.Federal Communications Commission, 1970 |
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addition affidavit allegations amended antenna applicant's application assignment authority B/CING Broadcast Bureau Broadcasting Corp Cable Cablevision Camden carrier CATV CATV system channel class II stations Commission's rules Communications Act COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON consideration construction permit contour County determine dismissed docket earth station facilities FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION filed further ordered Gordon McLendon grant groundwave interference involved June KCOY-TV KFAB KYSM licensee of station located matter McLendons MEMORANDUM OPINION Molly Pitcher needs and interests notice OPINION AND ORDER ORDER Adopted July parties percent petition to deny petitioner pleadings predicted grade present presunrise operation proceeding program exclusivity proposed public interest pursuant to section question Radio renewal request Review Board satellite signals skywave skywave service specified standard broadcast substantial supra Telephone television station tion transmitter violation waiver of section WAPLE Waseca WBBM-TV WBRE-TV WCAM WHCU WHLO WHTG WKTV WNAR WNEP-TV WNKY
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146. lappuse - Some degree of abuse is inseparable from the proper use of everything, and in no instance is this more true than in that of the press. It has accordingly been decided by the practice of the states, that it is better to leave a few of its noxious branches to their luxuriant growth, than, by pruning them away, to injure the vigor of those yielding the proper fruits.
148. lappuse - And a statute which either forbids or requires the doing of an act in terms so vague that men of common intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to its application, violates the first essential of due process of law.
679. lappuse - Act required to be done, such common carrier shall be liable to the person or persons injured thereby for the full amount of damages sustained in consequence of any such violation...
96. lappuse - Whoever broadcasts by means of any radio station for which a license is required by any law of the United States, or whoever, operating any such station, kaowingly permits the broadcasting of any advertisement of or information concerning any lottery, gift enterprise, or similar scheme, offering prizes dependent in whole or in part upon lot or chance...
248. lappuse - Broadcasts by candidates for public office. (5) A copy of every annual employment report filed by the licensee or permittee for such station pursuant to the provisions of this Part; and copies of all exhibits, letters and other documents filed as part thereof, all amendments thereto, all correspondence between the permittee or licensee and the...
350. lappuse - States, it shall be lawful to include as parties, in addition to the carrier, all persons interested in or affected by the rate, regulation, or practice under consideration, and inquiries, investigations, orders, and decrees may be made with reference to and against such additional parties in the same manner, to the same extent, and subject to the same provisions as are or shall be authorized by law with respect to carriers.
195. lappuse - Only if it is shown in a request under §0.461 that such a communication would be routinely available to a private party through the discovery process in litigation with the Commission will the communication be made available for public inspection. Normally such papers are privileged and not available to private parties throug-h the discovery process, since their disclosure would tend to restrain the commitment of ideas to writing, would tend to inhibit communication among Government personnel, and...
243. lappuse - ... personnel policies and practices and working conditions. (5) Conduct continuing review of job structure and employment practices and adopt positive recruitment, training, job design and other measures needed in order to ensure genuine equality of opportunity to participate fully in all organizational units, occupations and levels of responsibility in the station.
606. lappuse - All relevant and timely comments and reply comments will be considered by the Commission before final action is taken in this proceeding. In reaching its decision in this proceeding, the Commission may also take into account other relevant information before it, in addition to the specific comments invited by this Notice.
249. lappuse - ... applicants for all jobs are to be considered without discrimination. (b) Where union agreements exist, cooperating with the union or unions in the development of programs to assure qualified minority persons or females of equal opportunity for employment, and including an effective nondiscrimination clause in new or renegotiated union agreements. (c) Avoiding use of selection techniques or tests which have the effect of discriminating against minority groups or females.