Lapas attēli

Mative to American Frede.

The 2. propounded to Mr. Attorney way, on the 25-410.3.


Whether a Man born in Britain is capable and by what means of becoming a Subject of the United States.


To the effect of being qualified to

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own, command, navigates American Ship, comporting importing, Lobacca or other Américan Commodities?


Very different questions may arises consequence of the Independenced of America But if dunderstand be presente Question, it is, whether a man bom. in Great Britain, and not resèdent in America at the time of her Independence being granted, can makes himself a subject of America "Jam of Opinion that he can not

and that he is, notwithstanding his Residence in America, a British Subject and consequently cannd command an American Vessell in a

British Port accord to the Act of


(Jum overs

be American built owned by Amend Subject - and at least three fourthe of the Crew American


on failure of these requisites - the Vessel is forfeited.

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