Lapas attēli

Now Ready

For Your Next Semester, A Very Important New Text


Professor of Psychology, Johns Hopkins University


From the Standpoint of a Behaviorist


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URING the last decade there has been growing steadily a tendency to look upon Psychology as a purely objective science. There is an increasing number of psychologists who in their instructional work have felt the need of a text-book treating from the objective viewpoint the entire subject matter of Psychology. Professor Watson in his text has endeavored to put before college students and students of medicine a concise statement of the data, terminology and methods employed in objective Psychology. It is not a polemic against other psychological positions. It maintains throughout a constructive attitude, employing, of course, where possible, the material that has been gathered by objective methods. It does not, however, neglect any field at present belonging to Psychology. When data less objectively acquired are lacking, the current psychological facts are rehabilitated in terminology so that they will fit into an objective system of Psychology.

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Insulation for All Purposes

THE variety of different types of insulations and moulded

compounds which have been developed by the research laboratories of the General Electric Company is too extensive to describe here. It covers all types of porcelain, asbestos compounds, shellac and varnish compounds, oils, paper, fibre, rubber, etc.

With these combinations, practically any degree of dielectric or mechanical strength can be obtained for practically any purpose.

For advice on problems of insulation address our Schenectady Office

General Electric


Schenectady, NY.

Sales Offices in all large cities


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No. 46945 Hilger Quartz Spectrograph, size (a) 46945. SPECTROGRAPH, QUARTZ, HILGER SIZE (a), for work in the ultraviolet, with an objective of 8-inch focus giving a spectrum from 200μμ to 800μμ of about 65 mm. long. Size of plate 44 x 34 inches. The slit supplied with this instrument is Hilger No. 1, i. e. with fine screw adjustment, with divided drumhead, comparison prism, wedge for reducing the aperture, screws for correcting want of parallelism of the jaws, should this become necessary at any time, and protective cap. The dispersing system consists of one Cornu prism. With wave-length scale photographed on glass to be laid directly on the spectrograms to read off wave-lengths and of sufficient accuracy to determine the identity of most lines. Wave-length scale can not be supplied separately as it is adjusted to each individual instrument. Price, from duty paid stock

Price subject to change without notice







CORNELL UNIVERSITY Washington University


In the City of New York Holders of a Baccalaureate degree or Seniors who can present a degree before entering the Second Year, who also present the requisite courses in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, are admitted from recognized Colleges or Scientific Schools. The Session opens on the last Wednesday in September. The first year is devoted to Anatomy, Chemistry, and Physiology and may be taken either in Ithaca or New York City. The last three years are chiefly Clinical and must be taken in New York City.

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School of Medicine


Candidates for entrance are required to have completed at least two full years of college work which must include no'ish, French or German, and instruction with laboratory work in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.


Instruction begins on the last Thursday in September and ends on the second Thursday in June. Clinical instruction is given in the Barnes Hospital and the St. Louis Children's Hospital, affiliated with the medical school, the St. Louis City Hospital, and in the Washington University Dispensary.


Students who have taken their premedical work in Washington University, are eligible for the degree of B.8. upon the completion of the first two years of medical work.

Students in Washington University may pursue study in the fundamental medical sciences leading to the degree of A.M. and Ph.D.


The tuition fee for undergraduate medical students is $200 per annum. Women are admitted.

The catalogue of the Medical School and other information may be obtained by application to the Dean.

Euclid Avenue and Kingshighway St. Louis

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The Fourth Year Course

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is clinical. Students spend the entire forenoon throughout the year as clinical clerks in hospitals under careful supervision. The clinical clerk takes the history, makes the physical examination and the laboratory examinations, arrives at a diagnosis which he must defend, outlines the treatment under his instructor and observes and records the result. In case of operation or of autopsy he follows the specimen and identies its pathological nature. Two general hospitals, one of which is owned and controlled by the University, one special hospital and the municipal hospitals and laboratories are open to our students. The afternoons are spent in the College Dispensary and in çifmical work in medical and surgical specialties and in conferences.

Summer School A summer course in pathology covering a period of six weeks during June and July will be given in esee there is a suficient number of applicants.

Address the Secretary of the College,

307 Orange Street



(Established in 1834)

ADMISSION: All students entering the Freshman Class will be required to present credits for two years of college work, which must include Chemistry General and Organic), Physics and Biology, with their laboratories, and at least one year in English and one year in a modern foreign language.

COMBINED COURSES: Premedical course of two years is offered in the College of Arts and Sciences, which provides for systematic work leading to the B.S. degree at the end of the second year in the medical course.

School of Pharmacy, School of Dentistry and Graduate School of Medicine also.

Women admitted to all Schools of the College of Medicine

For bulletins and all other information, address Tulane College of Medicine

P. O. Box 770

New Orleans, La.

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