Lapas attēli

expended in the same manner as sums appropriated herein may be expended. Provided further, That any funds herein appropriated for the Geological Survey for cooperative work may be utilized prior to July 1, 1932, as required to enable the Geological Survey to continue its cooperative work, pending reimbursement from cooperative agencies, the amount so utilized to be repaid to the appropriation from which advanced] Sec. 1, act of Mar. 4, 1929 (45 Stat. 1595),


making appropriations for the Interior Department.

A similar provision has appeared in prior and subsequent appropriation acts.
The words in brackets were added in the act for the fiscal year 1932.

2010. Geological Survey; mapping and surveying. That in the execution of topographic and other surveys the securing of extra topographic data, the preparation and printing of maps required for military purposes, in the research and development of surveying by means of aerial photography, and in field reproduction methods, the Secretary of War is authorized to secure the assistance, whenever practicable, of the United States Geological Survey, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or other mapping agencies of the Government. Act of May 14, 1928 (45 Stat. 509); 50 U. S. C. 81.

Subject to the approval of the heads of the several executive departments concerned, the Secretary of War, on the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, may engage the services and assistance of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Geological Survey, or other mapping agencies of the Government, in the preparation of maps required in furtherance of this project, and funds to pay for such services may be allotted from appropriations made under authority of this Act. Sec. 5, act of May 15, 1928 (45 Stat. 536); 33 U. S. C. 702e.

For project referred to in text, see 1852, ante.

Executive Order No. 3206, December 30, 1919, as amended, establishing the "Federal Board of Surveys and Maps," was further amended by Executive Order No. 7262, January 6, 1936. The functions of this Board are to coordinate the activities of the various mapmaking and surveying agencies of the Government, to standardize the results of such activities, and to avoid unnecessary duplication of work. War Department agencies represented thereon are the Corps of Engineers, the Mississippi River Commission, the United States Lake Survey, the Military Intelligence Division of the General Staff, and the Air Corps.

2011. Navy Department; services in general.-Naval working fund: Hereafter any executive department or independent establishment of the Government ordering materials or services from the Navy shall pay promptly by check upon written request from the Paymaster General of the Navy, either in advance or upon completion of the work, all or part of the estimated or actual cost thereof, as the case may be, and bills rendered in accordance herewith shall not be subject to audit or certification in advance of payment: Provided, That proper adjustments on the basis of the actual cost of delivery of work paid for in advance shall be made. Act of May 21, 1926 (44 Stat. 605); 31 U. 8. C. 686a.

2012. Public Health Service; services in general.-That upon the request of the head of an executive department or an independent establishment which is carrying on a public-health activity, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to detail officers or employees of the Public Health Service to such department or independent establishment in order to cooperate in such work. When officers or employees are so detailed their salaries and allowances shall be paid by the Public Health Service from applicable appropriations. Sec. 1, act of Apr. 9, 1930 (46 Stat. 150); 42 U. S. C. 17a.

2013. For first paragraph of this section as published in the 1929 Edition, see 2103. post.

The second paragraph based on act of June 5, 1920 (41 Stat. 949), 10 U. S. C. 1262, is omitted as executed. (Op. J. A. G. 010.3, October 20, 1930, page 95.)

2014. For text of this section as published in the 1929 Edition, see 1927, ante.



Military supplies:

Exchange, 2015.

Reconditioning and repair, 2016.

Sale of condemned, 2017.

Commissary supplies-Continued.

Sale to discharged soldiers, 2054.

Transfer to departments or bureaus, 2055. Dental outfits, sale to veterans, 2056.

Title when issued in the military service, Firearms, shipment in interstate commerce,


Transportation by sea, 2019.

Sale to Boy Scouts of America, 2020.
Issue or sale to Citizens' Military Training
Camps, 2021.


Forage, issue to National Guard, 2058.
Fuel, sale to officers, 2059.

Furniture, use in public buildings, 2060.
Gasoline, State sales tax, 2061.

Sale, loan, or gift to contractors or manu- Machinery and tools:

facturers, 2022.

Sale to District of Columbia, 2023.

Issue to educational institutions, 2024.
Sale to educational institutions, 2025.
Issue to National Museum, 2026.
Issue to National Guard, 2027.
Sale to National Guard, 2028.
Utilization by Organized Reserves, 2029.
Issue to Reserve Officers' Training Corps,


Transfer to Chief of Engineers, 2031. Transfer to Navy Department, 2032. Transfer to Public Health Service, 2033. Aircraft and appurtenances:

Issue or loan to museums or educational institutions, 2034.

Transfer to Post Office Department, 2035. Aircraft supplies, sale in emergencies, 2036. Ammunition :

Exchange, 2037.

Reclamation, 2038.

Storage, 2039.

Issue to militia, 2040.

Transfer to departments, 2041. Animals:

Disposition when unfit for service, 2042. Issue to National Guard, 2043.

Issue to Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 2044.

Books, transfer to libraries, 2045.

Captured war material, issued to States and Territories, 2046.

Commissary supplies:

Sale to Army personnel, 2047.

Sale to Coast Guard personnel, 2048.
Issue to Indians, 2049.

Sale to Lighthouse Service personnel, 2050. Issue to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, 2051.

Sale to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, 2052.

Sale to Public Health Service officers, 2053.

Issue to educational institutions, 2062. Sale to educational institutions, 2003. Mechanical refrigerators, exchange, 2064. Medical equipment, loan to American National Red Cross, 2065.

Medical supplies:

Sale to American National Red Cross, 2066. Sale to civilian employees, 2067.

Sale to soldiers' homes, 2068. Motor vehicles:

Inspection in the District of Columbia,


Maintenance and operation in general,


Maintenance and operation for other than

official use, 2071.

Transfer to departments generally, 2072. Transfer to Department of Agriculture,


Transfer to Post Office Department, 2074. Ordnance and ordnance stores:

Sale in general, 2075.

Sale to American designers, 2076.

Sale to American National Red Cross,


Sale to civilian employees, 2078.

Issue to District of Columbia High Schools, 2079.

Issue to educational institutions, 2080.
Sale to educational institutions, 2081.
Issue to National Guard, 2082.

Sale to Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast
Guard officers, 2083.

Sale to patriotic organizations, 2084.
Issue or sale to rifle clubs, 2085.

Issue or sale to soldiers' homes, 2086.

Issue to soldiers' monuments associations, etc., 2087.

Loan to veterans' organizations:
Authority, 2088.

Relief from liability, 2089.
Transfer to departments, 2090.

Tents, loan to veterans' organizations, 2091. | Services by War Department:

Timber, sale in general, 2092.

Tobacco, sale to enlisted men, 2093.

Tractors, loan to States, 2094.


Sale, 2095.

Exchange, 2096.

Repairs, 2097.


Sale to officers and cadets, 2098.

Sale to National Guard officers, 2099,

Sale to discharged soldiers, 2100. Vehicles, storage, 2101.

War supplies:

Sale under Act of July 9, 1918, 2102.

Sale under Act of July 11, 1919, 2103. Surplus supplies; sale to States and foreign governments, 2103a.

Government radio stations, regulations, 2104.


Aerial photography, 2105.
Army transports:

In general, 2106.

Inspection, 2107.

Sale, 2108.

Discontinuance of service, 2109.

Arsenals, 2110.

Carrier pigeons, 2111.

Hospitals, 2112.

Laundries, 2113.

Telegraph and cable lines, 2114.
Testing machine, 2115.

Transportation :


American National Red Cross, 2116.
Naval and Marine Corps detachments,


Property for departments, 2118.

Post exchange, 2119.

2015. Military supplies; exchange.—* Provided further, That hereafter sewing machines and other labor-saving machinery used in the manufacture of clothing and equipage, motor trucks and passenger-carrying vehicles, and band instruments may be exchanged in part payment for new machines, vehicles, and instruments used for the same purpose as those proposed to be exchanged. Sec. 1, act of Aug. 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 635); 10 U. S. C. 1271.

That, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War, motor-propelled vehicles, airplanes, engines, parts thereof, balloons, and appurtenances may be exchanged in part payment for new equipment of the same or similar character to be used for the same purposes as those proposed to be exchanged. Ch. I, act of July 9, 1918 (40 Stat. 849).

For exchange of ammunition, see 2037, post;

For exchange of mechanical refrigerators, see 2064, post; for exchange of typewriters, see 2096, post.

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2016. Military supplies; reconditioning and repair.-* * Provided further, That the reconditioning and repair of surplus property and equipment, for disposition or reissue to government service may be made at cost by the Procurement Division, payment therefor to be effected by charging the proper appropriation and crediting the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Supply Branch [Branch of Supply], Procurement Division." Title I, Treasury Department Appropriation Act of May 14, 1935 (49 Stat. 234); 40 U. S. C. 313a.

This provision has been repeated in subsequent appropriation acts.

2017. Military supplies; sale of condemned. The President may cause to be sold any military stores which, upon proper inspection or survey, appear to be damaged, or unsuitable for the public service. Such inspection or survey shall be made by officers designated by the Secretary of War, and the sales shall be made under regulations prescribed by him. R. S. 1241; 10 U. S. C. 1261.

By resolution of Dec. 23, 1932 (47 Stat. 751), 36 U. S. C. 546d, the Secretary of the Navy was authorized to sell obsolete and surplus clothing at nominal prices to charitable organizations, States, and municipalities for distribution to the needy.

2018. Military supplies; title when issued in the military service.-The clothes, arms, military outfits, and accouterments furnished by the United States to any soldier shall not be sold, bartered, exchanged, pledged, loaned, or given away; and no person not a soldier, or duly authorized officer of the United States, who has possession of any such clothes, arms, military outfits, or accouterments, so furnished, and which have been the subjects of any such sale, barter, exchange,

pledge, loan, or gift, shall have any right, title, or interest therein; but the same may be seized and taken wherever found by any officer of the United States, civil or military, and shall thereupon be delivered to any quartermaster, or other officer authorized to receive the same. The possession of any such clothes, arms, military outfits, or accouterments by any person not a soldier or officer of the United States shall be presumptive evidence of such a sale, barter, exchange, pledge, loan, or gift. R. 8. 3748; 10 U. S. C. 1316.

A similar provision, derived from the same act as this section, is found in R. S. 1242. For trial by court-martial for unlawful disposition of property issued for use in the military service, see A .W. 84, ante, 442. Purchase or receipt in pledge of such property is punishable under 807, ante.

2019. Military supplies; transportation by sea.-Vessels of the United States, or belonging to the United States, and no others, shall be employed in the transportation by sea of coal, provisions, fodder, or supplies of any description, purchased pursuant to law, for the use of the Army or Navy unless the President shall find that the rates of freight charges by said vessels are excessive and unreasonable, in which case contracts shall be made under the law as it now exists: Provided, That no greater charges be made by such vessels for transportation of articles for the use of the said Army and Navy than are made by such vessels for transportation of like goods for private parties or companies. Sec. 1, act of Apr. 28, 1904 (33 Stat. 518); 10 U. S. C. 1365; 34 U. 8. C. 528.

2020. Military supplies; sale to Boy Scouts of America.-That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, in his discretion and under such regulations as he may promulgate, to sell to the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America such obsolete material as may not be needed by the War Department, and such other material as may be spared, at prices representing a fair value to the War Department, including the cost of packing, handling, and transportation. Act of May 15, 1937 (50 Stat. 167); 10 U. S. C. 1259.

The text of this section as published in the 1929 Edition, based on act of February 28, 1929 (45 Stat. 1351), making appropriations for the support of the War Department, is not repeated in the corresponding act for the fiscal year 1932 or thereafter.


* *

2021. Military supplies; issue or sale to citizens' military training camps.The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to use for the purpose of maintaining said camps and imparting military instruction and training thereat such arms, ammunition, accoutrements, equipments, tentage, field equipage, and transportation belonging to the United States as he may deem necessary; to furnish at the expense of the United States uniforms, * and to sell to persons receiving instructions at said camps, for cash and at cost price, plus 10 per centum, quartermaster and ordnance property, the amount of such property sold to any one person to be limited to that which is required for his proper equipment. All moneys arising from such sales shall remain available throughout the fiscal year following that in which the sales are made, for the purpose of that appropriation from which the property sold was authorized to be supplied at the time for the sale. * * * Sec. 47d, added to act of June 3, 1916, by sec. 34, act of June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 779); 10 U. S. C. 442.


* Provided further, That uniforms and other equipment or matériel furnished in accordance with law for use at citizens' military training camps shall be furnished from surplus or reserve stocks of the War Department without payment from this appropriation, except for actual expense incurred in the manufacture or issue: Provided further, That in no case shall the amount paid from this appropriation for uniforms, equipment, or matériel furnished in accordance with law for use at citizens' military training camps from stocks under control of

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