Lapas attēli

Community bankers are particularly sensitive to this issue. We are already concerned that the proposed Basel II Accords could result in lower or disparate capital standards for the large banks that will adopt the new system. We would be equally troubled if regulatory reform for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had a similar result. The capital requirements for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae should reflect the specific financial risks facing each, including realistic treatment of counterparty risk and direct investment in mortgages.

Enforcement Authority

The Administration recommends that the new agency be given enforcement authority comparable to that of the banking agencies. ACB supports this point of view. However, we recommend that Congress carefully examine the current enforcement authority for OFHEO and the Finance Board to determine exactly which additional powers are needed and which banking agency provisions are not appropriate to deal with the unique features of the housing GSE's.


I wish to again express ACB's appreciation for this opportunity to testify on these important issues. We strongly support the Committee's effort to strengthen the regulation of Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and the Federal Home Loan Banks. We look forward to working with you as you craft legislation to accomplish this goal.




OCTOBER 23, 2003

Chairman Shelby, Ranking Member Sarbanes, and Senate Banking Committee Members, the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) appreciates this opportunity to present our views on proposals for improving the regulation of the housing Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE's).

I am Dale J. Torpey, President and CEO of Federation Bank, a $115 million asset bank located in Washington, Iowa. I currently serve as Chairman of the Lending Committee of the ICBA. I am also currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines. My testimony today is delivered exclusively on behalf of the ICBA.

Potential regulatory restructuring of the housing GSE's is a matter of critical importance to the community banking industry.

As a general principle, we do not believe that the Treasury Department should direct the housing policy of our Nation just as it should not run the monetary policy of our Nation. In our view, should the Treasury Department be granted supervisory and regulatory oversight of either Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac or all three of the housing GSE's, its tax policy and fiscal policy responsibilities would likely present clear conflicts of interest with housing policy. ICBA also shares the concerns that have been expressed by others regarding the historical absence of expertise in housing policy at Treasury.

Regulation of the Federal Home Loan Banks

Since the passage of the Federal Home Loan Bank System Modernization Title of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Title VI of P.L. 106-102) in 1999, which liberalized membership in the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks) and expanded the categories of eligible collateral for FHLBank advances, thousands of community banks are using FHLBank advances as a competitive and flexible funding source. The ability of community banks to continue to utilize this increasingly important funding source is crucial to safe and sound asset-liability management, as well as their ability to meet the lending needs of their communities. Similarly, the fact that Federal deposit insurance coverage levels have not increased since 1980 has given community banks further incentive to turn to FHLBank advances as a stable, alternative source of funding to meet Main Street's lending needs.

ICBA continues to hold the view that the FHLBanks should be regulated by a separate and independent agency-a status that the existing Federal Housing Finance Board (FHFB) already enjoys. Under the regulatory guidance of the FHFB, the FHLBanks have a near-impeccable record of providing well-collateralized advances to thousands of institutions. The FHFB also has taken important steps, and

continues to take steps, to upgrade its examination and supervision capacities focusing on safety and soundness.

At its Fall meeting earlier this month, the 110-member ICBA Board of Directors, with representation from nearly every State, discussed the issue of FHLBank regulation at length. The ICBA board voted unanimously to oppose including the FHLBanks in any proposed new supervisory and regulatory structure for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the U.S. Treasury Department.

The ICBA Board did not discuss the concept of a new, independent regulatory structure outside the Treasury Department for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the FHLBanks-a concept which has been voiced by some in recent days.

The ICBA has long supported independent financial regulatory agencies-for example, agencies such as the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

While not our first preference, the ICBA may not oppose the concept of a new independent regulator for all three housing GSE's outside the Treasury Department, depending on how key details are fleshed out. The Federal Home Loan Bank Act could potentially serve as the legislative foundation for such a structure. However, two key issues would have to be worked out for such a structure to gain widespread support. First, the specific regulatory powers of such an agency would have to be determined. We note that the FHFB and the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) do not currently have the same powers. Second, the unique ownership, operational and capital structure, and mission of the FHLBanks, which is distinct from that of Fannie/Freddie, would have to be recognized and preserved in constructing the new agency.

Regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Community banks are significant direct or indirect users of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac conduits into the secondary mortgage market. The sale of mortgages originated by community banks into the secondary market increases the liquidity of these locally owned- and operated-financial institutions, allowing them to better serve the lending needs of Main Street America. Our system of homeownership is the envy of the world and it has been the stalwart of the American economy during economically challenging times in recent years. The current system has enabled us to reach record homeownership levels and to accommodate consumer refinancing needs in the recent low interest rate environment. This must not be overlooked as part of the process when considering GSE regulatory restructuring.

Regarding proposals to bring the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under the Treasury Department, ICBA reiterates its staunchly held view that any such entity must be politically independent in order to be regarded as a world-class financial regulatory agency. We firmly believe that the traditional political independence of our Federal financial agencies has immeasurably strengthened the U.S. economic and financial system. Currently, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)and the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) are protected from the Treasury's political influence.

We strongly urge Congress to make certain that any potential legislation contain appropriate firewalls and independence between Fannie and Freddie and the Treasury's politically-appointed policymakers. Politicizing regulation is an ever-present danger, and we believe it is paramount to maintain the independence of any new regulator overseeing safety and soundness and Fannie and Freddie's Congressionally mandated missions to support home ownership.

Other Key Issues

In the letter of invitation for today's hearing, ICBA was also asked for its views on several other issues in the debate over housing GSE regulation.

First, what is the appropriate capital regime for the housing GSE's? We support the continuing authority of each GSE regulator to establish, and modify, as necessary, the level of risk-based capital that the GSE's are required to hold. As market and risk factors change, the regulators must be able to adjust to these changes in a timely manner. However, ICBA does not support granting the GSE regulators the authority to modify statutory or minimum capital. Such new authority could confer on the regulators the authority to de facto adjust program levels by raising minimum capital, reducing the amount of resources available for program activities.

Second, what should the funding mechanism be for the new regulator? To insulate the housing GSE regulators from undue political influence and enhance independence, ICBA supports removing funding of the GSE regulators from the appropriations process and funding them solely through a self-generated fee structure.

Third, where should authority for new program approvals be placed? We believe that in order for the housing GSE's to continue to be innovative in the development and implementation of new products to meet the demands of the marketplace, there should be a smooth and seamless process for getting these products online. Clearly, if a FHLBank, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac develops a program that is inconsistent with safety and soundness or with their Congressionally mandated missions, there must be a review process to make that determination. But there should not be disincentives for the GSE's to be innovative and adaptive to new market conditions. Our housing finance system has evolved rapidly over the recent past due to changing technology and changes in the demands of consumers. The FHLBanks, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac must have the flexibility to develop the housing finance products needed by consumers in a timely manner and not have new products, programs and activities be bogged down by bureaucracy.

Fourth, what is the appropriateness of HUD's continuing role in the oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Because of its responsibilities and expertise, our preference is that HUD should continue to establish our Nation's housing goals and control the mission activities of Fannie/Freddie to achieve those goals.


In closing, ICBA would urge the Committee to carefully and fully consider the issues associated with regulation of the housing GSE's before rushing to action. The ICBA has long supported world-class, independent regulatory agencies such as the FDIC and the Federal Reserve, both of which are governed by boards that are independent of the U.S. Treasury.

There is no shortage of opinions and strongly held viewpoints on these issues. We concur with the sentiments expressed by a number of Members of this Committee that it is imperative that any regulatory restructuring be done right given its potential impact on the crucial housing sector of our economy and on community banks' continued ability to meet the lending needs of Main Street America.

Thank you for the opportunity to testify. I would be pleased to answer any questions.





OCTOBER 23, 2003

Good morning Chairman Shelby, Senator Sarbanes, and Members of the Committee. My name is Allen J. Fishbein, and I am the Director of Housing and Credit Policy for the Consumer Federation of America. I appreciate the opportunity to testify on proposals for improving the regulation of the Government Sponsored Housing Enterprises (GSE's). My written testimony today is also on behalf of the National Association of Consumer Advocates, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, National Congress for Community Economic Development, and the National Fair Housing Alliance.

CFA is a nonprofit association of 300 proconsumer organizations, with a combined membership of 50 million, founded in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through education and advocacy. My own background in the area of GSE regulation includes my tenure at HUD, where I served as Senior Advisor for GSE Oversight. My responsibilities at HUD included assisting with the supervision of the rulemaking that resulted in establishment of the present affordable housing goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mae, along with the management of other areas of the Department's GSE regulatory oversight.

As national consumer, community, and civil rights organizations committed to the promotion of fair and affordable housing for all of America's citizens, we watch with considerable interest the ongoing debate about possible changes to the regulatory structure for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and wanted to share a few of our observations.

We appreciate those in Congress who desire to assure the adequacy of safety and soundness and mission-related requirements for the Government Sponsored Housing Enterprises-Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSE's). We also urge that Congress be very careful in tinkering with the GSEs' basic overall regulatory structure. At a minimum, such changes to the regulatory structure should do no harm to the GSES' housing mission. However, we also believe that the current debate provides an important opportunity to clarify those areas of the GSES' affordable housing mission that should be expanded. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have fulfilled an important part of their mission by providing affordable housing capital for low- and moderate-income and minority households. Yet much remains for the GSE's to accomplish in expanding fair and affordable housing opportunities for the residents of our Nation's underserved communities, such as providing greater assistance to firsttime minority, and low-income homeowners and securitizing multifamily rental mortgage products. Similarly, while the GSE's have been industry leaders in adopting policies to combat a number of predatory lending practices, such as their repudiation of the purchase of loans that included single premium credit insurance (SPCI), they have yet to address certain other egregious lending practices.

More specifically, we believe that important improvements to the present affordable housing goals requirement are desirable. Clearly the establishment of these goals has served an important function, encouraging the GSE's to better serve the needs of underserved areas and low- and moderate-income housing households. In fact, both enterprises have consistently met or exceeded the goal levels set for them. Nonetheless, the three broad statutory goals in place do not permit HUD to focus sufficient GSE attention to addressing some of the neediest segments of the mortgage market, such as low-income, minority, and other underserved homebuyers, or certain rental and rural housing finance needs. Establishing an additional GSE home purchase goal, and providing HUD with supplemental authority to set subgoals for GSE activity for particularly pressing needs within the overall statutory goals, while not diminishing the ability of the GSE's to serve the needs of all consumers refinancing loans, would enhance the overall effectiveness of this important mandate.

Also, reform of the GSE housing goals should include provisions to expand opportunities for public input into this important area of regulation. We favor improvements to the GSE public use database presently maintained by HUD to make the information available fully comparable with data reported by mortgage lenders under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. Opportunities for public comment should also be provided in the event that a GSE did not meet its annual performance requirement and HUD as a result required the GSE to submit a remedial plan.

Our strong interest in affordable housing extends to other aspects of regulatory restructuring as well. We are particularly concerned that proposals to shift general charter oversight and new program approval authority away from HUD to the Treasury Department will detract from the regulatory focus on GSE performance of their housing mission. At the same time, funding the reasonable costs of this regulation through direct assessments of the GSE's, and not through the appropriations process, would go a long way to strengthening oversight capacity.

We are also concerned with the deliberations around two regulatory areas, capital requirements and the program approval process. First, the GSEs' capital requirement is one of the most critical and sensitive issues. We recognize that the establishment of appropriate capital requirements may at time involve tradeoffs, but we fear that unnecessary increases in capital requirements, particularly the minimum requirement, could result in higher costs to homebuyers. Simply, we should not make it harder for minority and low-wealth families to be able to afford to become homeowners.

Second, in evaluating any changes to the current program approval process, a delicate balance is required between a careful examination of whether a new GSE product serves its important public mission and the need to not over-burden these organizations' innovative efforts to provide new lending opportunities in the most difficult to serve communities. While there may be a need to improve the current approval process, we urge you to proceed cautiously, and resist efforts to over-encumber this process.

While this testimony focuses mainly on regulatory oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, we also offer the following comments on regulation of the other housing GSE, the Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLB System). We believe the FHLB System as it has evolved must also have clear and specific housing goals that challenge the lenders to better serve underserved populations. Should Congress decide to abolish the Federal Housing Finance Board, the system's regulator, and transfer authority to another agency, we strongly prefer that mission oversight be transferred to HUD, and that the Department also be provided with authority to

establish new affordable housing requirements to ensure that activities undertaken by the FHLBanks are targeted to low- and moderate-income housing and other underserved community needs. These new requirements should build on the existing Affordable Housing and Community Investment Programs (AHP and CIP) and also work to increase FHLB member support for these and other affordable housing and economic development initiatives.

In closing, we thank you for your work in attempting to strengthen the effectiveness of the GSE's to serve the housing needs of America's underserved populations. We urge that you support provisions to strengthen the housing goals requirement, but also proceed with caution and resist the urge to make changes to their status or their charter that might result in fewer affordable housing opportunities.

Thank you again, Mr. Chairman, for the opportunity to offer our views on this important topic. I am happy to answer any questions that either you or other Members of the Committee may have.

OCTOBER 23, 2003

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Senate Banking Committee, the Mortgage Bankers Association appreciates this opportunity to express our views on the important issues surrounding improving the regulation of the housing Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE's). The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is the national association_representing the real estate finance industry. We have approximately 2,700 member companies engaged in every aspect of real estate finance. MBA members originate loans in the primary mortgage market that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchase. MBA, therefore, has a keen interest in maintaining the safety and soundness of our country's real estate finance system.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the biggest participants in our country's secondary mortgage market. Their regulation has come under scrutiny lately, with many calls for improvement.

Treasury Secretary John Snow and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Mel Martinez presented the Administration's proposal for GSE regulatory reform in testimony before the House Financial Services Committee on September 10, 2003, and before the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee on October 16, 2003. The two Secretaries proposed to move safety and soundness regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to a new agency within the Treasury Department. They further proposed to task the safety and soundness regulator with approving new and ongoing programs and activities, in consultation with HUD. And they proposed to strengthen the regulators' authority and funding.

MBA reiterates its support of the Administration's proposals. MBA has long advocated strong and effective oversight of the GSE's. We believe effective safety and soundness regulation is critical because of Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's size and because of their importance to the housing finance system. MBA is pleased to see that the Administration and Members of Congress support strengthening the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

MBA supports the Administration's proposal to improve and strengthen the general regulatory, supervisory, and enforcement powers with respect to the GSE's. Further, MBA endorses giving the safety and soundness regulator appropriate flexibility in setting capital standards, instead of relying on a rigid, statutory stress test that does not allow the regulator to react adequately to changes in the financial marketplace. MBA also supports the Administration's proposal to fund GSE regulation independently, through assessments on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac outside of the Congressional appropriations process.

MBA also endorses the Administration's proposal on one of the most important aspects of safety and soundness, that is, program oversight. The GSEs' programs are a key determinant of their safety and soundness, and it is imperative that the programs be conducted safely and soundly. Only financially healthy, safe and sound GSE's can contribute to their housing mission. If, for example, a GSE were to embark on a program of purchasing especially risky loans, the GSE's safety and soundness would likewise be at risk. Or, if a GSE were to engage in a high-volume program that entails liquidity risks or systemic risks, the safety and soundness of such a program would be of critical concern to our housing and financial markets, and to a safety and soundness regulator. GSE programs and activities are intrinsically linked to safety and soundness.

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