Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION, Washington, D. C., May 15, 1919. SIR: The edition of the Navigation Laws for 1919 has been prepared in substantially the same form as the editions of 1895, 1899, 1903, 1907, 1911, and 1915, which proved to be convenient for the use of collectors of customs, shipping commissioners, the masters, owners, and agents of vessels, seamen, and others directly interested in vessels, their officers, crews, passengers, and cargo. As in the six former editions, the effort has been made to include in this volume only laws actually in force. Where sections of the Revised Statutes or other laws have been specifically repealed or amended by subsequent legislation the repcaled portions of the law are omitted, and the present, not the original, reading of amended sections is adopted. The effort has been made to confine the law included in this volume to the navigation law, meaning by that term the law relating to vessels, with which owners, masters, and agents should be acquainted. The line between this law and the customs law is not always clearly defined. The laws directly relating to duties on imports and to invoices are not included in this volume, while those relating to entry, clearance, manifests, and transportation by water have been comprised within its limits. The scheme of arrangement will appear from the table of contents. The law has been divided into large divisions by subjects, called parts, while these parts have been subdivided into headed paragraphs. For further convenience of reference a table of laws is published, giving the sections of the Revised Statutes and subsequent laws which have been included in this compilation, the date of enactment and amendment, together with the page of this compilation on which they may be found. The table of laws may be found at the end of the volume, together with the usual alphabetical index. A marginal reference gives the number of the section of the Revised Statutes included in each paragraph, or the date and section of the act, if enacted subsequent to the Revised Statutes, with the date of amendatory acts which have been incorporated, if practicable, in the paragraph. Where reference is made in a paragraph to a title or |