Reauthorize the Indian Health Care Improvement Act: Hearing Before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session, on Public Law 94-437 ... [S. 2526 ...], 2. sējumsU.S. Government Printing Office, 2000 |
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Administration agency Alaska Native American Indian amount appropriated area office authorized clinical community health community health aides CONGRESS THE LIBRARY construction contract health service contract or grant cost determined develop diabetes dian Education Assistance Act eligible entity established Federal fiscal ganization GENERAL.-The Secretary gram health care facilities Health Care Improvement health care services health facility health profession health professionals health status Improvement Act Indian communities Indian health program Indian Health Service Indian Health System Indian Self-Determination Indian tribe individual Medicaid ment mental health Navajo Nation needs nurses operated paragraph payment priority provision of law purposes pursuant Quentin N receive reimbursement renovation retary scholarship Self-Determination and Education served service area service unit services provided Social Security Act substance abuse tion title XIX title XVIII treatment tribal organiza tribal organization tribally controlled tribe or tribal tribes and tribal United States Code urban Indian organization
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315. lappuse - CONFORMING AMEND19 MENTS TO THE SOCIAL SECU20 RITY ACT 21 Subtitle A Medicare 22 SEC. 201. LIMITATIONS ON CHARGES. 23 Section 1866(a)(l) of the Social Security Act (42 24 USC 1395cc(a)(l)) is amended...
36. lappuse - ... limitation and to a position which will enable the 2 individual so employed to receive practical experience in 3 the health profession in which he or she is engaged in 4 study. Any individual so employed shall receive payment 5 for his or her services comparable to the salary he or she 6 would receive if he or she were employed in the competitive 7 system. Any individual so employed shall not be counted 8 against any employment ceiling affecting the Service or 9 the Department.
291. lappuse - ... (18) a report on alcohol and substance abuse 16 as required under section 701 (f). 17 "SEC. 802. REGULATIONS. 18 "(a) INITIATION OF RULEMAKING PROCEDURES. 19 "(1) IN GENERAL. Not later than 90 days 20 after the date of enactment of this Act, the Sec21 retary shall initiate procedures under subchapter III 22 of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, to nego23 tiate and promulgate such regulations or amend24 ments thereto that are necessary to carry out this 25 Act.
270. lappuse - (c) INTERMEDIATE ADOLESCENT BEHAVIORAL 1 1 HEALTH SERVICES. 12 "(1) IN GENERAL. The Secretary, acting 13 through the Service, Indian tribes and tribal organi14 zations, may provide intermediate behavioral health 15 services, which may incorporate traditional health 16 care practices, to Indian children and adolescents, 17 including 18 "(A) pre-treatment assistance; 19 "(B) inpatient, outpatient, and after-care 20 services; 21 "(C) emergency care; 22 "(D) suicide prevention and crisis...
242. lappuse - Indian organizations from each service area. 5 "(d) ADAPTION OF PROCEDURES. The Secretary 6 shall adapt the negotiated rulemaking procedures to the 7 unique context of this Act. 8 "SEC. 521. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. 9 "There is authorized to be appropriated such sums 10 as may be necessary for each fiscal year through fiscal 1 1 year 2012 to carry out this title. 12 "TITLE VI ORGANIZATIONAL 13 IMPROVEMENTS 14 "SEC. 601. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE INDIAN HEALTH SERV15 ICE AS AN AGENCY OF...
299. lappuse - Service in providing 18 such health services to such indigent person. 19 "(3) SERVICE AREAS. 20 "(A) SERVICE TO ONLY ONE TRIBE. In 21 the case of a service area which serves only one 22 Indian tribe, the authority of the Secretary to 23 provide health services under paragraph (1)(A) 24 shall terminate at the end of the fiscal year suc25 ceeding the fiscal year in which the governing 311 1 body of the Indian tribe revokes its concurrence 2 to the provision of such health services.
235. lappuse - ... urban Indian organization that has entered into a contract 19 or received a grant pursuant to this title is deemed to be 20 part of the Public Health Service while carrying out any 21 such contract or grant and its employees (including those 22 acting on behalf of the organization as provided for in sec23 tion 2671 of title 28, United States Code, and including 24 an individual who provides health care services pursuant 25 to a personal services contract with an urban Indian...
268. lappuse - California treatment net12 works. 13 "(2) FUNDING. For the purpose of staffing 14 and operating centers or facilities under this sub15 section, funding shall be made available pursuant to 16 the Act of November 2, 1921 (25 USC 13) (com17 monly known as the Snyder Act). 18 "(3) LOCATION. A youth treatment center 19 constructed or purchased under this subsection shall 20 be constructed or purchased at a location within the 21 area described in paragraph (1) that is agreed upon 22 (by appropriate...
6. lappuse - fund18 ing agreement' means any agreement to transfer 19 funds for the planning, conduct, and administration 20 of programs, functions, services and activities to 21 Tribes and tribal organizations from the Secretary 22 under the authority of the Indian Self-Determination 23 and Education Assistance Act. 24 "(8) HEALTH PROFESSION. The term 'health 25 profession...
201. lappuse - (3) any such Indian tribe or tribal organiza16 tion or urban Indian organization and any patient 17 served or eligible for service under such programs, 18 including patients served or eligible for service pur19 suant to section 813 of this Act (as in effect on the 20 day before the date of enactment of the Indian 21 Health Care Improvement Act Reauthorization of 22 2000); or 23 "(4) any such Indian tribe or tribal organiza24 tion or urban Indian organization and any third 25 party required by contract,...