Annual Report of the American Bar Association: Including Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting, 126. sējums,2. izdevumsHeadquarters Office, 2003 |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 22.
779. lappuse
... ombudsman offices should adhere to the Stan- dards for the establishment and oper- ations of the ombudsman offices . The fundamental underlying premise of this resolution is that all ombuds- men must operate with certain basic ...
... ombudsman offices should adhere to the Stan- dards for the establishment and oper- ations of the ombudsman offices . The fundamental underlying premise of this resolution is that all ombuds- men must operate with certain basic ...
780. lappuse
... ombudsman should issue and publish periodic reports summarizing the ombudsman's find- ings and activities . This may include statistical information about the num- ber of contacts with the ombudsman , subjects that the ombudsman ad ...
... ombudsman should issue and publish periodic reports summarizing the ombudsman's find- ings and activities . This may include statistical information about the num- ber of contacts with the ombudsman , subjects that the ombudsman ad ...
782. lappuse
... ombudsman from control by any other person . The twelve essential characteris- tics of the 1969 ABA Resolution continue to serve as the model for an ombudsman reporting to the legisla- tive branch of government who is au- thorized to ...
... ombudsman from control by any other person . The twelve essential characteris- tics of the 1969 ABA Resolution continue to serve as the model for an ombudsman reporting to the legisla- tive branch of government who is au- thorized to ...
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action activities administrative Admissions adopted agency amendment American Bar Association application approved assisted living attorneys August authority Barry University School callers cation Chair client College Commission communication compliance Conference confidentiality conflict of interest Council counsel criminal Dean decision develop disclosure domestic violence Drug Courts election electronic electronic vote entities Ethics evaluation faculty federal foreign foster care funds gag rule House of Delegates informed consent issues judicial jurisdiction Justice law firm Law School lawyer legal advice legal education legal malpractice legal services legislation limited litigation LSAT matter ment Miami Shores Model Rule National ombuds ombudsman organization paragraph participation permitted person practice procedures profes prohibited proposed protection providing legal reasonably recommendation reference represent representation resolution responsibility Rules of Professional School of Law scope Section standards Standing Committee TALCOTT tion vote voter