reports its entire number as earning $5 or over per week. The proportion of each race with a period of residence under five years earning $10 or over per week ranges from 59.9 per cent as shown by the Slovenians to 21.6 per cent as shown by the South Italians. With the exception of the Greek, Irish, South Italian, and Slovenian, each race shows that the proportion earning $10 or over per week increases with the period of residence. The German, Irish, Magyar, and Swedish race groups show slight proportions earning $20 or over per week. The North and South Italians are the only races not showing a proportion earning as high as $17.50 per week. In the following table the same data are presented as in the table preceding, but in a different form. This table shows, by race of individual and length of residence in the United States, the comparative earnings each week of foreign-born male employees 18 years of age or over. TABLE 36.-Comparative earnings per week of foreign-born male employees 18 years of age or over, by race and length of residence in the United States.* (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. This table includes only races with 200 or more males reporting.] Thistable shows wages or earnings for the period indicated, but no account is taken of voluntary lost time or ost time from shutdowns or other causes. In the various tables in this report showing annual earnings allowance is made for time lost during the year. The figures in the foregoing table are the same as in the table just preceding, being grouped differently with regard to period of residence, in order that a more intensive comparison may be made. Of those with a period of residence of less than five years in the United States, the Greek, Polish, and Slovenian are the only races showing a proportion earning less than $5 per week; of those with a residence of from five to nine years, none earn less than $5; and of those with a residence of ten years or over, the South Italian, with 1.9 per cent, is the only race showing a proportion earning under $5. The Greek with a period of residence under five years is the only race showing less than 75 per cent earning $7.50 or over per week, while those of each race in the other two groups show over 85 per cent. With a few exceptions, the proportion earning each other specified amount increases with the period of residence. The exceptions are due rather to individual than to racial characteristics. ANNUAL EARNINGS OF MALE HEADS OF FAMILIES STUDIED. The annual earnings of heads of families studied are next considered. The first table presented shows, by general nativity and race of husband, the number and percentage of husbands at work, together with their average annual earnings. TABLE 37.—Husbands at work, by general nativity and race of individual. The above table shows that 99.7 per cent of the husbands in 287 families selected for study are at work, their average yearly earnings being $511. The husbands who are foreign-born and who are nativeborn of foreign father show 100 per cent at work, while only 96.3 per cent of the husbands in families the heads of which are native whites born of native father are at work. The husbands who are native-born of foreign father show average yearly earnings of $663, those who are native whites born of native father have average earnings of $658, and those who are of foreign birth show average yearly earnings of only $460. The average yearly earnings of hus bands of German parentage are somewhat higher than the average yearly earnings of the husbands of Irish parentage. Of the foreignborn husbands, the German and Irish husbands showing average yearly earnings of over $600, the South Italian husbands average yearly earnings of over $400, while the Lithuanian, Polish, and Slovak husbands show average yearly earnings of less than $400. The range in annual earnings of male heads of families is set forth in the following table according to general nativity and race of husband: TABLE 38.-Earnings per year of male heads of families, by general nativity and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only male heads of selected families. For selection of families, see p.116.] The preceding table shows the average earnings of 285 male heads of selected families is $511 per year. Only 0.7 per cent of this number earn under $100 per year, 1.8 per cent earn under $200, 32.6 per cent earn under $400, 74.7 per cent earn under $600, 91.2 per cent earn under $800, and 96.1 per cent earn under $1,000. The male heads of families who are native whites born of native father show a higher percentage than those of foreign birth earning under $100 and under $200 per year, while none of the native-born of foreign father earn under these amounts. The heads of families who are of foreign birth show a higher per cent earning under $400 and under $600 than either the heads of families who are native-born of foreign father or those who are native-born whites of native father, who follow in the order named in considerably smaller proportions. The heads of families who are of foreign birth also show a higher percentage than the heads of families who are native whites born of native father and those who are native-born of foreign father, which follow in the order named and who earn under $800 and under $1,000 per year. Of the heads of families who are native-born of foreign father those of Irish parentage show a higher percentage than those of German parentage earning under $400, while the latter show a higher percentage than the former earning under $600, under $800, and under $1,000 per year. Of the male heads of families of foreign birth the Poles show small proportions earning under $100 and under $200 per year as contrasted with none of the South Italian, the Irish, or the German heads of families earning under these amounts. The Polish heads of families show the highest per cent and the German heads of families the lowest per cent earning under $400 and under $600, while the Polish and South Italian heads of families show 100 per cent, and the German and Irish heads of families considerably smaller percentages earning under $800 and under $1,000 per year. ANNUAL EARNINGS OF MALES 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER IN THE HOUSEHOLDS STUDIED. In the table next submitted, the average and range of annual earnings of all males, in the households studied, who were 18 years of age or over, are shown by general nativity and race of individual. TABLE 39.— Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. Of 753 male employees 18 years of age or over who are working for wages and reported amount, 17.4 per cent earn under $200 per year, 52.9 per cent earn under $400, 86.6 per cent earn under $600, and 98.4 per cent earn under $1,000, the average earnings per year being $431. The male employees who are native-born of foreign father show average yearly earnings of $569, as contrasted with the average yearly earnings of the males who are native-born whites of native father, which are $550, and those of the male employees who are of foreign birth, which are $404 per year. The foreign-born male employees show the highest percentage earning under each specified amount per year, and the male employees who are native whites born of native father show a higher percentage earning under $200 and under $1,000 than the male employees who are native-born of foreign father. The latter, however, show a higher per cent than the former, earning under $400 and under $600 per year. Of the native-born of foreign father the employees of Irish parentage show higher average yearly earnings than the employees of German parentage, the latter showing a higher percentage than the former earning under $200, under $600, and under $1,000 per year, while the former shows a higher percentage earning under $400. Of the foreign-born employees the Irish show average yearly earnings of $648, the Germans $582, and the Greeks $430. The Slovak employees, the Lithuanians, the Poles, and the South Italians show average yearly earnings of from $369 to $389 per year; the Turkish employees show average yearly earnings of less than $300. The Turkish employees show the highest percentage earning under $200 and under $400 per year, none of the Irish or Slovak employees earn under the first-mentioned amount, and only 10.5 per cent of the Irish earn under the amount last mentioned. The Slovak employees show 100 per cent and the German employees only 51.4 per cent earning under $600 per year. The Turkish employees, the Slovaks, the Poles, and the South Italians show 100 per cent earning under $1,000, while the German and Irish employees show 97.1 and 92.1 per cent, respectively, earning under the above-mentioned amount. ANNUAL EARNINGS OF FEMALES 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER IN THE HOUSEHOLDS STUDIED. The following table shows, by general nativity and race of individual, the yearly earnings of all females in the households studied who were 18 years of age or over and who were working for wages: TABLE 40-Yearly earnings (approximate) of females 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. |