Lapas attēli

TABLE 69.-Per cent of employees 20 years of age or over in each conjugal condition, by sex and general nativity and race- -Continued.

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Of the 14,271 persons included in the preceding table, 50.9 per cent are married, 43.6 per cent single, and 5.5 per cent widowed. The foreign-born shows the largest and the native-born of foreign father the smallest proportion who are married, the reverse being true as regards those who are single. The Greek is the only foreign-born race showing a larger proportion single than married. Comparing the males and females, it is seen that a much larger proportion of the former are married than single and a relatively small proportion widowed. The reverse is true as regards the females. The Armenians, Greeks, Lithuanians, and South Italians show a larger proportion of married women than of married men, who are employed. The proportion of widows ranges from 18.6 per cent of the Canadians "Other' to none as shown by the Armenians and Greeks, while the proportion of widowers ranges from 7.2 per cent of the French Canadians to none of the Lithuanians.

The table next presented further classifies the totals of the one preceding and shows the percentage of employees for whom information was secured who were in each conjugal condition, by general nativity and race and by age groups.

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TABLE 70.-Per cent of employees in each conjugal condition, by sex and age groups, and by general nativity and race.


(This table includes only races with 200 or more persons reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.]

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Native-born of native father, white... Native-born of foreign father, by country of of birth of father:



Germany Ireland..

Foreign-born, by race:

Canadian, French..


2,079 55.4 43.6 1.0 1,417 15. 279.9 4.9 691 5.6 82.611.7 4, 187 33.6 62.3 4.1

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

74 16.2 83.8


[blocks in formation]

101 3.0 83. 2 13.9
45 6.7 84.4 8.9
43 9.3 81.4 9.3
93 3.2 86. 0 10. 8
7 (a) (a) (a)
9 (a) (a) (a)


[blocks in formation]

66 13.6 71.2 15.2

387 22. 270.5 7.2 206 23.3 71.4 5.3 149 24.8 71.8 3.4 214 17.8 77.6 4.7 251 72.9 26.3 .8 369 44. 455.3' .3 209 34.9 59.3 5.7

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TABLE 70.-Per cent of employees in each conjugal condition, by sex and age groups, and by general nativity and race-Continued.

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Grand total..

Total native-born of for

eign father... Total native-born. Total foreign-born...

7,724 65.4 32.9 1.7 4,743 20.8 71.5 7.7 1,804 9.7 74.116.214, 271 43.650.9 5.5

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

The above table shows that of 14,271 persons reporting conjugal condition 43.6 per cent are single, 50.9 per cent are married, and 5.5 per cent are widowed. Of persons from 20 to 29 years of age, 32.9 per cent are married, and 1.7 per cent are widowed. Of those from 30 to 44 years of age, 71.5 per cent are married and 7.7 per cent are widowed. The employees who are 45 years of age or over show 74.1 per cent who are married and 16.2 per cent widowed. The foreignborn employees show a higher percentage of married in each age group than either the native whites born of native father or the native-born of foreign father, which follow in the order named. In each age group the employees who are native whites born of native father show a higher percentage widowed than those who are native-born of foreign father or foreign-born, which follow as named. Among the employees who are native-born of foreign father those whose fathers were born in Canada show the highest percentage married in the group of persons from 20 to 29 years of age. The employees whose fathers were born in Canada also show the highest percentage married in the group from 30 to 44 years of age and in the group including all persons 20 years of age or over. Among the employees 45 years of age or over, those whose fathers were born in Germany show the highest percentage married, while the employees whose fathers were born in Ireland show the smallest proportion married in each age group. The employees

whose fathers were born in England show the highest percentage widowed in each age group, the employees whose fathers were born in Canada showing the smallest proportion of persons widowed who were from 20 to 29, and from 30 to 44 years of age, while in the group of persons 45 years of age or over the employees whose fathers were born in Germany show the smallest proportion widowed. Among the foreignborn employees the Slovaks show the highest proportion married and the English the highest percentage widowed of those who are from 20 to 29 years of age. The Slovaks show the highest per cent married and the Canadians other than French the highest per cent widowed in the group of persons from 30 to 44 years of age. Among those who are 45 years of age or over the South Italians exhibit the greatest proporitons who are married and the Canadians other than French the greatest proportion who are widowed. Of the employees who are 20 years of age or over the Slovaks show the highest percentage who are married and the Canadians other than French show the highest percentage widowed. In the group including persons from 20 to 29 years of age the Greeks show the smallest proportion who are married and the Greeks, Irish, and North Italians no persons who are widowed. Among the employees from 30 to 44 years of age the Irish show the smallest percentage married and the Russian Hebrews no persons who are widowed. In the group including persons from 45 years of age or over the Canadians other than French show the smallest proportion married. Of the employees 20 years of age or over, the Greeks show the smallest percentage married and the Russian Hebrews the smallest percentage widowed. In each age group the male employees show a higher percentage married than the female employees, while the latter show a considerably higher percentage widowed than the male.

The following table shows, by sex, age groups, and by general nativity and race of individual, the percentage of persons in the households studied who were in each conjugal condition:

TABLE 71.-Per cent of persons in each conjugal condition, by sex and age groups, and by general nativity and race of individual.


[This table includes only races with 80 or more persons reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.]

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Num- Percent who Num- Per cent who Num- Per cent who Num- Per cent who

General nativity and race of individual.

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TABLE 71.-Per cent of persons in each conjugal condition, by sex and age groups, and by general nativity and race of individual-Continued.

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General nativity and race of individual.



Num- Per cent who Num- Per cent who Num- Per cent who Num- Per cent who

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