All expenses. 43 Stat. 336; 44 Stat. 105; 45 Stat. 871; 47 26 U.S. C. §§ 600-645. Stat. 286. Printing and binding. All expenses. Printing and binding. Proviso. BOARD OF TAX APPEALS For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Board of Tax Appeals as authorized under title IX, section 900, of the Revenue Act of 1924, approved June 2, 1924, as amended by title X of the Revenue Act of 1926, approved February 26, 1926, and title IV of the Revenue Act of 1928, approved May 29, 1928, and title IX of the Revenue Act of 1932, approved June 6, 1932, including personal services and contract stenographic reporting services, rent outside the District of Columbia, traveling expenses, carfare, stationery, furniture, office equipment, purchase and exchange of typewriters, law books and books of reference, periodicals, and all other necessary supplies, $528,000. For all printing and binding for the Board of Tax Appeals, $29,000. CENTRAL STATISTICAL BOARD For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Central Statistical Board as authorized by law, including personal services in the District of Columbia; traveling expenses; materials; supplies; office equipment; mimeographing, special messenger, contract stenographic reporting, and other services; newspapers; periodicals and press clippings; repairs and alterations; and not to exceed $200 for expenses of attendance at meetings which in the discretion of the chairman are necessary for the efficient discharge of the responsibilities of the Board, $125,000. For all printing and binding for the Central Statistical Board, $1,000. Total, Central Statistical Board, $126,000: Provided, That no be available; excep- other money appropriated in this or any other Act, except the money No other funds to tion. 52 Stat. 412. Salaries and penses. Post, p. 1302. 52 Stat. 973. IV, ch. 9. ex 4.S. C., Supp. Traveling expenses. Attendance at meet ings. Air Safety Board. appropriated for the Board in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1939, shall be available for the Central Statistical Board after the passage of this Act. CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY Salaries and expenses: For salaries and expenses of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, including the expenses of operation, maintenance, and upkeep of air navigation facilities, in carrying out the duties, powers, and functions devolving upon it pursuant to the authority contained in the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 973), including traveling expenses and expenses of employees detailed by the Chairman of the Authority or the Administrator to attend meetings of associations, organizations, or other properly constituted bodies concerned with the civil aeronautics industry or the art of aeronautics, in the United States or in foreign countries; personal services and rentals in the District of Columbia and elsewhere including expenses of the Air Safety Board other than those specifically provided for under "Salaries and Expenses Air Safety Board"; contract stenographic reporting services; fees and mileage of witnesses; examination of estimates of appropriations in the field, including actual Transportation of expenses of subsistence or per diem allowance in lieu thereof; expenses of packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of household effects and other personal property (not exceeding in any one case five thousand pounds) of employees when transferred from one official station to another for permanent duty, upon specific authorization Purchase of books, by the Chairman of the Authority or the Administrator; purchase and exchange of professional and scientific books, law books, books personal property. etc. of reference, atlases and maps, periodicals and newspapers; purchase and exchange (not to exceed $400,000), operation, maintenance, repair, and overhaul of aircraft, aircraft power plants, propellers and equipment, and spare parts therefor; purchase and exchange (not to exceed $45,000), hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of passengercarrying automobiles, including two automobiles for use in the District of Columbia; and purchase of special clothing, wearing apparel, and suitable equipment for aviation purposes (including rubber boots, snowshoes, and skis), $13,738,000, of which $557,000 shall be available for the Technical Development Division: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for payments, at a rate not to exceed 3 cents per mile, to maintenance and operating personnel, as reimbursement to such personnel of the expenses of necessary travel in their personally owned automobiles within the limits of their official posts of duty when such travel is performed in connection with the maintenance and operation of remotely controlled air navigation facilities. Air Safety Board, salaries and expenses. Ante, p. 526. 52 Stat. 1012. Aircraft, automobiles, etc. Salaries and expenses, Air Safety Board: For salaries and expenses of the Air Safety Board in carrying out the duties and functions devolving upon it pursuant to the provisions of sections 701 and 702 of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, except clause (5) of subsection 702 (a) thereof (52 Stat. 973), including personal services IV, § 581-582. in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; rent and expenses incident to the operation of field offices; traveling expenses; contract stenographic reporting services; fees and mileage of witnesses; operation, maintenance, repair, and overhaul of aircraft; hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger-carrying automobiles, including one automobile for use in the District of Columbia; and purchase of special clothing, wearing apparel, and suitable equipment for aviation purposes (including rubber boots, snowshoes, and skis), $380,000, of which amount not to exceed $25,000 may be expended for temporary employment in the investigation of aircraft accidents of consultants and experts on a contract or fee basis without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes. Investigation of aircraft accidents. R.S. § 3709. Printing and bind ing. Establishment of air-navigation facili Acquisition of sites. Provisos. Printing and binding: For printing and binding, $100,000. Establishment of air-navigation facilities: For the establishment of additional air navigation facilities, including the equipment of ties. additional civil airways for day and night flying; the construction of additional necessary lighting, radio, and other signaling and communicating structures and apparatus; the alteration and modernization of existing air navigation facilities; and for the acquisition of the necessary sites by lease or grant, $7,000,000, of which amount tual obligations. $2,000,000 shall be available for the payment of contractual obligations authorized to be incurred prior to July 1, 1939: Provided, That in addition to the amount herein appropriated, the Administrator tional navigation aids. may, prior to July 1, 1940, enter into contracts for the purchase, construction, and installation of additional air navigation aids not in excess of $2,000,000: Provided further, That this construction work may be accomplished either by contract or by purchase and hire: Provided further, That not to exceed 5 per centum of the amount herein appropriated shall be available for the temporary employment and travel in the field of personnel required in the supervision of this construction work. Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (41 U.S. C. 5) shall not be construed to apply to any purchase or service rendered for the Civil Aeronautics Authority when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $100. Total, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $21,218,000. Construction work. Temporary employces, etc. Minor purchases. Commissioners, and office personnel. ings. Miscellaneous ex penses. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION For three Commissioners and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including personal services required for examination of Presidential postmasters, and including not to exceed $2,500 for employment of expert examiners not in the Federal service on special subjects for which examiners within the service are not available, and for personal services in the field; for medical examinations; for necessary traveling expenses, including those of examiners acting under the direction of the Commission, and for expenses of examinaAttendance at meet- tions and investigations held elsewhere than at Washington, including not to exceed $5,000 for expenses incident to attendance at meetings concerned with problems of public officials, educational groups, Government employees as such, and other similar organizations, which are peculiar to the interests and business of the Commission, when specifically directed by the Commission; for furniture and other equipment and repairs thereto; rental of equipment; supplies; advertising; telegraph, telephone, and laundry service; freight and express charges; streetcar fares not to exceed $300; stationery; purchase and exchange of law books, books of reference, directories, subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, not to exceed $1,000; charts; purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of motortrucks, motorcycles, and bicycles; garage rent; postage stamps to prepay postage on matter addressed to Postal Union countries; special-delivery stamps; and other like miscellaneous necessary expenses not hereAmount immediate inbefore provided for, $4,250,000, of which not to exceed $550,000 shall be immediately available: Provided, That notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, the Civil Service Commission is authorized to expend not to exceed $3,000 of this amount for actuarial services pertaining to the civil service, Canal Zone, and Alaska Railroad retirement and disability funds, to be obtained by contract, without obtaining competition, at such rates of compensation as the Details from de- Commission may determine to be reasonable: Provided further, That no details from any executive department or independent establishment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere to the Commission's central office in Washington or to any of its district offices shall be made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, but this shall not affect the making of details for service as members of the boards of examiners outside the immediate offices of the district managers: trans- Provided further, That the Civil Service Commission shall have power in case of emergency to transfer or detail any of its employees to or from its office or field force. ly available. Provisos. Actuarial services. partments, etc., restriction. Emergency fers, etc., permitted. Printing and binding. Contribution. 41 Stat. 614. For all printing and binding for the Civil Service Commission, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington and elsewhere, $150,000, of which not to exceed $20,000 shall be immediately available. CIVIL-SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND For financing of the liability of the United States, created by the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees in the classified civil service, and for other purposes", approved May 22, 1920, and 5 U. S. C. ch. 14; Acts amendatory thereof (38 U. S. C. 11), $86,329,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the "civil-service retirement and disability fund". Supp. IV, ch. 14. Contribution. CANAL ZONE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND For financing of the liability of the United States, created by the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company, on the Isthmus of Panama, who are citizens of the United States", approved March 2, 1931, and Acts amendatory thereof (48 U. S. C. 1371n), $500,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the "Canal Zone retirement and disability fund". ALASKA RAILROAD RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND 46 Stat. 1471. Contribution. For financing of the liability of the United States created by the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees of the Alaska Railroad, Territory of Alaska, who are citizens of the United States", approved June 29, 1936 (49 Stat. 2017), $175,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the "Alaska Railroad retirement and dis- IV. $$ 745-745r. ability fund". Total, Civil Service Commission, $91,404,000. CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS 49 Stat. 2017. 5 U. S. C., Supp. All expenses. 50 Stat. 319. Vehicles. Printing and binding. Travel expenses; at Building construction, etc.; restriction. Enrollees. For all authorized and necessary expenses to carry into effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a Civilian Conservation Corps, and for other purposes", approved June 28, 1937, including personal services in the District of Columbia and else- IV, ch. 3A. where; the purchase and exchange of law books, books of reference, periodicals, and newspapers; rents in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; the purchase (including exchange), operation, maintenance and repair of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passengercarrying vehicles to be used only for official purposes; hire, with or without personal services, of work animals, animal-drawn and motorpropelled vehicles, and watercraft; printing and binding; travel expenses, including not to exceed $2,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Corps when specifically tendance at meetings. authorized by the Director; construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of buildings, but the cost of any building erected hereunder shall not exceed $25,000; and all other necessary expenses; $295,000,000, of which $174,281,000 shall be available only for pay, subsistence, clothing (and repair thereof), transportation, and hospitalization of enrollees; $3,000,000 shall be immediately available for the purchase of motor-propelled equipment; and $286,301 may be expended in the District of Columbia for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Director: Provided, That an enrollee in the Civilian Conservation Corps, or member, or former member of the Military transfusions. Establishment, who shall furnish blood from his or her veins for transfusion to the veins of an enrollee or discharged enrollee of the Civilian Conservation Corps undergoing treatment in a Government or civilian hospital authorized to treat such patient, shall be entitled to be paid therefor a reasonable sum not to exceed $50 for each of such transfusions undergone: Provided further, That the Director may authorize the exchange of motor-propelled and horse-drawn authorized. vehicles, tractors, road equipment, and boats, and parts, accessories, tires, or equipment thereof, in whole or in part payment for vehicles, tractors, road equipment, or boats, accessories, tires, or equipment of such vehicles, tractors, road equipment, or boats which the corps has purchased. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ALLEY DWELLING The unexpended balance on June 30, 1939, of the "Conversion of inhabited alleys fund," established pursuant to the provisions of the District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act, together with all accretions during the fiscal year 1940 to said fund under the provisions of Office of the Director. Post, p. 1303. Exchange of vehi cles, equipment, etc., Funds continued available. 52 Stat. 414. 48 Stat. 930; 52 Stat. 1186. 50 Stat. 888. 42 U. S. C., Supp. IV, §§ 1401-1430. Salaries and ex penses. Post, p. 931. Printing and binding. Employees' pensation fund. 39 Stat. 742. com 5 U. S. C. §§ 751 said Act and of the United States Housing Act of 1937 shall be available until June 30, 1940, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of said District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act. EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION COMMISSION For three Commissioners and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including not to exceed $1,000 for temporary experts and assistants in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, to be paid at a rate not exceeding $8 per day, and for personal services in the field; for furniture and other equipment and repairs thereto; law books, books of reference, periodicals; stationery and supplies; traveling expenses; fees and mileage of witnesses; contract stenographic reporting services; rent at the seat of government and elsewhere; and miscellaneous items; $510,000. For all printing and binding for the Employees' Compensation Commission, $8,400. Employees' compensation fund: For the payment of compensation provided by "An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes", approved September 7, 1916 (5 796; Supp. IV, ch. 15. U. S. C. 785), including medical examinations, traveling and other expenses, and loss of wages payable to employees under sections 21 and 22; all services, appliances, and supplies provided by section 9 as amended, including payments to Army and Navy hospitals; the transportation and burial expenses provided by sections 9 and 11; and advancement of costs for the enforcement of recoveries provided in sections 26 and 27 where necessary, accruing during the fiscal year 1940 or in prior fiscal years, $4,500,000. Administrative ex penses 48 Stat. 351. compen EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION FUND, CIVIL WORKS For administrative expenses (not to exceed $8,370) and payment Petion payments. Pen of compensation in connection with the administration of the benefits for employees of the Civil Works Administration in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act making an additional appropriation to carry out the purposes of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, for continuation of the Civil Works program, and for other purposes," approved February 15, 1934 (48 Stat. 352), and in connection with the administration of the benefits authorized by title V of the Act entitled "An Act to liberalize the provisions of Public Law Numbered 484, Seventy-third Congress, to effect uniform provisions in laws administered by the Veterans' Administration, to extend the Employees' Compensation Act with limitations to certain World War veterans and other persons, and for other purposes," approved June 29, 1936 (49 Stat. 2035), $208,870 of the special fund set up on the books of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of said Act shall be available for expenditure during the fiscal year 1940. 49 Stat. 2035. Administrative ex sation payments. EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION FUND, EMERGENCY CONSERVATION WORK For administrative expenses (not to exceed $34,040) and payment penises and compen- of compensation in connection with the administration of the benefits for enrollees of the Civilian Conservation Corps in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935," approved June 19, 1934 (48 Stat., p. 1057), $677,640 of the special fund set up on the books of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of said Act shall be available for expenditure during the fiscal year 1940. 48 Stat. 1056. |