Teachers' salaries, D. C. AN ACT To amend section 9, article V, of an Act known as "An Act to amend the Act entitled 'An Act to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia', approved June 20, 1906, as amended, and for other purposes."
Cotton pool participation trust certificates, retirement.
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To extend the time for retirement of cotton pool participation trust certificates__ Papers of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Thomas Pinckney. AN ACT Authorizing the Library of Congress to acquire by purchase, or otherwise, the whole, or any part, of the papers of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Thomas Pinckney, including therewith a group of documents relating to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, now in the possession of Harry Stone, of New York City. Army participation in Olympic Games. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to pay certain expenses incident to the training, attendance, and participation of the equestrian and modern pentathlon teams in the Twelfth Olympic Games. Apr. 10, 1939... 572 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, subsection repealed. AN ACT To repeal subsection (4) of subsection (c) of section 101 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938___ 8 Agrarian claims against Mexico. JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing appropriation for expenses of a representative of the United States and of his assistants, and for one-half of the joint expenses of this Government and the Government of Mexico, in giving effect to the agreement of November 9-12, 1938, between the two Governments providing for the settlement of American claims for damages resulting from expropriations of agrarian properties since August 30, 1927. Panama Canal employees, annuities. AN ACT To amend the Canal Zone Code...
Public Salary Tax Act of 1939. AN ACT Relating to the tax- ation of the compensation of public officers and employees. Government disbursing officers, etc., credit in accounts. AN ACT To authorize and direct the Comptroller General of the United States to allow credit for all outstanding disallowances and suspensions in the accounts of the disbursing officers or agents of the Government for payments made to certain employees appointed by the United States Employees' Com- pensation Commission...
9 National Gallery of Art. JOINT RESOLUTION Amending the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution providing for the construction and maintenance of a National Gallery of Art", approved March 24, 1937. Work relief and relief, additional appropriation, 1939. JOINT RESOLUTION Making a further additional appropriation for work relief and relief for the fiscal year ending June 30,
Army disbursing officers. AN ACT For the relief of certain disbursing officers of the Army of the United States and for the settlement of individual claims approved by the War Department...
Department of Labor, special statistical studies. AN ACT To authorize the Department of Labor to continue to make special statistical studies upon payment of the cost thereof, and for other purposes---- Social Security Act, amendment. AN ACT To increase the authorization for appropriations for the administration of State unemployment compensation laws. - Naval vessels. AN ACT To authorize alterations and repairs to certain naval vessels, and for other purposes- Coast Guard Academy, contingent expenses. AN ACT To authorize contingent expenditures, United States Coast Guard Academy...
United Confederate Veterans' reunion, Marine Band attendance. AN ACT To authorize the attendance of the Marine Band at the United Confederate Veterans' 1939 reunion at Trini- dad, Colorado, August 22, 23, 24, and 25, 1939, and for other purposes...
Signing of the Constitution, painting. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the painting of the signing of the Constitution for placement in the Capitol Building..
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Foreign Service, salaries, retirement, etc. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing compensation therefor", approved February 23, 1931... Cooperative agricultural extension work. AN ACT To provide for the further development of cooperative agricultural exten- sion work.... National Encampment, G. A. R., Marine Band attendance. AN ACT To authorize the attendance of the Marine Band at the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic to be held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from August 27 to September 1, inclusive, 1939.. Naval aviation facilities, etc. AN ACT To authorize the Secre- tary of the Navy to proceed with the construction of certain public works, and for other purposes. Military Appropriation Act, 1940. AN ACT Making appro- priations for the Military Establishment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes. Navy, auxiliary vessels. AN ACT To permit the President to acquire and convert, as well as to construct, certain auxiliary vessels for the Navy..
Coast Guard station, Mich. AN ACT To provide for the estab- lishment of a Coast Guard station on the east coast of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
Bridge, Mahoning River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the city of Youngstown, Ohio, to construct, main- tain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Mahoning River at or near Marshall Street, Youngstown, Ohio.. Coast and Geodetic Survey, medical facilities. AN ACT To provide for the assignment of medical officers of the Public Health Service for duty on vessels of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and for other purposes-
Bridge, Mahoning River. ÂN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the city of Youngstown, Ohio, to construct, main- tain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Mahoning River at or near Cedar Street, Youngstown, Ohio... Bridge, Allegheny River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to Westmoreland County in the State of Penn- sylvania to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway intercounty bridge and approaches across the Allegheny River, connecting Valley Camp in Westmoreland County and East Deer Township in Allegheny County, to connect State Highway Routes Numbered 28 and 56.. Bridge, St. Lawrence River. AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at or near Ogdensburg, New York..
Bridge, Ottawa River. AN ACT Authorizing the Department of Highways of the State of Ohio to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Ottawa River at or near the city of Toledo, State of Ohio..
Navy and Marine Memorial. AN ACT To provide for the completion of the Navy and Marine Memorial.. Bridge, Cumberland River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the Highway Department of Davidson County, of the State of Tennessee, to construct a bridge across Cum- berland River, at a point approximately one and three-fourths miles below Clees Ferry, connecting a belt-line highway in Davidson County, State of Tennessee, known as the Old Hickory Boulevard..
Bridge, Wa accamaw River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the State Highway Commission of North Caro- lina to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across Waccamaw River between Old Dock and Ash, North Carolina...
Bridge, Wabash River. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Indiana to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Wabash River at or near Peru, Indiana.. Bridge, Mahoning River.
AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the city of Warren, Ohio, to construct, main- tain, and operate a free footbridge over Mahoning River, near Stiles Street Northwest, Warren, Ohio...
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Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction_of_a_bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Rock Island, Illinois, to a place at or near the city of Davenport, Iowa-- Metered services to Government, accounting." AN ACT To amend the Act approved April 27, 1937, entitled "An Act to simplify accounting." 12 Temporary National Economic Committee, expenses. JOINT RESOLUTION To amend the joint resolution approved June 16, 1938, entitled "Joint resolution to create a Tempo- rary National Economic Committee.". International fairs, 1939, importation of distilled spirits, etc. AN ACT Relating to the importation of distilled spirits for con- sumption at the New York World's Fair, 1939, and the Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939, and to duties on certain articles to be exhibited at the New York World's Fair, 1939. Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939. AN ACT Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1939, and June 30, 1940, and for other purposes--. Veterans of certain wars, etc. AN ACT To provide domiciliary care, medical and hospital treatment, and burial benefits to certain veterans of the Spanish-American War, the Philip- pine Insurrection, and the Boxer Rebellion- Temporary detail of U. S. employees to designated governments. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the temporary detail of United States employees, possessing special qualifications, to governments of American republics and the Philippines, and for other purposes", approved May 25, 1938.
13 Treasury Department, supplemental appropriations,
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JOINT RESOLUTION Making supplemental appropriations for printing and binding and stationery for the Treasury De- partment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939– Long Island Railroad Company. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to terminate certain leases of the Long Island Railroad Company-
Treasury and Post Office Departments, appropriations, 1940. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Treasury and Post Office Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes..
Mississippi judicial districts. AN ACT To amend section 90 of the Judicial Code, as amended, with respect to the terms of the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi...
Former Fort Armistead Military Reservation. AN ACT Making inapplicable certain reversionary provisions in the Act of March 4, 1923 (42 Stat. 1450), and a certain deed executed by the Secretary of War, in the matter of a lease to be entered into by the United States for the use of a part of the former Fort Armistead Military Reservation for air-navigation
Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1940. AN ACT Mak- ing appropriations for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes.-- Idaho judicial district. AN ACT To amend section 78 of the Judicial Code, relating to the district of Idaho. War Department, obsolete, etc., machines. AN ACT To author- ize the Secretary of War to exchange obsolete, unsuitable, and unserviceable machines and tools pertaining to the man- ufacture or repair of ordnance matériel for new machines and tools.
14 National Aviation Day. JOINT RESOLUTION Designating August 19 of each year as National Aviation Day- Pneumatic mail tube systems. AN ACT To provide for the appraisal of the pneumatic mail tube systems in New York and Boston.......
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General Headquarters Air Force, commanding general. ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes", approved June 3, 1916, as amended by the Act of June 4, 1920, so as to confer on the commanding gen- eral, General Headquarters Air Force, the same retirement privileges now enjoyed by chiefs of branches_ Pneumatic-tube service, substitutes. AN ACT To provide time credits for substitutes in the pneumatic-tube service... Pneumatic-tube-system employees, night work. AN ACT To provide a differential in pay for night work to pneumatic- tube-system employees in the Postal Service. Pneumatic-tube-system employees, hours. AN ACT To extend the provisions of the forty-hour law to pneumatic-tube- system employees in the Postal Service... 15 Sacramento Golden Empire Centennial. JOINT RESOLU- TION Authorizing the President to invite other nations to participate in the Sacramento Golden Empire Centennial commemorating the one-hundredth anniversary of the founding of Sacramento by Captain John A. Sutter... Threatening communications. AN ACT To amend the statutes providing punishment for transmitting threatening communi- cations..
Coast Guard, mailing of firearms. AN ACT To authorize the mailing of pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed on the person, to officers of the Coast Guard. May 15, 1939. 744 Postal Service, leaves of absence. AN ACT Granting postal em- ployees credit for Saturday in annual and sick leave law, thereby conforming to the forty-hour workweek or five-day- week law....
Pneumatic-tube-system employees, hours. AN ACT Limiting working hours of pneumatic-tube-system employees to eight in ten hours a day.
16 Lighthouse Service, celebration of 150th anniversary. JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for the participation of the United States in the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anni- versary of the establishment of the United States Lighthouse Service...
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Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT Creating the Arkansas- Mississippi Bridge Commission; defining the authority, power, and duties of said Commission; and authorizing said Commission and its successors and assigns to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Friar Point, Mississippi, and Helena, Arkansas, and for other purposes-
Judicial Code, amendment. AN ACT To provide that records certified by the Court of Claims to the Supreme Court, in response to writs of certiorari, may include material portions of the evidence, and for other purposes.. Reproductions of official insignia. AN ACT To prohibit reproductions of official badges, identification cards, and other insignia----
Carson City, Nev., Mint site. AN ACT To authorize a sale of the old Carson City (Nevada) Mint site and building not- withstanding the provisions of Joint Resolution Numbered 18 of February 23, 1865.
Real estate devised by Lizzie Beck. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to accept real estate devised to the United States by the late Lizzie Beck, of Mena, Arkansas, and for other purposes-
Coos Bay Wagon Road grant fund. AN ACT Relating to the disposition of funds derived from the Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands...
Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT To further extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Garrison, North Dakota. May 24, 1939___ Coast Guard, retirement. AN ACT To increase further the efficiency of the Coast Guard by authorizing the retirement under certain conditions of enlisted personnel thereof with twenty or more years of service....
Bridge, St. Louis River. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Port Authority of Duluth, Minne- sota, and the Harbor Commission of Superior, Wisconsin, to construct a highway bridge across the Saint Louis River from Rice's Point in Duluth, Minnesota, to Superior in Wisconsin", approved June 30, 1938.
Coast Guard, personnel. AN ACT To readjust the commis- sioned personnel of the Coast Guard, and for other purposes. Navy Department, appropriations, 1940. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Navy Department and the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes.
Agricultural Adjustment Act, amendment. AN ACT To extend the time during which orders and marketing agreements under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, may be appli- cable to hops_-
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Vessels, load lines. AN ACT To amend the Act of March 2, 1929 (45 Stat. 1492), entitled "An Act to establish load lines for American vessels, and for other purposes. Fort Snelling Bridge, Minn. AN ACT To authorize the transfer to the State of Minnesota of the Fort Snelling Bridge at Fort Snelling, Minnesota.. Duluth, Minn., easement for use of federally owned lands. AN ACT Authorizing and directing the Secretary of War to exe- cute an easement deed to the city of Duluth for park, recrea- tional, and other public purposes covering certain federally owned lands..
Pine Ridge Sioux lost allotment claims. AN ACT To provide for the correction of the list of approved Pine Ridge lost allot- ment claims, and for other purposes.. Rio Grande Compact. AN ACT Giving the consent and ap- proval of Congress to the Rio Grande compact signed at Santa Fe, New Mexico, on March 18, 1938_. Reclamation projects, relief to water users. AN ACT To author- ize further relief to water users on United States reclamation projects and on Indian reclamation projects____. Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, to make its provisions applicable to apples produced in the States of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho..
American seamen, allotment of wages. AN ACT To amend section 10 (b), (c), and (d) of the Act of June 26, 1884, as amended (U. S. C., 1934 edition, title 46, sec. 599), relative to the allotment of wages by seamen
Vessels, change of masters. AN ACT To amend section 4335 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relative to change of masters of vessels..
Vessels, renewal of licenses. AN ACT To amend section 4325 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended, relative to renewal of licenses of vessels____ Foreign military and air attachés, aviation supplies, etc. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to provide for the sale of aviation supplies and services to aircraft operated by foreign military and air attachés accredited to the United States, and for other purposes..
International Petroleum Exposition. AN ACT Authorizing the President to invite the States of the Union and foreign countries to participate in the International Petroleum Expo- sition at Tulsa, Oklahoma, to be held May 18 to May 25, 1940_.
Coast Guard facilities. AN ACT To authorize necessary facili- ties for the Coast Guard in the interest of national defense and the performance of its maritime police functions----- Vessels, renewal of licenses. AN ACT To amend section 4498 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended, relative to the renewal of licenses of vessels.. Navy, construction, etc. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with the construction of certain public works, and for other purposes-
Umpqua River Lighthouse Reservation, Oreg. AN ACT Author- izing the Secretary of Commerce to convey a certain tract of land to the State of Oregon for use as a public park and recreational site.
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