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" ... to direct and prosecute in such mode and by such persons as it may appoint, all such inquiries as the court may think needful to enable it to form a just judgment in the matter of such petition... "
Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the Year Ending ... - 104. lappuse
autors: Iowa. Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1891
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., 1. sējums

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1895 - 698 lapas
...manner as to do justice in the premises ; and to this end such court shall have power, if it think fit, to direct and prosecute in such mode and by such persons...the matter of such petition; and on such hearing the findings of fact in the report of said commission shall be prima facie evidence of the matters therein...
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The Supreme Court Reporter, 18. sējums

1899 - 988 lapas
...manner as to do* justice In the premises, and to this end, such court shall have power, if It think fit, to direct and prosecute In such mode and by such persons...inquiries as the court may think needful to enable it to forin a just judgment in the matter of such petition," extend as well to nn inquiry or proceeding under...
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The Supreme Court Reporter, 22. sējums

1902 - 988 lapas
...premise*; and to this end said court AM have power, if it thinks fit, to direct and prosecute in euch c ! f DԒ4\a ;ΤbIJ \5 S I may seem needful to enable it to form a just judgment in the matter of such petition. On such hearing...
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Interstate Commerce: Debate in Forty-Eighth Congress, Second Session ...

United States. Congress - 1884 - 582 lapas
...manner as to do justice in the premises; and to this end such court »hall have power, if it think dt, to direct and prosecute in such mode and by such persons as it may appoint, all such inquirir- us the court may think needful to enable it to form a just judgment in the matter of such...
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Interstate Commerce: Debate in Forty-Eighth Congress, Second Session ...

United States. Congress - 1884 - 634 lapas
...manner as to do justice in the premises ; and to this end such court shall have power, if It think lit. to direct and prosecute, in such mode and by such persons as it may appoint, all euch inquiries as the court may think needful to enable it to form a just judgment in the matter of...
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An Investor's Notes on American Railroads

John Swann - 1886 - 244 lapas
...manner as to do justice in the premises ; and to this end such court shall have power, if it think fit, to direct and prosecute, in such mode and by such...petition ; and on such hearing the report of said Commission shall be primd facie evidence of the matters therein stated ; and if it be made to appear...
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Railroad Commission of Kentucky - 1887 - 198 lapas
...manner as to do justice in the premises ; and to this end such court shall have power, if it think fit, to direct and prosecute, in such mode and by such...petition ; and on such hearing the report of said Commission shall be prima facie evidence of the matters therein stated ; and if it be made to appear...
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Light on the Law: A Reference Book on "The Act to Regulate Commerce ...

1887 - 236 lapas
...manner as to do justice in the premises ; and to this end such court shall have power, if it think fit, to direct and prosecute, in such mode and by such...petition ; and on such hearing the report of said Commission shall be prima facie evidence of the matters therein stated ; and if it be made to appear...
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Annual Report

New Hampshire. Railroad Commissioners - 1887 - 438 lapas
...manner as to do justice in the premises ; and to this end such court shall have power, if it think fit, to direct and prosecute, in such mode and by such...petition ; and on such hearing the report of said commission shall be prima-facie evidence of the matters therein stated; and if it be made to appear...
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Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of New ..., 43. sējums

New Hampshire. Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1887 - 446 lapas
...manner as to do justice in the premises : and to this end such court shall have power, if it think fit, to direct and prosecute, in such mode and by such...petition ; and on such hearing the report of said commission shall be prima-fncie evidence of the matters therein stated ; and if it be made to appear...
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