CURRENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. CASH AND CURRENT ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PAYMENT OF CURRENT LIABILITIES. CURRENTJLIABILITIES ACCRUED TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1890. Audited vouchers and accounts Wages and salaries.. Net traffic balances due to other companies Matured interest coupons unpaid (including coupons due July 1) Total *Materials and supplies on hand, $2,071,297.20. RECAPITULATION. FOR MILEAGE OWNED BY ROAD MAKING THIS REPORT. (Including proprietary companies whore operations are embraced in this report.) FOR MILEAGE OPERATED BY ROAD MAKING THIS REPORT (TRACKAGE RIGHTS EXCLUDED), THE OPERATIONS OF WHICH ARE INCLUDED IN THE Total Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company and proprietary companies whose operations are included in this report 127,371,792.89 $ 29,967.15 6,577.46 82,707,467.78 $160,923,522.21 $155,328,489.99 $ 36,544.61 740,900.79 44,036,851.42 42,505.766.75 36.544.61 * On the old and more completed parts of the road petty expenditures for construction and equipment amounting to less than $250 each are charged to operating expenses. INCOME ACCOUNT. Gross earnings from operation..... Income from operation Interest on bonds owned..... ...... 27,421,193.46 Miscellaneous income, less expenses Dividend on stock of Consolidation Coal Co., whose accounts are embraced in the balance sheet.. Income from other sources.. Total income.... DEDUCTIONS FROM INCOME Interest on funded debt accrued Total deductions from income. Dividends, six per cent, common stock. Total.. Sarplus from operations of year ending June 30, 1890 Surplus on June 30. 1889. Less amount charged to income account for reduction of cost of stock of the C., St. P., M. & O. Railway Company on the company's books to $10,000,0000... Surplus on June 30, 1890 ..$ 5,803.688.38 758,043.04 202,570.00 $ 6,764,301.42 $ 4,022,902.89 ..$ 1,882,194.00 $ 3,444,979.00 577,923.89 $5,042,579.52 315,659.90 4,726,919.62 $ 5,304,843.51 |