CLASS OF BOND OR OBLIGATION. Date of issue. TIME. FUNDED DEBT. MORTGAGE BONDS, MISCELLANEOUS OBLIGATIONS, AND INCOME BONDS. When due. Amount of au thorized issue., Amount issued. Plain 1883 1922 7,068,000.00 7,968,000.00 7,968,000.00 Neb. extension mortgage.. 1887 1927 25,400,000.00 25,400,000.00 24,640,000.00 Bond serip..... 26,785.58 26.785.58 7.86 B. & M. Iowa land grant 1863 1893 5,058,330.00 5,058.350.00 4,154,000.00 Consolidated. 18691 1894 900,000.00 900,000.00 66.000.00 Neb. consolidated mortgage.. Republican Valley.. 1879 1918 12,894,000.00 12,894,000.00 12,894,000.00| Amount outstanding. Records burned October, 1871. 4 Mar, and Sept. 172,000.00 172,000.00 4 Feb. and Aug. 318.720.00 318.720.00 5 May and Nov. 450,000.00 450,000.00 4 May and Nov. 995.378.00 996,000.00 CASH AND CURRENT ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR PAYMENT OF CURRENT LIABILITIES. Cash Bills receivable. Due from solvent companies and individuals *Other cash assets (not including material) Total........ *Materials and supplies on hand, $ 1,456,906.14. CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCRUED TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1890. Loans and bills payable ... Audited vouchers and accounts Wages and salaries. Net traffic balances due to other companies, balance Matured interest coupons unpaid Balance-cash assets.. Total 15,223.09 The mileage used here is the total mileage 19,924.66 operated (trackage rights excluded). See Contingent liabilities for note below. branch roads...... 6,330,780.84 All. 5.018.33 1,261 53 Total 8 182,713,793.70 FOR MILEAGE OPERATED BY ROAD MAKING THIS REPORT (TRACKAGE RIGHTS EXCLUDED), THE OPERATIONS OF WHICH ARE INCLUDED IN THE See above table. The bonds and stock practically cover the whole mileage given in above table, as the "leased" roads are bound by leases of long duration, and their bonds are included in the "contingent liabilities" of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. COST OF ROAD, EQUIPMENT AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. EQUIPMENT Locomotives Passenger cars.... Freight cars.... Other cars of all classes Total equipment. Grand total cost construction, equipment, etc..... Total cost construction, equipment, etc., for State of Iowa...... * Cannot give details, as records were destroyed in Chicago fire October, 1871. |