Lapas attēli

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us.


Secretary to the Commissioner.


Superintendent Indian Affairs Confede-
rate States.



Dec. 11, 1861.

Resolved, (two-thirds of the Congress concurring,) That the Congress Patification by of the Confederate States of America do advise and consent to the ratifi- Congress. cation of the articles of a treaty made by Albert Pike, Commissioner of Confederate States to the Indian Nations west of Arkansas, in behalf of the Confederate States, of the one part, and the Cherokee Nation of Indians, by its Principal and Assistant Principal Chiefs, Executive Councillors and Commissioners, for that purpose only, authorized and empowered, of the other part, concluded at Tahlequah, in the Cherokee Nation, on the seventh day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, with the following


I. Add at the end of article xxxv. the following words: "And the Confederate States will request the several States of the Confederacy to adopt and enact the provisions of this article, in respect to suits and proceedings in their respective courts."

II. Strike out from article xliv. the following words: "The same rights and privileges as may be enjoyed by delegates from any Territories of the Confederate States to the said House of Representatives," and insert in lieu thereof the following words: "A seat in the hall of the House of Representatives, to propose and introduce measures for the benefit of the said nation, and to be heard in regard thereto, and on other questions in which the nation is particularly interested; with such other rights and privileges as may be determined by the House of Represenatives.

III. Strike out from article xxxiii. the following words: “ or of a State," and insert in lieu thereof the following words: "or of a State, subject to the laws of the State."

NOTE.--The foregoing amet dments were subsequently concurred in and adopted by the Cherokee Nation.


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duty of the Confed rate and State courts,
judges, &c., on complaints against aliens
and alien enemies remaining in the Con-
federate States,..


apprehension and examination........... 175
order of removal. How otherwise
dealt with......


bond given for appeal, &c., to remain
in force.........
writs of error or appeal lie to the supreme
court from judgments rendered in cau es
pending in the courts of the United States
at the time of the secession of the States, 86-57
appeal to the Attorney General from decision
of Commissioner of Patents,....
proceedings on appeal,




no appeal allowed from decision of ex-
aminer of patents..........
from judgments and decrees of the district
court in actions, &c., under the patent
laws to the supreme court,.....141, 145
transfer of appeal or writ of error from dis-
trict court to the supreme court, where
tre judge of the district court rendered
the decision appealed from,.........
further time allowed parties to appeal or sue
out writ of error from judgments, &c., of
the late district or circuit courts of the
United States,.....



either party to appeals, &c.. in the supreme
court of the United States may file tran-
script of the record, &c., in the supreme
court of the Confederate States,........156-157
writ of error or appeal in copy-right cases
to the supreme court,..........
writs of error and appeal from district
court before organization of the supreme
court, when returnable,........



by whom and how issued.................


Appeal, Writ of Error and Supersedeas,

appeal allowed from decision of superinten-

appeals from final decisions of the courts
under the sequestration act...


dent of public printing......


appeals and writs of error allowed from


court of admiralty, at Key West, Florida,
to the supreme court.......
when writ of error to operate as a superse-
deas and stay of execution,... 80, 82
writ of error or appeal to the supreme court
allowed the accused in criminal cases,..... 82

and from decisions of the supreme court
of the Territory to the supreme court
of the Confederate States,....... 245
provision respecting cases involving
title to slaves and personal freedom, 245

writs of error, &c., allowed from decisions
of district courts to the supreme court in
Arizona Territory,.........


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

for the service of the bureau of Indian Af-
acceptance by Congress of the appropria-
tion made by State of Alabama,.....
moneys appropriated for a particular branch
of expenditure in one department may
be applied to another branch in same de-

[ocr errors]


special account thereof to be laid be-
fore Congress,.....
appropriations in addition to those already
made for the military service, for the
fiscal year ending February 18th, 1862,123-124
for the legislative and executive expenses
of the Government for the year ending
February 18th, 1862,...... ........124-125
for certain deficiencies in the appropria-
tions of the Post-Office Department, for
the year ending February 18th, 1862,...... 125
to meet the incidental expenses of the pub-
lic service within the Indian tribes, for
the year ending February 18th, 1862,..... 127
for the library of the Patent-Office,....
for the pay of additional officers, &c., of
the marine corps, and for the additional
clothing and subsistence of the non-com-
missioned officers, musicians and privates
for the year ending February 18th, 1862,. 150
for pay of officers of the United States navy
who have resigned and whom it is pro-
posed to add to the navy of the Confede
rate States,.....




specific appropriations for the navy for the
year ending February 18th, 1862,....... 155
to defray the expenses of removing the seat
of Government from Montgomery to


of judges, attorneys, clerks and marshals
of district courts in certain Indian terri-


of quartermasters and commissaries at per-
manent posts and depots,......................


Apportionment of Representation

among the States,.



limitation, by Constitution, for armies,......
under the Constitution, no money to be
drawn from the treasury unless appro-
priated by law,.............




act of 1861, March 15, making appropria-
tions for the support of the navy, amend-


..3, 15

for internal improvements, when authorized
under the Constitution,....


for support of three thousand men
three months to be called into service at


for the pay of officers and others at the
navy yard at Norfolk,....
to aid the people and State of Missouri,..... 173
for the construction of a machine generally
known as "Winan's Gun,"




for the support of two thousand additional
men to be called into service at same

for the services of physicians employed in
conjunction with the medical staff of the




for the support of the regular army of the
Confederate States for twelve months
from Maroh 11th, 1861,........................................ 58-59
Secretary of War may apply any part
of the appropriation to the support
of the provisional forces,
for the public defence, and for the pay, sub-
sistence and transportation of volunteer

for the legislative, executive and judicial
expenses of the Government for the year
ending February 4th, 1862,... ...................................

for the pay of nurses and cooks for the
military service,.....


for the public defence for the year ending
February 18th, 1862,....


for military hospitals for the year ending
February 18th, 1862........



for the President of the Alabama and Flori-
da railroad company, being difference in
duty on railroad iron,....




for the expenses of the Government in the
legislative, executive and judicial depart-
ments, for the year ending February 18th,
....190-191, 230-231

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