Miscellaneous Hearings: Hearings Before 83-2 on H.R. 7997 ... S. 1990 and S. 2313 ....

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169. lappuse - major disaster" means any flood, drought, fire, hurricane, earthquake, storm, or other catastrophe in any part of the United States which, in the determination of the President, is or threatens to be of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant disaster assistance by the Federal Government to supplement the efforts and available resources of States and local governments in alleviating the damage, hardship, or suffering caused thereby...
75. lappuse - Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Housing Amendments of 1957".
76. lappuse - All liability that may arise either under the laws of the requesting state or under the laws of the aiding state or under the laws of a third state on account of or in connection with a request for aid, shall be assumed and borne by the requesting state.
78. lappuse - State receiving such aid for any loss or damage to, or expense incurred in the operation of any equipment answering a request for aid, and for the cost of all materials, transportation, wages, salaries and maintenance of...
55. lappuse - Whenever it shall appear to the Commission that any person has engaged or is about to engage in any act or practice constituting a violation of any provision...
78. lappuse - ... (c) No party state or its officers or employees rendering outside aid pursuant to this compact shall be liable on account of any act or omission on...
76. lappuse - State in combating, controlling or preventing forest fires, it shall be the duty of the State forest fire control agency of that State to render all possible aid to the requesting agency which is consonant with the maintenance of protection at home.
55. lappuse - That for the purpose of securing effective enforcement of the provisions of this Act the provisions including penalties, of section 12 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, relating to the attendance and testimony of witnesses, the production of documentary evidence, and the immunity of witnesses, are made applicable to the power, jurisdiction, and authority of the Secretary of Agriculture, the said commission, or said referee in proceedings under this Act, and to persons subject to its provisions.
75. lappuse - The purpose of this compact is to promote effective prevention and control of forest fires in the northeastern region of the United States and adjacent areas in Canada by the development of integrated forest fire plans, by the maintenance of adequate forest fire fighting services by the member states, by providing for mutual aid in fighting forest fires among the states of the region and for procedures that will facilitate such aid, and by the establishment of a central agency to coordinate the services...
78. lappuse - No member state or its officers or employees rendering outside aid pursuant to this compact shall be liable on account of any act or omission on the part of such forces while so engaged, or on account of the maintenance or use of any equipment or supplies in connection therewith.

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