Freight Tariffs, Parts 1, 2, and 3: Copyright, 1923, by INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK Express and Parcel Post: Copyright, 1922, by INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY. CONTENTS NOTE. This book is made up of separate parts, or sections, as indicated by their Importance of freight claims; Competence required in han- dling claims; Failures from incompetence; Time limit for filing claims; Giving notice of claims; With which carrier to file claim; Carrier's treatment of claim; Keeping track Overcharge claims; Bond of indemnity; Excessive weight claims; Reparation claims; Claims for loss; Known and concealed loss; Discrepancies in weight; Notifying carrier; Seals and seal record; Checkers' tallies; Retally- FREIGHT TARIFFS (PART 1) REGULATIONS GOVERNING TARIFFS INTRODUCTION 1. Publication of Rates and Regulations. In the handling of freight traffic two things are essential: (a) all rates, rules, and regulations must be reasonable and free from unjust discrimination; (b) they must be so published and distributed that all who may have occasion to use them will be able to find them and to determine beyond question just what they mean. One of the causes of the passage of legislation regulating the railroads of the country was the common complaint that the rates were too high. The principal causes, however, may be said to be that the railroads either did not publish their rates at all and quoted such rates as they saw fit, or when they did publish them, they did not abide by them, or they published them in such a way that no one could be certain how to interpret them. These conditions gave rise to numerous complaints that there was flagrant discrimination in the transportation of freight throughout the country, and, as will be seen from a study of the Act to Regulate Commerce given in a later Section, it was these conditions that the new legislation was intended to overcome. Congress, in establishing the Interstate Commerce Commission, authorized it to provide such regulations as would enable those handling traffic matters to know just what provisions applied. COPYRIGHTED BY INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |