Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of North Carolina, for the Year Ending ...J. Daniels, State printer and binder, 1894 |
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Aggregate length amount issued Amount outstanding August 29 Balance Sheet barrels bbls boxed Cape Fear Capital stock cars cent Charlotte Cheraw Class of bond Commission Complainant Conducting transportation cost of carrying Cost of road crated Current liabilities Danville Railroad Company DEDUCTIONS FROM INCOME defendant earning revenue earnings from operation earnings per mile earnings per train Fayetteville Fear and Yadkin feet Grand total Gross earnings including General Officers Iron ITEM Janney June 30 leased LOCOMOTIVES Maximum length mile of road Miles run Norfolk North Carolina Railroad Number of passengers Number of tons operating expenses packed par value Passenger and freight plaintiff RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS RAILS Raleigh rates RECAPITULATION Richmond and Danville Roanoke Station agents Telegraph total cost construction Total deductions Total freight earnings Total freight revenue Total including Total mileage operated Total passenger earnings Total passenger revenue trackage rights train mile watchmen Weldon Railroad Western North Carolina Westinghouse Wilmington and Weldon Yadkin Valley
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544. lappuse - Act to charge and receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance; provided, however, that upon application to the Commission appointed under the provisions of this Act, such common carrier may, in special cases, after investigation by the Commission, be authorized to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for the transportation of passengers or property; and the Commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such designated common carrier may be relieved...
559. lappuse - ... a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property, subject to the provisions of this act, than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person or persons for doing for him or them a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic under substantially similar circumstances and conditions, such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination, which is hereby prohibited...
568. lappuse - ... to inmates of the National Homes or State Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and of Soldiers
569. lappuse - All of the expenses of the commission, including all necessary expenses for transportation incurred by the commissioners or by their employees under their orders, in making any investigation, or upon official business in any other places than in the city of Washington, shall be allowed and paid on the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor approved by the commission.
560. lappuse - That it shall be unlawful for any common carrier subject to the provisions of this Act to charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers or of like kind of property, under substantially similar circumstances and conditions, for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line, in the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer distance...
570. lappuse - State, viz., the number of miles of such telegraph and railroad lines in each county in this State and the total number of miles in the State, including the roadbed, right-of-way and superstructures thereon, main and side tracks, depot buildings and depot grounds, section and tool houses...
566. lappuse - Commissioners, and said court shall have power to punish for contempt, as in other cases of refusal to obey the process and order of such court.
496. lappuse - ... stations or station houses, or any change in its rates of fare for transporting freight or passengers, or any change in the mode of operating its road and conducting its business is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience and accommodation of the public...
521. lappuse - State by any railroad company, whether organized under the laws of this State or organized under the laws of another State, and doing business in this State...
558. lappuse - State, shall charge, collect, demand or receive more than a fair or reasonable rate of toll or compensation for the transportation of passengers or freight...