Lapas attēli
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State laws relating to the dispensing of drugs on prescription

Statutory provisions relat-
ing to prescriptions

Alabama: Alabama Laws Delivery of barbiturates ex-
1947, No. 314.

Arizona: Arizona Code,
art. 15.

cept on prescription pro-
hibited (sec. 3).

Sale of dangerous drugs un-
lawful unless on prescrip-
tion. Dangerous drugs
are those bearing prescrip-
tion legend (sec. 67-1519).

Permission to fill oral pre-

Prescription is defined as
written order including
telephonic prescriptions
in emergencies (sec. 2).
Prescription is defined as
including orders trans-
mitted by mouth, tele-
phone, telegraph (sec. 67-
1501 (P)).

Requirement of written confirmation of oral prescription

Dangerous drug list

Prohibition against refills

Yes, within 72 hours.

Yes, no time limit.

Yes (sec. 67-1519).

2. Yes (sec. 29001).

Yes-hypnotic and somnifacient drugs defined.

Refilling prohibited unless
designated on prescription
(sec. 3 (B)).

No prescription can be law-
fully refilled (1) if marked
nonrefillable (2) if on dan-
gerous drug list (sec. 67-
1519 (G)). Other prescrip-
tions can be refilled if issuer
is licensed to administer
drugs and label bears re-
quired information (sec.
67-1519 (H)).

Refills of barbiturates pro-
hibited (sec. 3).

Refilling of prescriptions for
barbiturates prohibited
(sec. 50).
Refilling of prescriptions for
amidopyrine, barbitures,
cincophen, dinitrophenol,
or sulfanilamide prohibited
except on order of physi-
cians (sec. 3944 (K)).

Yes, within 72 hours.

Arkansas: Arkansas Acts 1951, No. 184.


1. California Code
Division XXI, ch. 2
(Deering, 1941).

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Delaware: Del. Laws 1939, Sale of barbiturates or other

C. 92.

hypnotic drugs prohibited unless on written prescription (sec. 1).

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Prescription may be refilled
or oral order of physician
(sec. 3944 (K)).

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State laws relating to the dispensing of drugs on prescription-Continued

Statutory provisions relat- Permission to fill oral pre

ing to prescriptions


Requirement of written con-
firmation of oral prescrip-

Yes, within 72 hours (sec. 37-2402 (d)).

Florida: Fla. Stat. Anno. (Supp. 1950).

Georgia: Ga. Code Anno. (Supp. 1947).

Sale of aminopyrine, barbi-
turates, cincophen, dini-
trophenol, penicillin, sulf-
anilamide, or ampheta-
mine prohibited unless on
written prescription (sec.
500.15 (11)).

Sale of certain named drugs
or any other drugs de-
clared dangerous prohib-
ited except on prescrip-
tion (sec. 42-709).

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Dangerous drug list

Federal Food and Drug
Administration or Florida
commissioner may declare
which drugs are dangerous
or habit-forming (sec.
500.15 (11)).

Drugs declared dangerous
by Federal Food and
Drug Administration or
classified as dangerous by
Georgia State Board of
Pharmacy are on pre-
scription list (see. 42.709).

Drugs there listed and other designated as dangerous and habit forming are misbranded unless sold on prescription (subsec. 13).

Prohibition against refills

Drugs designated by Federal Food and Drug Administration or Florida commissioner as dangerous or habit-forming may be refilled unless marked "N. R." (sec. 500.15 (11)). Refilling prohibited except on doctor's authorization (by regulation, oral or written authorization permissible) (sec. 42-709).

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Sale of barbital prohibited
unless on written prescrip-
tion (sec. 152.09).

Sale of barbiturates pro-
hibited unless on written
prescription (sec. 6831).
Sale of barbital or other hyp-
notic drugs prohibited un-
less on written prescrip-
tion (sec. 28-473).

Sale of aminopyrine, barbi-
turic acid, cincophen, di-
nitrophenol or sulfanila-
mide prohibited unless on
written prescription (sec.
6206.08 (h)).

By 1949 regulation: Sale of
named drugs prohibited
unless on prescription.
Under authority of Rev.
Laws, ch. 165, sec. 2.
Sale of barbital or other
hypnotic or somnifacient
drugs prohibited except
on written prescription
(sec. 45: 14-23). (By regu-
lation sale of certain drugs
listed therein within re-
quirement of sec. 45: 14-23
prohibited unless on pre-

Retail sale of barbituric
acid, chloral hydrate or
paraldehyde or any dan-
gerous drugs prohibited
unless on prescription
(sec. 2 (c)).

Refill may be made by oral
consent provided it is re-
corded on original pre-
scription (sec. 152.11).

Yes; harmful drugs listed (sec. 187 A).

Refilling of prescription for
hypnotic or somnifacient
drug prohibited if pre-
scription bears indication
that it is not to be refilled
(sec. 187 A).
Prescriptions may be refilled
except as otherwise desig-
nated by prescriber for
products in which bar-
bituric acid is not principal
medicinal ingredient (sec.

Refilling of prescriptions for
barbiturates prohibited ex-
cept with verbal or written
consent of prescriber (sec.

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State laws relating to the dispensing of drugs on prescription-Continued

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Prohibition against refills


Yes (sec. 6814 (5)).

Yes; within 72 hours.

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Sale of aminopyrine, barbi-
turic acid, cincophen, dini-
trophenol, sulfanilamide,
thyroid and derivatives
prohibited except on writ-
ten prescription (sec. 106-
134 (k)).

Delivery of barbiturate pro- Yes (sec. 19-1903 (2))

hibited unless on original
prescription (sec. 19-1903
(1) (a)).

Sale of barbiturates prohib-
ited unless on original pre-
scription (sec. 12673-1 (a)

Delivery of barbiturate pro-
hibited except on original
prescription (sec. 465.2 (a)

Sale of amytal, luminal vero-
nal acid, diethylbarbituric
prohibited except on pre-
scription (sec. 58-551).
Sale of hypnotic drug or
analgesic or body weight
reduction drug prohibited
except on written prescrip-
tion (sec. 941). Sale of
sulfanilamide prohibited
except on written pre-
scription (sec. 951). Sale
of penicillin prohibited ex-
cept on written prescrip-
tion (sec. 957.1). J.

Prescription defined as
'written order and in cases
of emergency a telephonic
order" (sec. 12673 (g)).
Prescription defined as "a
written order by a prac-
titioner, verbal or tele-
phone" (sec. 465.1 (g)).

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"Hypnotic drug" and "other
hypnotic drug or analgesic
drug or body weight re-
ducing drug" defined (sec.

Refilling of prescription for
barbiturates or other hyp-
notic or somnifacient drug
prohibited if prescription
bears direction it is not to
be refilled. If prescriber
fails to specify number of
times to be refilled or not
to be refilled prescription
may be refilled for not more
than 6 months (sec. 6814

Refilling of prescription pro-
hibited except on specific
authorization of prescriber
(sec. 106-134 (k)).

Refilling of prescription for
barbiturate prohibited un-
less designated on pre-
scription (sec. 19-1903 (3)).
Refilling of prescription for
barbiturate prohibited, un-
less designated on prescrip-
tion (sec. 12673-1 (b)).
Refilling of prescription for
barbiturate prohibited un-
less permission granted by
prescriber and record made
(sec. 465.2 (b)).

Refilling of prescription pro-
hibited for drugs in this
section, but prescriptions
for phenobarbital may be
refilled (sec. 58-551).


South Dakota: S. Dak. | Delivery of barbiturate pro

Laws 1947, 100.

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hibited unless on original
prescription (sec. 2 (a) (1)).
Sale of aminopyrine, barbi-
turic acid, cincophen, di-
nitrophenol, or sulfanila-
mide or derivatives pro-
hibited unless on written
prescription (sec. 6580.16
Sale of isonipecaine, barbital,
amphetamine or desoxy-
ephedrine prohibited ex-
cept on written prescrip-
tion (art. 726b, sec. 1).
Sale of specifically listed
drugs prohibited except
on written prescription
(sec. 7386).

Sale of dangerous drugs pro-
hibited except on pre-
scription (sec. 54-443).

Prescription defined as writ-
ten order or in cases of
emergency a telephonic
order (sec. 1 (g)).

Yes; within 72 hours (sec. 2 (d)).

Refilling of prescription for
barbiturate prohibited un-
less designated on prescrip-
tion (sec. 2 (b)).

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Refilling of prescription pro-
hibited except on order of
prescriber in person or in
writing (sec. 7386).
Refilling of prescription pro-
hibited except that pre-
scriptions for barbiturates
(1) for persons suffering
from chronic ailments and
prescriptions for hormones
may upon written authori-
zation on face of prescription
be refilled a definite number
of times, (2) where no prin-
cipal constituent may be re-
filled unless specified non-
refillable (sec. 54-440).

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