Lapas attēli

they will invariably lie and cheat, first laying plans to cover up their tricks.

Where Secretiveness is about of an average degree the char acter will exhibit a prudent self-control, yet under provocation will free the mind and give others the benefit of thoughts in regard to them, but with large Cautiousness will hold back somewhat for fear of consequences. Those possessed of moderate Secretiveness are remarkably frank, and not afraid of showing their methods or of speaking their thoughts; they will not use much policy nor evade open expression; yet, with large Caution will look ahead, and are reasonably circumspect in their dealings and speech; with large Acquisitiveness and Conscientiousness, will speak and deal honorably and regard others with confidence; with Force added, are abrupt and speak out decidedly, and with Friendship large they are inclined to assist friends in business as well as socially.

There are very many curious ways in which Secretiveness is exhibited. Some with large Secretiveness will conceal many sides of their nature, as, for example, their love affairs or their sym pathetic thoughts, yet will be open in matters pertaining to business or duty; they will defend the interests of morality and urge reforms in a very bold and vigorous manner, and so convey the idea that they are wanting in the softer traits. I once knew a very tender-hearted, sympathetic man, who, to conceal what he considered a weakness, always assumed a blunt, gruff, and abrupt manner of speech, and so earned for himself the name of the "grand growler" in his circle, yet I knew him to be more sympathetic and charitable than many softspoken men.

Secretiveness, when it assists men to be diplomatic, politic, judicious, and honorable, is an excellent quality, but when it leads to trickery, dishonesty, lying, and double-dealing it should be restrained. Where there is too much frankness, a too confiding spirit, it reacts upon the character and works injury; hence, prudence and circumspection should be cultivated. Remember that as long as life lasts you will have time enough to tell all that you know, but once having told a secret it cannot be recalled. Be free with friends, but guarded with strangers and indifferent acquaintances.

Take the poet's advice:

"Aye, free, off-han' your story tell,
When wi' a bosom crony,
But still keep something to yoursel'
Ye' scarcely tell to ony."-Burns.


Definition.-Vigilance, foresight, prudence, providence, anxiety, watchfulness, wariness, care-taking.

An excess is shown by melancholy, anguish, cowardice, irresolution, bashfulness, shyness, timidity, fright, over-anxiety, terror, suspicion, despair, nervousness, forebodings, fretting, and useless fears. It tends to sickness, disorders of the nerves and of the biliary system, to insanity and suicide.

A deficiency is characterized by rashness, boldness, assurance, impudence, audacity, and imprudent and injudicious language and conduct.

Facial and Bodily Signs.-Length and breadth of the nose is the sign for the highest degree of Caution. Length merely of the nose indicates that sort of Caution manifested by very timid human beings and animals. Long and thin ears, long and thin neck, and long and thin legs are also some of the bodily signs of Cautiousness.

DESCRIPTION OF CAUTIOUSNESS.-The most reliable facial sign of Cautiousness is shown by the length of the nose. Its location is admirably adapted to the preservation of the body, presiding as it does over all the functions of digestion and guarding the avenues of approach to the stomach by its keenness of scent, which soon detects qualities of food unsuited to the sustentation of the body. Not only does it act as sentinel to the stomach, but by virtue of its anatomical structure it guards the lungs from noxious vapors, gases, and all improper atmospheres. Its length assists in warming the air to a considerable degree before it strikes the lungs, while the vibrissæ, or small hairs with which the interior of the nostrils is furnished, prevent injurious particles from entering the lungs.

The fact of the length of the nose being the principal sign for Caution has been noted by other physiognomists. Dr. Cross observes on this subject that

The nasal apparatus is the porch of respiration and the sense of smell is the sentry; hence, it may be laid down as a general rule that atmospheric air is wholesome or unwholesome in proportion as its smell is agreeable or disagreeable. As odorous effluvia tend upward, so the nose comes to be percipient of substances entering the mouth, and it is found that food is wholesome or unwholesome in proportion as the smell is grateful or ungrateful. The sense of smell, therefore, is superintendent of the breath and assistant superintendent of the food. The nose, then, stands in a double relation,-in the relation of porch or sentinel to the lungs and in the relation of assistant sentinel to the stomach and assistant forager to the mouth.*

* An Attempt to Establish Physiognomy on Scientific Principles, John Cross, M.D., p. 215.

Short noses are not so efficient in guarding these functions as long noses. There are several reasons for this: In the first place, the nose is not only an indicator of animal organization, but it is likewise the chief facial exponent of intellect and of physical as well as of mental energy; hence, the longer, higher, and broader the nose, the more judgment and prudence will be displayed, for length and breadth of nose in man and beast is exhibited only by the most superior characters.

A nose which is high as well as long and broad is best


adapted to the function of scent, for the reason that the olfactory nerves have room for greater expan sion, hence the nasal gan glion is more powerful than where its space is restricted. Those races that possess the broadest, highest, and longest noses exhibit the most prudence, foresight, and watchfulness, and entertain as well the broadest views of life and its affairs. The Hebrews, among the civilized races, possess in a remarkable


Conspicuous facial sign, Cautiousness, shown by degree all these attributes.

length and breadth of the nose. The law of the straight line and curve governs this face. The development of Cautiousness as displayed in this countenance gives evidence of an astute and far-sighted character. The domestic traits are well defined and the intellectual of the first class. The signs for Firmness and Conscientiousness are of average size. Patriotism, Love of Home, Love of Young, Amativeness, and Benevolence are well manifested; while Human Nature, Ideality, Mental Imitation, Veneration, Executiveness, Selfwill, Observation, Language, Reason, Memory of

So far-sighted is their intellectual grasp, and so broad are their views of worldly affairs, that the majority of them are well provided with this world's goods, and beggars of their race I believe are wholly unknown. I have never seen or heard of one. They also possess all the physiological traits which accompany this formation, exhibiting predaceous energy, keenness of scent, and fondness for fine odors and flavors. They are good judges of food and immoderately addicted to the pleasures of the table. They also exhibit various mental traits which often accompany large Alimentiveness, viz., rapacity, love of domination, and marked social and domestic qualities.

Sublimity, Acquisitiveness. Constructiveness, Analysis

Events, and Intuition are very large. Altogether they form the portrait of a very capable executive, and judicious individual.

The same traits are characteristic of the carnivorous class of

animals, as distinct from the graminivorous class. The nose and nostrils of the lion, the tiger, the dog, and other carnivorous animals are broad, high, and long as compared to the noses of the sheep, the giraffe, the deer tribes, the rabbit, and hare. The former are aided by their sense of scent and superior strength and intellect, while the latter have to depend more upon their activity or timidity than strength for their safety and livelihood. The ganglia of the olfactory or nasal nerves are furnished with a coloring pigment, and, according to the laws of color which obtain in the human

as well as in the animal organisms, the more color, the more power. It will be observed that the carnivorous class of animals are quite dark in colors, or, if mixed, the darker hues predominate; therefore it is logical to infer that they are better adapted to scent, and can scent at a distance better than the long, thin-nosed, graminivorous animals. All Nature confirms this principle of form. The greyhound possesses a long, thin, watchful, timid nose, but is comparatively destitute of the sense of scent. Rev. J. G. Wood says of this animal:

The narrow head and sharp nose of the greyhound, useful as they are for aiding



Born in England, 1517. Conspicuous facial sign, Cautiousness, shown by disproportionate length of nose. The law of the straight line and angle governs this face. Truthfulness and sincerity certainly shine forth from these eyes, which are set true and straight under the brow. The chin is hidden, yet comparative anatomy assists in discovering what is beneath the beard. Conscientiousness, Firmness, Love of Home, Love of Young, Amativeness, Benevolence, and Patriotism are large; while Friendship, Approbativeness, Alimentiveness, and Bibativeness are only average in development. The mental powers are excellent. The signs for Mental Imitation, Analysis, Ideality, Sublimity, Acquisitiveness, Constructiveness, Veneration, Executiveness, Self-will, Form, Size, Observation, Calculation, and Language are large. The nose, broad at the bridge, discloses logical capacity. Altogether, a moral, upright, and intelligent countenance.

the progress of the animal by removing every impediment to its passage through the atmosphere, yet deprive it of a most valuable faculty, that of chasing by scent. The muzzle is so narrow in proportion to its length that its nasal nerves have no proper room for development, and hence the animal is very deficient in its powers of scent. may be noted in other animals.*

The same circumstances

The noses of all carnivorous animals are relatively broad, especially at the point where are located the olfactory ganglia and plexuses, that is to say, at and near the junction of the nose with

* Wood's New Illustrated Natural History, p. 51.

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the forehead, where branches and filaments of the olfactory nerve ramify upon the septum and nostrils, and here assist the sense of smell, as this is the peculiar office of this nerve. Therefore, where we observe breadth of the nose above the "bridge," and also where the nostrils are very broad, as in the lion and in many human beings, we shall find superior power for guarding the avenues of approach to the great vital cavities, the stomach and lungs, hence Cautiousness, foresight, and judgment are the result.

The long, high, thin or narrow nose discloses Cautiousness, but of the timid sort, as observed in the formation of the noses of all or most of the herbivorous tribes. The long-eared hare and rabbit are illustrations of the sort of Cautiousness given to the timid and weak. They possess long, sensitive ears which convey sounds to them, not only from a long distance but those which are made near them, and their superior powers of activity enable them. to easily clude their pursuers, whether human or animal. The long-necked giraffe is another excellent illustration of this trait. The superior length of its neck aids the animal to look over intervening obstacles and thus it insures its safety by flight, which is its method of self-protection, being relatively weak and timid like other long-eared, long-legged animals. Another wise provision of Nature is seen in the entire absence of voice. Wood states that "the giraffe has never been heard to utter a sound, even when struggling in the agonies of death." Were the giraffe a noisy animal he would be always in danger, by calling attention to himself and thus be exposed to the attacks of wild beasts. The camel evinces a good deal of cautious foresight, and exhibits its physiognomical indication by long legs, slim neck, long nose, and broad nostrils. The reindeer is a wary and sagacious animal, and possesses the sense of scent in a greater degree than any other animal. Its width of nostril is quite a conspicuous feature. The fallow deer, the red deer, and wapiti evince great Cautiousness, and their long ears, long necks, and long, slim legs are the outward indications of the timid, sensitive, and cautious mind within.

Lavater, in his criticism of animals, speaks of the "art and discretion exhibited in the proboscis of the elephant." This is a most just observation, for watchfulness and foresight are the peculiar attributes of this animal, and sound judgment as well. Nature, in creating so huge and bulky a creature, was obliged to give such traits as would enhance its safety. What then could she give but a large degree of Cautiousness, Judgment, and Foresight? All these faculties are exhibited in a marked manner by these

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