Lapas attēli

yet, if you ask them to point out the precise places where they discover these traits, they cannot tell you where they are to be found.

The possession of this physiognomical instinct is general, and shows not only that the face is understood to be for some other purpose than to place the eyes, nose, and mouth conveniently, but instinct and intuition as well point to it as the natural record of the body and mind-of the real Man himself. The nerves of sensation ramify upon the face and front of the organism, while the motory nerves are at the back of the brain. This disposition of the nerve forces would cause the face not only to exhibit more of the character than any other portion of the body, but would prove the fact that the greater the development of the features of the face, the greater its power for receiving sensation; thus exhibiting more gifted characteristics than where the features are small and undeveloped. All human nature attests this fact, and shows that the more varied are the features, the more depressions and elevations there are in the face,-the greater the variety of character is exhibited. A smooth, shining, small-featured, unwrinkled face always discloses a small, unemotional, unthinking, and selfish character, of very small capacities. A man's real character is spread all over him. His voice and walk agree with the shape of his body, and reveal his mentality to a degree; but the face sums up the whole Man.

As I have before shown that certain powers are derived from the predominance of certain conformations of the organism, and are always found accompanying them, it is logical to infer that determinate portions of the body sustain and are related to certain faculties of the mind. Upon investigation, it will be proved that the face is the exact register of all mental faculties and bodily functions and conditions. A keen analysis and comparison of the development of the organs of the body with the action of the faculties, emotions, and sentiments will show that the organs of the viscera, the kidneys, the reproductive system, the liver, the intestines, the heart and lungs, as well as the bones and muscles, sustain and are directly related to certain mental faculties. All mental faculties have their physical bases from which the mind is able to produce thought, emotion, or will. This interaction of the mental and physical powers will be explained as we proceed. The locality of signs in the face will be here given. The rationale of the order of their arrangement will be made apparent as the reader progresses.

As preliminary to the investigation of the signs in the face, a recapitulation of the more fundamental principles of form will now

be given, in order that the student may make a practical and intelligent application of them to the forms and features under observation. As some of my readers may not be able to read the theoretical or first part of this work, or may desire to proceed at once to the second or practical part, this recapitulation of basic principles will be of service and opportune in this connection.

Scientifically considered, the straight outline in bone or muscle indicates straightforwardness of action. The curved outline in bone or muscle denotes less ability for straight action, but more capacity for curvilinear motions and methods. The crooked outline of bone or muscle denotes inherent tendencies to crooked, tricky, or dishonest dealings. Squareness combined with straightness of the bones indicates the highest degree of moral character, heroism, and gratitude. See the faces of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, either of which can be made to fit into a rectangular frame.

Straightness of the muscles denotes truthful propensities, and is indicated by straightness of the mouth and eyes, and by the roundness of the openings or commissures.

Crookedness of the muscles denotes untruthfulness and tricky methods of dealing in business, also licentious desires and lax notions of virtue and of the conjugal relation, with small understanding of, or belief in, sexual ethics.

The four classes of bone, the round and the square, the straight and the crooked, reveal four distinct types of character; so, also, do the four classes of muscle, the round and the thin, the straight and the curved; but as all these principles have been elaborated elsewhere, they need only a passing notice here.

The faculty of Conscientiousness will now be examined, for all Nature, human nature included, is based on integrity-equi librium; hence, a knowledge of underlying or foundation principles must first be comprehended before advance can be made.


Definition.-Honor, honesty, integrity, morality, thoroughness, the perception of truth, love of justice, sense of duty; gratitude, or sense of favors and benefits conferred; moral courage and heroism; love of right and hatred of wrong; the sense which causes repentance and consciousness of guilt; truthfulness; capacity for comprehending the truths of Nature; the basis of science and religion.

An excess of this faculty causes one to be severe and exacting toward others, holding them up to a higher and more rigorous standard of morality than they are capable of attaining. It gives

harshness to the character, and, unless tempered by benevolence or love of young, makes the individual unloveable, and, although his word can be always depended upon, he is better liked in business than in the family or social circle.

A deficiency of Conscientiousness is shown by a lack of honesty, truthfulness, virtue, moral courage, heroism, and integrity, causing the character to be mean, low, sly, sneakish, thievish, untruthful, and lacking gratitude.

Facial and Bodily Signs.-One of the most conspicuous signs of rectitude is shown by that width of the chin which is produced by the development of the inferior maxillary or lower jaw-bone, below the mouth; also, by general straightness and squareness of all the bones of the face and body, together with the manner in which the eyes are placed in the head, and their shape and the shape of the mouth. Eyes which turn too far downward at the outer angle are not strictly truthful; yet many very truthful persons exhibit eyes which are curved downward at the outer terminus to a certain degree. This, in their case, denotes agreeability, plausibility, and persuasiveness, and can be seen in the physiognomies of the most celebrated divines, scientists, and mechanicians; but where it exceeds a certain degree, accompanied with a low quality, it denotes an agreeable manner of telling falsehoods, as in flattery, cajoling, persuading in commercial transactions, as observed often in horse-jockeys, lawyers, and salesmen. Eyes which are almondshaped, oblique, or cat-like, and turned upward at the outer angle, are crafty and deceitful, as seen often in the characters of the Mongolian race. In those animals which present a similar form of eye the same characteristics are observed. They are noted for slyness, trickery, deceit, treachery, cruelty, ingratitude, and general falsity. The tiger, the panther, the fox, the cat, the rat, and the entire family of rodents disclose this crooked, dishonest formation of the eye. A long and narrow shape of the commissure or opening of the eyelids is held by some physiognomists to indicate a lack of sexual morality, an unbridled licentiousness, which is inconsistent with sexual ethics or a moral use of the reproductive system. This form is observed in many Oriental races who practice polygamy, the Turks, for example; also, in many undeveloped peoples, as, for example, among the African, Tahitian, and other island races. Among all civilized races, also, are many whose eyes disclose this peculiar formation, together with the accompanying polygamic traits. The centre of the upper lip, if too greatly developed. is one sign of excessive amativeness, and, unless accompanied with large conscientiousness and other balancing traits, is apt to lead its possessor into a disregard of sexual morality.

The capacity for truthfulness is revealed by the shape of the mouth, as well as by the form of the eye, for the straightness of the muscular system is the basis of one essential department of integ rity. Straightness of the mouth is a better indication of the truthtelling capacity than if it be oblique, distorted, or crooked; that is to say, if the crookedness be congenital. Many mouths have become changed in form by disease or accident. This should be known before passing judgment. Some crooked mouths pervert or distort the truth; others are open liars, either silly or malicious,

according to the other traits

in combination and influenced by color.

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The color of the eyes, hair, and complexion is an indication of the general integrity or soundness of the tissues, hence of the capacity of the individual to recognize truths, to act vigorously in the defense of truth, morality, -reform, and to perform heroic acts. Very light-colored eyes, even with square bones, would not be so capable of exhibiting moral heroism as one with darker eyes, yet might be noted for simple honesty and honorable conduct. Color gives vigor, and deep color, along with a good, square, bony form, often leads to very great daring in moral movements and in acts of personal heroism and courage. The influence of color upon traits is fully explained elsewhere.


Principal facial sign of Conscientiousness, width of the bony structure of the chin. Born in Virginia, 1732. The law of the square, straight line, and angle governs this face and body. The mathematical outlay of the countenance is rectangular. George Washington stood erect, over six feet in height, and exhibited a perfectly balanced character. The size of the nose discloses great mental ability, being long, wide, and bony its entire length. The signs of Conscientiousness, Firmness, Reason, Veneration, Executiveness, Self-will, Form and Size, Patriotism, Love of Home, Self-esteem, Friendship, Benevolence, Economy, Amativeness, and Love of Young are all large in this sublime countenance. He was successful as farmer, surveyor, statesman, general, and president. No public character has ever exhibited greater rectitude than he.

The bodily signs of Conscientiousness are straightness of all the bones and muscles, square shoulders, squareness and straightness of all the bones of the legs, arms and fingers, large joints, hard bones. Secondary or subordinate signs are seen in good color of the eyes, hair, and complexion. Albinos are characterized by very defective sense of sight, sound, and scent; hence, perfect integrity of these functions and their related faculties is lacking.

DESCRIPTION OF CONSCIENTIOUSNESS.-The several sources from which the general integrity is derived are fully explained in Part I, Chapter V, and it is only necessary here to say that the sign for Conscientiousness in the chin denotes the kind of integrity which is exhibited by honesty, honor, gratitude, and moral courage, while the truth-telling department of integrity is exhibited in the mouth and eyes,-in the muscular system. Indeed, any eye off the straight line varies in truthful significance, according to the amount of its deflection from a straight line, running all the way from amiability through the various degrees of plausibility, duplicity, deception, secretiveness, craft, cunning,

lying, and cruelty, all of which are shown by the shape of the eye which deviates from a straight line, either above or below the line. Where the outer corners of the eye turn upward, the indications are like those of the same shape in the lion, tiger, and fox, and like traits will be exhibited, cruelty and craft, deceit and cunning; but where the outer corner curves downward slightly, agreeability of speech is always found. Still farther turned downward, they are plausible and persuasive, and



The law of the square and straight line is the governing principle of this face and character. This celebrated American actress was noted for her honorable and upright character as well as for the fidelity of her impersonations. Large Conscientiousness gave thoroughness to all she undertook. She

make good salesmen and poli- excelled in tragedy. In her face the dramatic jaw ticians. Still farther downward, they indicate untruthful propensities in a great degree. Benjamin F. Butler's

is well developed. Ideality, Human Nature, Sublimity, Constructiveness, Analysis, Veneration, Selfwill, Memory of Events, Form and Size, Language, Approbativeness, Mirthfulness, Friendship, and Firmness are all large and her Quality of a high


eyes are more marked in this respect than the eyes of any celebrated man that has come under my observation. With a coarse quality of structure this form denotes untruthfulness.

As Conscientiousness gives moral courage, it is the base of many heroic acts, and will often lead even delicate women to deeds of daring for principle's sake, and to protect the helpless. Joan of Arc and Charlotte Corday are examples of this sort of


Conscientiousness in excess leads to severity and exaction in moral conduct and life; it also tends to moral courage. The

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