Lapas attēli
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In the preparation of this table I have made use of the table in Haeckel's "Evolution of Man," vol. ii, p. 367. This statement gives in detail the manner of succession of the several organ systems as they have evolved in the the lower animals through the successive ages of creation. It also discloses the order in which they make their appearance in the human embryo, proceeding first from the simple speck of protoplasmic substance contained in the ovum and spermatozoa; from these two minute specks arise by differentiation the entire complex mechanism observed in the human infant at birth, proving what Professor Haeckel states,


That the same series of multifariously diverse forms through which our brute ancestors passed in the course of many million years has been traversed by every man during the first forty weeks of his individual existence within the maternal body.*

* The Evolution of Man, Erust Haeckel, vol. ii, p. 5.

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A priori. From the beginning.

Esthetic. Pertaining to the beautiful. Affinitize. Creating affinity or attraction. Aggregated. Collected into a mass. Albuminoid. Resembling albumin or the white of an egg:

Altruistic. Unselfish; benevolent.

Alveolar. Relating to the socket of a tooth. Amoba. A minute animal having the power to change its form.

Amphibia. Animals capable of living on land and water.

Anæmic. Deficiency in blood, either general or local.

Analogous. Similar; like.

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Dura mater. The outer membrane of the brain. Anatomy. Description of the form, structure, Dynamics. The science treating of forces.

and relations of the body.

Angularity. Having angles.

Animalculæ. Microscopical animal forms.

Animus. Temper; intention; purpose.
Anomalous. Irregular; not typical.
Anterior. In front; before.

Anthropoid. Man-like; resembling mankind.
Anthropologist. One versed in the study of


Aplome. A variety of crystallized garnet. Appendages. Additions to; something added. Apropos. Opportunely; to the purpose. Arborean. Climbing; tree-climbing animals. Arcana. A secret; a mystery.

Archæologists. Antiquarians; those versed in antiquity.

Archetype. First form; the original type. Atavism. A going back to the original type. Audition. Hearing: the power to hear. Automaton. A figure self-moving by clockwork or other mechanism.

Bilateral. Having two sides.

Bisexual. Double-sexed; having both sexes. Buccal. Pertaining to the cheek.

Effluvia. Odors; unpleasant odors.
Egotism. Self-praise or comment.

Emasculation. Unmanly weakness; castration.
Embryon. The young before birth.

Empirical. Dependent upon observation not scientific.

En passant. In passing; current.
En rapport. In agreement with.
Encephalon. The brain.

Endogenous. Increasing by internal growth. Entity. Essence; a real being in thought or fact.

Environment. Surroundings.

Epicureanism. Love of pleasure, especially of eating.

Equilateral. Of equal sides.

Esoteric. Having a secret meaning; private. Ethmoid bone. The bone in the nose through

which the olfactory nerves pass and upon which they are mainly distributed. Ethnic. Racial; belonging to races or tribes. Ethnology. The science which treats of races of the human family.

Evolution. Development; the science treating of development.

Calorific. Possessing, producing, or giving off Exogenous. Growing by successive layers of heat.

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Hydrocephalus. Dropsy of the brain. Hydropult. A water-pump. Hydrostatics. The science which investigates the properties of fluids, etc. Hypertrophy. Increase in size of a part by increased nutrition.

Hypothesis. Supposition; a position assumed.

Ideality. Imagination; taste; love of the beautiful.

Ideation. The power of constructing ideas or thought.

Iliac. Relating to the ilium, the largest bone of the pelvis.

In extenso. Extended; spread out. Incandescence. State of being at a white heat. Incongruities. Opposites; inconsistencies. Increment. A growing in bulk, quantity, or


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Inorganic. Not organized; irregular.

Interrelated. Mutually related or connected.

Intonation. Musical modulation of the voice.

Intuition. Perception; consciousness.

Occipito-frontalis. The muscle which wrinkles the forehead.

Occult. Invisible; hidden; not apparent. (Esophagus. The gullet.

Olfactory. Having the function of smell. Optics. The science of the properties of light. Orbicularis. A circular muscle surrounding the eye or mouth.

Orbits. Cavity of the eye; paths described by planets in their revolution.

Organic. Exercising some function; relating to
the organism.
Organism. Part of a living being.
Ornate. Ornamental.
Ova. The egg; the life-principle.
Ovoid. Shaped like an egg.

Osseous. Bony; composed of bone.

Palpebrarum. Relating to the eyelids. Pancreas. A digestive gland; the sweet-bread. Papillary. Containing minute elevations; warty.

Pari passu. Side by side; progressing equally and together.

Parotid. The salivary gland.

Percipient. Perceiving; having the power of perception.

Periodic. Happening at fixed times. Peripheric. Pertaining to the periphery. Periphery. The border of a circle or inclosure.

Iridescent. Showing a play of colors, like the Peristaltic. A wavy or worm-like movement of rainbow.

Labial. Relating or belonging to the lips. Lachrymal. Relating to or secreting tears. Lacteals. Ducts conveying milk or chyle. Laryngeal. Relating to or belonging to the larynx.

Larynx. The upper part of the trachea or windpipe constituting the organ of speech. Lecherous. Lustful; lewd.

Lepidoptera. Insects with four wings, as butterflies, moths, etc.

Levator menti. The muscle raising the lower lip.

Lithium. An alkaline metal.

Locale. Place; location.

Locative. Able to locate.

Longitudinal. Extending in length.

Lucubration. Study at night.

Luminosity. Luminous; brightness.
Lymphatics. Glands conveying lymph.

Macrocosm. The greater world, or universe. Maestros. Masters; leaders (usually applied to musicians).

Malleus. The outermost of the chain of bones

in the ear.

Meatus auditorius. The canal leading to the inner ear.

Median. Running through the middle.
Medulla. The upper part of the spinal cord.
Medullary. Relating to the medulla.
Miasmatic. Malarial.

Microcosm. A miniature world.
Mobility. Ability and capacity to move.
Mollusk. An animal having a soft, fleshy body.
Morbific. Causing disease.
Morphic. Pertaining to form.
Morphological. Relating to morphology.
Morphology. The science which describes the
actual or ideal forms of parts or organs in
plants or animals.

Motor. A class of muscles and nerves controlling motion.

Neuroses. Diseases of the nervous system. Nictitating membrane. The third eyelid of the bird.

Nomenclature. The technical words in a science or language.

Normalcy. The condition of being orderly and regular.

Nostalgia. Homesickness.

Nucleated. Collected or formed round a nucleus or centre.

Nucleus. A body or centre about which any thing is formed or collected.

the intestines.

Perpetuate. To preserve from extinction. Personnel. The body of persons or things employed or referred to.

Perspicacity. The state of being quick-sighted. Perspicuity. Clearness of reason.

Phalanx. One of the rows of bones of toes and fingers.

Philologist. One versed in the study of words. Physicist. One versed in natural science.

Pistil. That part of a plant containing the ovary or seed-vessel.

Pneumogastric. Pertaining to the nerves of
the lungs and stomach.
Polarity. Tendency to the pole.
Polyp. A simple form of animal life.
Pons. A bridge of tissues.

Posited. Placed in position.
Posthumous. After death.
Potencies. Powers; strength.
Prehensile. Seizing; grasping.
Prenatal. Before birth.

Previsional. Having foresight or knowledge.
Progenitor. A forefather; an ancestor.
Prognathous. Having projecting jaws.
Prognosis. The act of foretelling the course of

a disease.

Prognosticate. To foretell.

Protean. Having the power of assuming different shapes.

Protoplasm. The first vital substance. Prototype. An original type, after which anything is formed or copied.

Pseudopodia. A genera of animalcula with false legs.

Psychical. Relating to the soul.

Psychology. The science of the soul, or mind. Pylorus. The orifice of the stomach leading into the intestines.

Pyriform. Pear-shaped.

Quadratoid. Square-like.

Racial. Pertaining to a race or tribe.
Rami. Branches from a common ganglion.
Ramify. To branch out.
Ramus. A branch of an organ.
Ratiocination. Reasoning from premises.
Rationale. Explanation.
Recession. A withdrawing.
Recondite. Hidden; abstruse.

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