Lapas attēli
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VIII Procurement and Disposal of Equipment and Supplies
IX Transport

X Areas Restricted for National Defense Purposes

TITLE 11-Bankruptcy

(No regulations assigned to this title)

TITLE 12-Banks and Banking

I Bureau of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury

II Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

III Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

TITLE 13-Business Credit

I Reconstruction Finance Corporation

TITLE 14-Civil Aviation

I Civil Aeronautics Board

II Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, Department of Commerce

TITLE 15-Commerce

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Commerce

SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Commerce

I Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce

II National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce

III Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce

IV Foreign-Trade Zones Board

TITLE 16-Commercial Practices

I Federal Trade Commission

TITLE 17-Commodity and Securities Exchanges

I War Food Administration (Commodity Exchanges)

II Securities and Exchange Commission

TITLE 18- Conservation of Power

I Federal Power Commission

II Tennessee Valley Authority

TITLE 19-Customs Duties

I Bureau of Customs, Department of the Treasury

II United States Tariff Commission

III Committee for Reciprocity Information

TITLE 20-Employees' Benefits

I United States Employees' Compensation Commission

II Railroad Retirement Board

III Social Security Board, Federal Security Agency

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I Food and Drug Administration, Federal Security Agency
II Bureau of Narcotics, Department of the Treasury

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I Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior
II Indian Arts and Crafts Board, Department of the Interior

TITLE 26-Internal Revenue

I Bureau of Internal Revenue, Department of the Treasury III The Tax Court of the United States

TITLE 27-Intoxicating Liquers

I Bureau of Internal Revenue, Department of the Treasury

TITLE 28-Judicial Administration

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National War Labor Board

VII War Manpower Commission


Commissioner of Internal Revenue

IX War Food Administration (Agricultural Labor)

TITLE 30-Mineral Resources

I Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior

II Geological Survey, Department of the Interior

IV Petroleum Conservation Division, Department of the Interior

VI Solid Fuels Administration for War

VIII Coal Mines Administration



TITLE 31-Money and Finance: Treasury

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of the Treasury
SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Money and Finance

I Monetary Offices, Department of the Treasury
II Fiscal Service, Department of the Treasury
IV Secret Service, Department of the Treasury

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TITLE 33-Navigation and Navigable Waters

I Coast Guard, Department of the Navy

II Corps of Engineers, War Department

III Coast Guard: Inspection and Navigation

IV Coast Guard: Lighthouses

V Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department of Commerce

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TITLE 38-Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief

I Veterans' Administration

TITLE 39-Postal Service

I Post Office Department

TITLE 40-Prisons

I Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Department of Justice

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TITLE 42-Public Health

I Public Health Service, Federal Security Agency
United States Children's Bureau, Department of Labor
St. Elizabeths Hospital, Federal S Security Agency
IV Freedmen's Hospital, Federal Security Agency


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TITLE 48-Territories and Insular Possessions

I Division of Territories and Island Possessions, Department of the Interior

II Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration, Department of the Interior

TITLE 49-Transportation and Railroads

I Interstate Commerce Commission

II Office of Defense Transportation

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CFR, 1943 Supp.


5 CFR, 1943 Supp., 2.6

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