No. Date TABLE 2-EXECUTIVE ORDERS-Continued Subject 1943 9358 July 1 9359 July 1 Board of Legal Examiners, functions provided. 9360 July 7 Eight-hour law, suspension as to laborers and mechanics 9361 July 15 Office of War Mobilization, functions and provisions for 9364 July 26 9365 July 29 9366 July 30 9367 Aug. 4 Examinations, Civil Service and Foreign Service; instruction by Federal employees prohibited. 9368 Aug. 9 Eight-hour Law, suspension as to laborers and mechanics of the Department of Interior on public works in Territory of Alaska. 37 64 9411 Dec. 23 Hospitalization and medical care, rates prescribed for dependents of naval personnel and others. 9412 Dec. 27 Railroads, possession and operation by Secretary of War.. 65 TABLE 3-PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS OTHER THAN PROCLAMATIONS AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS TABLE 4-EXECUTIVE ORDERS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE FIRST AND SECOND WAR POWERS ACTS FIRST WAR POWERS ACT (55 STAT. 838; 50 U.S.C., APP. 601-622) 9357 June 30 9361 July 15 Public Works Administration, functions transferred to Federal Works Administrator.. 30 31 9363 July 23 Court-martial cases, redistribution of functions of the Secretary of War and Judge Advo 34 cate General. 9366 July 30 Denison Dam, Grand River Dam, Norfork Dam, operation and disposition of electric 35 9373 Aug. 30 Denison Dam, Grand River Dam, Norfork Dam, operation and disposition of electric 39 energy in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. 9379 Sept. 23 Pacific Electric Railway Company, Los Angeles, California, Special Emergency Board 41 established for wage adjustment. 9387 Oct. 15 9388 Oct. 16 Advisory Board on Just Compensation, establishment and functions.. 48 9406 Dec. 17 Necessity Certificates, functions transferred from the Secretary of War and the Secretary SECOND WAR POWERS ACT (56 STAT. 176; 50 U.S.C., APP. 631-645a) Norfork Project, Arkansas and Missouri, disposal of generated electric energy.. 26 35 9373 Aug. 30 Denison Dam, Grand River Dam, Norfork Dam, operation and disposition of electric energy (Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas). 39 9404 Dec. 17 Governor of Panama Canal, authorized to acquire and dispose of certain property...... 61 129 May 25 Alaska, designation of Indian reservation on Kodiak Island. 8344. Idaho and Washington, revocation of withdrawal of certain public lands for May 25, 1915. reservoir sites. 130 May 26 Utah, withdrawal of certain public lands for classification and for prospecting and development under the mineral leasing laws. 131 May 29 Washington, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the War Department for 6910. 132 June 5 133 June 7 aviation purposes. California, withdrawal of certain public lands for a cooperative lookout station July 2, 1910. 134 June 7 Montana, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the War Department for aviation purposes. 135 June 9 Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, and 5671. Wyoming, revocation of withdrawal of certain public lands in aid of legislation and pending final adjustment of certain railroad grants. 136 June 9 Idaho, revocation of withdrawal of certain public lands for classification and pending 4339, 5572. enactment of legislation. 137 June 10 Montana, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the War Department as an aerial gunnery range. 6491, 6727, 7509; Apr. 138 June 10 California, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the Navy Department as a seaplane operational training base. 8, 1919, Apr. 17, Mar. 10, 1924; 140 June 15 Florida, withdrawal of certain public lands to enlarge the Chassahowitzka National | 6964. Wildlife Refuge. 141 June 16 Arizona, withdrawal of certain public lands for use in the San Carlos Indian irriga- 6910. tion project. 142 June 16 New Mexico, withdrawal of certain public lands for the use of the Department of 6583. 143 June 18 Florida, revocation of withdrawals of certain lands for a military reservation and 2353, 4704. 144 June 24 Oklahoma, withdrawal of certain public lands for and addition of other lands to the 5314, 145 July 8 Nevada, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the Department of the In- 6910. 146 July 8 California, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the War Department for 147 July 12 South Dakota, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the War Department 7671. 148 July 14 Idaho, withdrawal of certain public lands for a certain experiment station........ 149 July 17 Alaska, modification of withdrawal of certain public lands for classification and in 6957. aid of legislation; to permit coal mining. 150 July 17 Utah, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the Department of the Interior in connection with the prosecution of the war. 152 July 28 Colorado, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the War Department for air- July 2, 1910. 153 July 28 Nevada, revocation of withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the War Depart port purposes. ment as a bombing range. 154 July 29 Alaska, withdrawal of certain public lands for use of the War Department for mili 155 Aug. 4 Wyoming, withdrawal of certain public lands for use in connection with the Greys 6910. tary purposes. River Elk Winter Pasture and Feed Ground. 156 Aug. 4 157 Aug. 9 Nevada, withdrawal of certain public lands for the Desert Game Range.... 7373, 8954. 8468. |