GENERAL PROVISIONS §79b.1 Definitions. Wherever the following terms are used they will be construed as noted below: (a) Officers. The term "officer" will include the Director, Assistant Directors, Field Directors, First Officers, Second Officers, and Third Officers appointed in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. (b) Enrolled women. The term "enrolled women" will include all members of the WAAC in the grades of Chief Leader, First Leader, Technical Leader, Staff Leader, Technician Third Grade, Leader, Technician Fourth Grade, Junior Leader, Technician Fifth Grade, Auxiliary First Class, and Auxiliary. The term "auxiliary" will be used only to refer to enrolled women of the Sixth and Seventh Grades. (c) Members. The word "members" is a general term used to include all officers and enrolled women of the WAAC. [Par. 1] §79b.2 Mission. The mission of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps is to further the war effort by releasing soldiers in the Army of the United States from non-combatant duties, and by making available to the Army the knowledge, skill, and special training of the women of the nation. Inherent in the mission is the careful procurement, selection, classification, training, and utilization of the personnel of the Corps necessary to insure the Army the highest possible efficiency in the performance of such duties as the Secretary of War may direct. [Par. 3] §79b.3 Military status. The WAAC will not be part of the Army but will be only a women's organization authorized to serve with the Army exclusive of the Army Nurse Corps. Members of the WAAC will be subject to military law pursuant to the second article of war, when applicable. (Par. 9] §79b.4 Assignment. Officers and enrolled women in the WAAC are subject to orders to duty at any place where their services may be required. They may be assigned to any noncombatant duties for which they are qualified. [Par. 15] ENROLLMENT § 79b.5 Eligibility-(a) Original enrollment. Original enrollment in the WAAC will be in the grade of auxiliary and will be made from women volunteers between the ages of 21 and 45 years who are citizens of the United States, of excellent character, and in good physical health. Exceptions are as noted in §§ 79b.10, 79b.11 and 79b.12. (b) Restriction on enrollment of women with dependents. (1) No applicant will be accepted for enrollment in the WAAC if she has anyone dependent upon her for financial support unless such support can be met entirely by means other than that derived from her pay as a member of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. (2) No applicant will be accepted for enrollment in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps if she has one or more children under 14 years of age. [Par. 16] $79b.6 Term of service. The term of service of all officers and enrolled women of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps will be for the period of the war plus 6 months thereafter unless sooner terminated by proper authority. [Par. 17] §79b.7 Inactive duty status. (a) Officers and enrolled women may be relieved from active duty or recalled thereto at any time during their period of service. (b) Members of the WAAC, while in inactive duty status, will not by reason solely of their appointments, oaths, commissions, enrollments, or status as such members, or any duties or functions performed, be held or deemed to be officers or employees of the United States, or persons holding any office of trust or profit, or discharging any official function under or in connection with any department of the Government of the United States, nor will they be entitled to pay, or allowances in lieu of quarters, or subsistence, or to any benefit or allowance by reason of being a member of the WAAC, nor will they wear the uniform of the WAAC except pursuant to the orders issued by the Director. [Par. 18] §79b.8 Physical examination of members of WAAC-(a) General. The physical fitness of applicants for admission to the WAAC will be determined by one or more medical officers. (b) Physical standards. (1) In general, due consideration being given the difference in sex, the standards prescribed for general military service will apply except as regards those pertaining to height, weight, and chest measurements. The following table is the average weight for age and height for applicants for admission to the WAAC: weight above the standard is 16% percent, with the exception that no applicant will be accepted whose weight is less than 100 pounds. In applying the percentage variation, fractions of less than 11⁄2 pound will be dropped, those of 1/2 pound or more will be counted as an additional pound. A candidate whose weight falls at the extremes of either the maximum or minimum range should be accepted only when the individual is obviously active, of firm musculature, and evidently vigorous and healthy. Waivers of minor physical defects may be granted by the commanding generals of service commands. (3) The minimal visual standard for general service will be 20/400 in one or both eyes without glasses, if correctible with glasses to at least 20/40 in each eye, and provided that no organic disease of either eye exists, and asthenopia is not present. (c) Causes for rejection. In addition to the conditions common to both men and women which are listed as causes for rejection for general military service, pregnancy and certain diseases or defects peculiar to women are additional causes for rejection for service in the WAAC. [Par. 21] §79b.9 Reenrollment. (a) Enrolled women honorably discharged from the WAAC (including those discharged for physical disability) are eligible for reenrollment in the WAAC subject to all requirements for original enrollment. (b) In case of reenrollment within 60 days after honorable discharge, the enrolled woman may be enrolled in the same grade she held when last discharged from the WAAC. (c) The reenrollment of a married member previously discharged without prejudice by reason of pregnancy will be authorized provided she meets all requirements for original enrollment. Such enrollment may be in the same grade as held at the time of discharge provided a vacancy exists. [Par. 22] OFFICER CANDIDATES FROM CIVILIAN STATUS § 79b.10 Qualifications for officer candidates from civilian status. In addition to general WAAC enrollment requirements, the following qualifications will govern the selection of candidates: (a) Age limits. From twenty-first birthday, inclusive, to fiftieth birthday, exclusive. (b) Mental. Minimum mental alertness test score of 110. (c) Education and experience. At least 4 years of experience beyond the high school level in work, study, social, or civic fields entailing responsibility, initiative, resourcefulness, and other qualifications of leadership. This experience should show successful accomplishment in one or more positions of responsibility not subject to close and immediate supervision. Successful completion of 1 or more years of college work, in which the applicant has demonstrated the qualities listed above, will be taken as equivalent to the same number of years of the experience above described. (d) Personal characteristics. The ideal candidate will have in high degree the ability to work easily and effectively with others. She will have emotional stability and be able to adapt herself quickly and easily to changing conditions. She will be able to subordinate personal views and interests to the welfare of the Corps as a whole. (Par. 24] NOTE: In addition to civilian applicants, any enrolled woman in active service who has completed basic training may apply to attend WAAC officer candidate school. [Par. 33] § 79b.11 Selection- (a) Applications. Applications will be submitted in writing to any recruiting office authorized to enroll women in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. Applications that indicate possession of the qualifications set forth in § 79b.10 (a) (b) and (c), will be forwarded to an examining board for review, with recommendations, and with all pertinent papers incident to the applications attached. (b) Procedure. The examining boards will interview and evaluate the qualifications of those applicants whose papers indicate that they may be suitable officer candidates. Each board will maintain a record of qualified applicants whose cases it has considered, arranged in order of merit. This order will govern in the designation or recommendation of individuals to be selected as officer candidates. [Par. 26] $79b.12 Disposition of nongraduates. Officer candidates who are not commissioned may be honorably discharged from the Corps for the convenience of the Government, or, upon written applications, may be retained in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps as enrolled women if they meet all requirements for enrolled members. Applications for retention in the Corps will be submitted within 10 days of the date of receipt of notification of failure from officer candidate school. [Par. 27] §79b.13 APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS Appointment-(a) Authority. The Secretary of War may appoint from time to time, from women citizens of the United States to serve during his pleasure, a Director and such numbers of officers in the grades of assistant director, field director, first officer, second officer, and third officer, as may be deemed necessary for the proper administration of the Corps. (b) Sources. Officers of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps will be appointed from the following sources: (1) Enrolled women who are selected from those competing within the ranks of the Corps for attendance at officer candidate school. (2) Women who, because of outstanding qualifications, are enrolled specifically for attendance at an officer candidate school. (3) Women over 45 years of age may be selected as officer candidates to attend an extended course of officer candidate training, and during such attendance will be entitled to receive the pay and other benefits provided for officer candidates by section 3, act 14 May 1942 (56 Stat. 278), as amended by act 26 October 1942 (56 Stat. 988). (c) Original appointments. (1) Original appointments of Women's Army Auxiliary Corps medical officers will be made in a grade not lower than second officer. (2) Those candidates who successfully complete the course of instruction at an officer candidate school if otherwise qualified, will be appointed third officer. (Par. 49] §79b.14 Distribution of grades of officers. Distribution of grades of officers in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps in the order of their precedence, with pay periods and corresponding Army grades, is as follows: §79b.17 Enlistment in the Women's Army Corps, Army of the United States-(a) Authority. Public Law 110, 78th Congress, approved 1 July 1943 (57 Stat. 371; 50 U.S.C. App., Sup., 1551-1555), created, as a component of the Army of the United States, the Women's Army Corps, and provided for the expiration of the act of 14 May 1942, which authorized the establishment of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, on 30 September 1943. (b) Applicability of existing WAAC regulations. Existing WAAC regulations will apply to WAC personnel until such time as Army Regulations are promulgated. (§§ 79b.1-79b.16) (c) Eligibility requirements (1) Age and citizenship. An applicant must be a citizen of the United States and must have attained her twentieth but not her fiftieth birthday. (2) Physical and mental. An applicant must be of excellent character and capable of passing the prescribed mental alertness test and physical examination. (3) Dependents. (1) Any person with a child or children under the age of 14 years, legally or in fact dependent upon such person for care, custody, control, or support, is not eligible for enlistment. (11) Any person who is responsible for the financial support of any other person, unless such support can be met entirely by means other than derived from the applicant's pay as a member of the WAC, is not eligible for enlistment. [Preceding subdivision, in small type, superseded by following subdivision also in small type, during period covered by this Supplement] (11) Any person who is responsible for the financial support of any other person not entitled to the benefits of the Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1943, unless such support can be met entirely by means other than derived from the applicant's pay as a member of the WAC is not eligible for enlistment. (111) Any woman who has become legally divested of the care, custody, control, or support of a child or children under the age of 14 years within 18 months of her application for enlistment is not eligible for enlistment. NOTE: § 79b.17 (c) (3) (11) was amended and (iii) was added by A. S. F. Memorandum S635-6-43, July 30, 1943, as amended Oct. 25, 1943, 8 F.R. 14421. (4) Doctors and nurses. Doctors of medicine and registered nurses are not eligible for enlistment in the WAC. (5) Agricultural occupation. A woman engaged in an agricultural occupation will not be accepted for enlistment in the WAC. (d) Enlistment procedure. Enlistment in the WAC will be accomplished in the following order, when practicable: (1) Application for enlistment. (1) The Application for Enlistment and any approved informational literature applicable and available will be furnished to all prospective applicants. (11) A WAC officer or enlisted woman will be available at the recruiting station at all times during duty hours to supply information to prospective applicants. (iii) The completed Application for Enlistment may be filed by mail or in person at any United States Army recruiting station. Application should have attached, when practicable, satisfactory proof of birth date and citizenship. (2) Proof of birth date and citizenship. (1) Satisfactory proof of date and place of birth should be established by one of the following: birth certificate or photostatic copy thereof; bona-fide school, institutional or baptismal records showing birth date of applicant; affidavit of physician or midwife attending birth of applicant; affidavit of parent or parents; affidavit of relative or responsible party in those cases where no reasonable doubt of age or place of birth exists. (11) In cases of naturalized citizens, final naturalization papers must be presented. In those instances where an applicant became naturalized while a minor through the naturalization of parent or parents, authenticated copies of the parents' final papers will be considered proof of citizenship. (3) Mental alertness and education. Minimum qualifications for enlistment will be at least 2 years of secondary education (1. e., 2 years of high school or similar accredited school) and a score of not less than 70 on the Mental Alertness Test. A score of not less than 80 on the Mental Alertness Test will be accepted in lieu of 2 years of secondary education. (4) Physical examination. (1) Applicant will be given a final type physical examination in accordance with the standards currently prescribed by the War Department. Until such time as new regulations are promulgated, criteria applicable to the WAAC will govern. (See § 79b.8.) Physical examination must be completed. (ii) Waivers for minor physical defects may be granted by the commanding generals of service commands where the interest of the Government or the military service is not compromised, provided the defects will not interfere with satisfactory performance of duty and are not of a nature likely to be aggravated by military service. (5) Statement of release from employment. Statement of release from applicants employed in war industries or who are Federal employees should have been presented during processing of applicants. If not previously presented, it is mandatory that such a release be presented before Oath of Enlistment is administered. (e) Conflicting regulations. All regulations and instructions previously issued which are in conflict herewith are rescinded. (57 Stat. 371; 50 U.S.C. App., Sup., 15511555) [A.S.F. Memorandum No. S635-6-43, 30 July 1943, and W.D. Memorandum No. W635-14-43, July 30, 1943, 8 F.R. 11283] [Preceding part, in small type, superseded by following part during period covered by this Supplement] AUTHORITY: §§ 79b.1 to 79b.3, inclusive, and §§79b.18 and 79b.19, issued under 57 Stat. 371; 50 U.S.C. App., Sup., 1551-1555. SOURCE:§§ 79b.1 to 79b.3, inclusive, contained in W.D. Circular 289, Nov. 9, 1943, 8 F.R. 15656, the particular paragraphs being shown in brackets at end of sections. §79b.1 General provisions-(a) Regulations. (1) The provisions of Army Regulations, War Department Circulars, and other instructions apply to members of the Women's Army Corps, its officers and enlisted women, except where inappropriate and as modified by War Department directives. (2) Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Regulations, contained in §§ 79b.1 to 79b.16 supra, are no longer applicable to personnel of the Women's Army Corps. (3) Whenever the terms "officer" and "enlisted man" are used in existing regulations, they will be construed to include officers and enlisted women of the Women's Army Corps. (b) Status and statutory authority. The Women's Army Corps is a component of the Army of the United States, under authority of act 1 July 1943 (57) Stat. 371; 50 U.S.C. App., Sup., 15511555. (Sec. II, Bull. 12, W.D., 1943)). (c) Mission. The mission of the Women's Army Corps is to further the war effort by releasing male soldiers of the Army of the United States for appropriate military duties, and by making available to the Army the knowledge, skill, and special training of the women of the nation. (d) Composition. The Women's Army Corps will consist of the Director of the Women's Army Corps who will be a colonel in the Army of the United States and such commissioned officers of lower grade and enlisted personnel as are authorized by the Secretary of War, but will not exceed the number authorized from time to time by the President. (e) Physical standards. Physical standards are as prescribed in AR 40-100. Deviations from normal physical standards that will not interfere with or prevent the full and satisfactory performance of the duty for which the individual is being enlisted, appointed, or is being ordered to active duty, and that are not of a nature likely to be aggra 1 Administrative regulations of the War Department relating to standards of physical examination. vated to a disabling degree by the type of military service contemplated to be performed, may be waived, in the manncr and under the conditions authorized, by commanding generals of service commands as prescribed in current War Department regulations. [Pars. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9] §79b.2 Commissioned personnel-(a) Appointment of officers. Officers of the Women's Army Corps will be appointed only from graduates of the Women's Army Corps officer candidate school, except as provided in § 79b.19, in such numbers as may be specifically authorized by the Secretary of War. Appointments will be made under the provisions of §§ 73.200-73.218 of this chapter. (b) Separation. (1) The termination of appointments of officers of the Women's Army Corps will be as prescribed in § 73.215 of this chapter. (2) The appointment of a Women's Army Corps officer certified as pregnant by a medical officer will be terminated honorably. The medical certificate will be forwarded through channels to The Adjutant General for necessary action. [Pars. 12 and 18] § 79b.3 Enlisted personnel-(a) Eligibility for enlistment and reenlistment. Any female citizen of the United States who is of excellent character, who meets the required medical and physical requirements, and who is not ineligible under the conditions below, may be enlisted or reenlisted in the Army of the United States within authorized quotas. In addition to persons described in § 71.3 of this chapter, personnel of the following classes are ineligible for enlistment or reenlistment: (1) Women whose service in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps was terminated under other than honorable conditions. (2) Women who hold degree as doctors of medicine and registered nurses who are eligible for appointment in the Army Medical Corps or the Army Nurse Corps. (3) Women under 20 years of age. (4) Women who have attained 50 years of age. (5) Any person with a child or children under the age of 14 years or between the ages of 18 and 21 legally or in fact dependent upon such person for care, custody, control, or support. |