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State of Wyoming, subject to the provisions of the act, to charge and collect, at those stockyards posted under the act at which the said Wyoming Stock Growers Association may register as a market agency to perform such inspection, reasonable and nondiscriminatory fees for the inspection of brands, marks, and other identifying characteristics of livestock for the purpose of determining the ownership of such livestock. Such charges as are authorized to be made under this authority shall be collected by the market agency or person receiving and disbursing the funds received from the sale of livestock with respect to the inspection of which such charge is made, and shall be paid by it to the said Wyoming Stock Growers Association. Such inspection, charges, and collection of fees shall be subject to the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, as amended, and such regulations as may be promulgated pursuant thereto. [Authorization, Administrator, Oct. 20, 1943, 8 F.R. 14339]

§ 203.10 Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Inc. Upon a written request filed pursuant to the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, as amended, the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Inc., duly organized under the law's of the State of Texas, is hereby authorized, with respect to livestock originating in or shipped to market from the State of Texas, to charge and collect reasonable and nondiscriminatory fees, approved by the War Food Administrator, to be paid by the owners of the livestock inspected, for the inspection of brands, marks, and other identifying characteristics of livestock sold or offered for sale at those markets at which the said Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Asso

ciation, Inc. may register as a market agency, such inspection to be made to determine the ownership of the livestock. Such charges as are authorized to be made shall be collected by the market agency or other person receiving and disbursing the funds received from the sale of livestock with respect to the inspection of which such charge is made, and paid by it to the said Association. Such inspection, charges, and collection of fees shall be subject to the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act and such regulations as may be promulgated thereunder. [Authorization, Administrator, June 4, 1943, 8 F.R. 7524]

§ 203.12 Nebraska Brand Committee. The Nebraska Brand Committee is hereby authorized, with respect to livestock originating in or shipped from the State of Nebraska, subject to the provisions of the Act, to charge and collect, at those stockyards posted under the Act at which the said Nebraska Brand Committee may register as a market agency to perform such inspection, reasonable and nondiscriminatory fees for the inspection of brands, marks and other identifying characteristics of livestock for the purpose of determining the ownership of such livestock. Such charges as are authorized to be made under this authority shall be collected by the market agency or person receiving and disbursing the funds received from the sale of livestock with respect to the inspection of which such charge is made, and shall be paid by it to the said Nebraska Brand Committee. Such inspection charges and collection of fees shall be subject to the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, as amended, and such regulations as may be promulgated pursuant thereto. [Authorization, Administrator, Sept. 7, 1943, 8 F.R. 12428]

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Chapter VIII-Procurement and Disposal of Equipment and Supplies.





Chapter X-Areas Restricted for National Defense Purposes.






5 Safeguarding technical information. 11 Assistance to relatives and others in


7 Manufacture of decorations. [Amended]

connection with deceased personnel. [Amended]

12 Prisoners. [Amended]

8 Competition with civilian bands. [Amended]

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SOURCE: §§ 7.1 to 7.6, inclusive, contained in AR 600-90, June 26, 1943, 8 F.R. 9440, the particular paragraphs being shown in brackets at end of sections, and replace the former §§ 7.1 to 7.11, inclusive. Exceptions are noted in brackets following sections affected.

§7.1 General. The Quartermaster General is designated as the procurement officer for all insignia used or authorized by the War Department for wear by military personnel. All articles of insignia prescribed for wear by such personnel as may be required to purchase their own insignia will be dispensed through Army exchanges and quartermaster sale stores. [Par. 2]

[Preceding section, in small type, superseded by following section during period covered by this supplement]

§ 7.1 General. The Quartermaster General is designated as the procurement officer for all insignia used or authorized by the War Department for wear by military personnel. All authorized articles of insignia for enlisted personnel will be furnished gratuitously. All articles of insignia prescribed for wear by such personnel as may be required to purchase their own insignia will be dispensed through Army exchanges, quartermaster sales stores, and such civilian stores as may, from time to time, possess certificates of authority regularly issued by the Chief of Army Exchange Service to sell regulation Army officers' uniforms at retail. [Par. 2, as amended by C 1, Nov. 13, 1943, 8 F.R. 16008]

§7.2 Use of designs or likenesses of insignia in manufacture of articles for public sale. Designs or likenesses of War Department insignia, as distinguished from decorations, medals, and badges, may be incorporated in the manufacture of articles for public sale only after the designs of the articles to be manufactured have been approved, in writing, by the Secretary of War. No article to be manufactured which incorporates a design or likeness of War Department insignia and which proposes the use of strategic metal, will be approved. [Par. 3]

§7.3 Sales; to whom authorized. (a) Sales of miniature replicas, the fourragere, lapel buttons, clasps, bronze stars, and ribbons will be made only to persons exhibiting the decoration or service medal awarded by the War Department or the certificate of award or official copy of citation order.

(b) Sales of good conduct and service medals, War Department General Staff identification, aviation badges, badges for marksmanship, gunnery, bombing, etc., will be made only to persons exhibiting some official paper or document, such as discharge certificate or true copy thereof, a letter from an officer of the War Department, or other official document, containing definite proof of service or authority to wear.

(c) If the intending purchaser is unable to furnish the evidence required, he should be directed to make application to The Adjutant General for the required proof.

(d) Insignia, including buttons, as distinguished from decorations, medals, and badges prescribed or authorized by the War Department, may be sold by authorized dealers only to persons who present official War Department identification indicating their right to wear such insignia.

(e) Insignia of grade, arm or service may be purchased by members of the State Guard who present official identification of such membership issued by a State adjutant general. The sale of buttons, cap devices, and other insignia authorized for use on uniforms of Federal forces to members of the State Guard is prohibited.

(f) Buttons to be attached to officers' service coats, cap insignia and buttons to be attached to officers' service caps, braid (piping) to be attached to officers' garrison caps, and colored braid (piping) to be attached to enlisted men's garrison caps may be sold to manufaсturers of such service coats and caps, and the sale at retail of such finished articles in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section is authorized. Purchase of buttons for officers' service coats, buttons and cap insigna for officers' service caps, and braid (piping) for officers' garrison caps by manufacturers will be made from Army Exchange Service which will requisition adequate quantities therefor from The Quartermaster General with distribution to manufacturers in accordance with procedure prescribed by the Chief of Army Exchange Service. Manufacturers of enlisted men's garrison caps are authorized to manufacture and sell such caps, including the braid (piping) indicating arm or service, and the sale at retail of such finished articles in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section is authorized. [Par. 4]

NOTE: §7.3 (1) was added by C 1, Nov. 13, 1943, 8 F.R. 16008.

§ 7.4 Sale by War Department for exhibition purposes-(a) Decorations. (See § 78.7.)

(b) Service medals. (See § 78.30.) (c) Good Conduct Medals. (See § 78.37.) [Par. 5]

§ 7.5 Use and possession of articles and devices prescribed by War Department. (a) The wearing of any decoration, medal, badge, or insignia prescribed or authorized by the War Department, by any person for whom such decoration, medal, badge, or insignia is not authorized or prescribed, or their use to misrepresent the identification or status of the person by whom worn, is prohibited. Any person who offends against this provision is subject to punishment by a fine not exceeding $250, or by imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, or both. (See act February 24, 1923 (42 Stat. 1286) as amended by act April 21, 1928 (45 Stat. 437); 10 U.S.C. 1425.)

(b) Except as prohibited in paragraph (a) of this section, the possession by any person of any of the articles prescribed by the War Department, specified by the acts cited in paragraph (a) of this section, is authorized, unless such possession is used to defraud or misrepresent the identification or status of the individual concerned.

(c) The articles specified by the acts cited in paragraph (a) of this section, or any distinctive parts or colorable imitation thereof, will not be used by any organization, society, or other group of persons without prior approval of the Secretary of War. [Par. 6]

§7.6 Photographing, printing, etc., of decorations, medals, badges, insignia, and identification cards. (a) Unless such reproduction brings discredit upon the military service or is used to defraud or to misrepresent the identification or status of an individual, organization, society, or other group of persons, the photographing, printing, or in any other manner making or executing any engraving, photograph, print, or impression in the likeness of any decoration, medal, badge, insignia, or similar article, or of any colorable imitation thereof, of the design prescribed by the Secretary of War for use by any officer of subordinate of the War Department, is authorized.

(b) The reproduction of the likeness of any identification card prescribed by the War Department is not authorized without prior approval of the Secretary of War.

(c) Except when used to illustrate the particular article offered for sale, the use for advertising purposes of any engraving, photograph, print, or impression in the likeness of any War Department decoration, medal, badge, insignia, or similar article is not authorized without the prior approval of the Secretary of War. [Par. 7]

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11.4a Disposition of effects of deceased personnel. [Added]

§ 11.4a Disposition of effects of deceased personnel. (a) The provisions of § 11.4, are suspended during the period of the present emergency so far as they apply to military and civilian personnel subject to military law (as defined in the second Article of War) dying outside the limits of the States of the United States and the District of Columbia, when the widow or legal representative of such deceased person is not present. The effects of all such persons will be disposed of as indicated in this section.

(b) In those commands where the situation will permit, all Government issue property other than clothing necessary for burial will be withdrawn from the personal effects and turned over to the appropriate supply officer. The remaining effects will be immediately delivered to the summary court officer designated under Article of War 112 by the commanding officer. He will collect all monies due the decedent locally, including monies on deposit in local banks standing to the credit of the deceased, and pay the undisputed local creditors of the decedent, so far as any monies belonging to the deceased and which may have come into the possession of the summary court under Article of War 112 will permit, taking receipt therefor for file with the court's final report of the transaction to the War Department. Local debts owed by the decedent will be paid only to the extent that monies belonging to the decedent are available. No property belonging to the decedent will be sold.

(c) If any monies remain, the summary court officer will exchange such sums with his local finance officer for a Treasury check drawn in United States dollars and will forward such check by air mail (or other expeditious means of transmission) to the Effects Quartermaster, Army Effects Bureau, Kansas City Quartermaster Depot, Kansas City, Missouri. All further action under Article of War 112 will be taken by the Effects Quartermaster.

(d) The personal effects will be securely packed in a suitable container, with the original list of effects inclosed, and shipped to the Effects Quartermaster, Army Effects Bureau, Kansas City Quartermaster Depot, Kansas City, Missouri.

(e) In those commands where the situation will not permit the action prescribed above to be taken by the summary court, the effects will be safely secured by the commanding officer of the place or command where the death occurred, or by an officer designated by him, securely packed, and sent to the Effects Quartermaster, Army Effects Bureau, Kansas City Quartermaster Depot, Kansas City, Missouri.

(f) All action in determining the distributee to receive personal effects and any money, whether found among such effects or collected under Article of War 112, will be taken by the Effects Quartermaster. (41 Stat. 809, 46 Stat. 1203; 10 U.S.C. 1584, 1584a) [W.D. Memorandum W600-61-43, July 28, 1943, 8 F.R. 11466]

NOTE: $ 11.4a was retained without change in Cir. 195, W.D., Sept. 1, 1943, 8 F.R. 12459, which superseded W.D. Memorandum W60061-43.



12.1 Clemency. (Amended] 12.3 Mail. (Revised)

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(b) Prisoners confined in United States disciplinary barracks or Federal institutions. The case of each general prisoner who is serving sentence in a United States disciplinary barracks or in a Federal institution will be considered in the War Department for clemency at some time within the first 6 months of the period of confinement and annually thereafter. For prisoners serving sentence in a United States disciplinary barracks the commar.dant will make appropriate recommendation to The Adjutant General, and for those serving sentence in Federal institutions request will be made by The Adjutant General upon the warden for report when needed. [As amended by Par. 16b, AR 600-375, May 17, 1943, 8 F.R. 8590]

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§ 12.3 Mail-(a) Outgoing. Letters will be sent out by prisoners through the prison officer. Each prisoner will be.permitted to write his family or friends at least one letter in each week, all letters to be submitted unsealed for inspection.

(b) Incoming. Incoming mail will, with the prisoner's consert, be opened and inspected by the prison officer. Unless the prisoner consents to inspection, incoming mail may be retained unopened until the prisoner's release, or until disposed of by judicial process. Retained mail will be marked and entered in the personal property book. (R.S. 161, 5 U.S.C. 22; 38 Stat. 1074, 10 U.S.C. 1457a) [Par. 18b, AR 600-375, May 17, 1943, 8 F.R. 8590]

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