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Grāmatas Grāmatas
" ... and the right of way for the construction of ditches and canals for the purposes herein specified is acknowledged and confirmed; but whenever any person, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injures or damages the possession of any settler on... "
Regulations Concerning Right of Way for Canals, Ditches, and Reservoirs Over ... - 8. lappuse
autors: United States, United States. General Land Office - 1894 - 17 lapas
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents ..., 4. sējums,1. daļa

United States. Congress. House - 1871 - 1168 lapas
...«bill, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage tin) possession of any • " ir mi the public domain, the party committing such injury or damage shall be lia• •• in the party injured for such injury or damage. ч ' '. 10. And be it further enacted,...
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Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying ..., 1. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1891 - 648 lapas
...way shall pass shall he disposed of subject to such right of way. The section further provides t hat whenever any person or corporation, in the construction...committing such injury or damage shall be liable to the p.'irly injured for such injury or damage. Under this section all maps or plats showing the location...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., 16. sējums

United States. Congress. House - 1868 - 726 lapas
...person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the possessions of any settler on the public domain, the party committing...injury or damage shall be liable to the party injured tor such injury or damage. Under this act a ditch company acquires a title to the land on which the...
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An Analytical Digest of the Laws of the United States, 2. sējums

Frederick Charles Brightly - 1869 - 682 lapas
...this act, any person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal,-injure or damage the possession of any settler on the public domain,...or damage shall be liable to the party injured for auch injury or damage. Htfuwg. 1. Duplicate and imperfect books to be disposed of. 2. Disposition of...
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Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West of the ...

United States. Department of the Treasury - 1872 - 604 lapas
...shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage tho possession of any settler on tho public domain, the party committing such injury or damage shall be liable to tho party injured for such injury or damage. SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That wherever, prior...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents ..., 3. sējums,1. daļa

United States. Congress. House - 1873 - 992 lapas
...¡ч'Гйопя shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the. posses-iim of any settler on the public domain, the party committing such injury or damage, 'ball l>e liable to the party injured for such injury or damage. SRC. 10. And be it further enacted,...
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Titles to Mines in the United States: With the Statutes and References to ...

William Augustus Harris - 1877 - 170 lapas acknowledged and confirmed; but whenever any person, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injures or damages the possession of any settler on...public domain, the party committing such injury or to use of water . .1 p , r '• • IA i t * damage shall be liable to the party injured for such injury...
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Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 98. sējums

United States. Supreme Court - 1879 - 696 lapas
...this act, any person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the possession of any settler on the public domain,...or damage shall be liable to the party injured for ench injury or damage." HStat, 253. There are some verbal changes in the section as re-enacted in the...
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The Little Lawyer; Or, The Farmers', Mechanics', Miners', Laborers', and ...

Henry A. Gaston - 1880 - 336 lapas
...this Act, any person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the possession of any settler on the public domain,...committing such injury or damage shall be liable to the injured party for such injury or damage. made, improved, and used for agricultural purposes, and upon...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., 22. sējums

United States. Congress. House - 1880 - 1038 lapas
...any person in the construction of such canals or hydraulic works injures or damages another «ettler on the public domain, the party committing such injury or damage shall 'w liable to the party injured for such injury or damage : and, in the, absence of nec<-«ary legislation...
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