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" ... or association of individuals, on the filing of the certificates and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been or shall be constructed by an individual or association of individuals, it shall be sufficient for such individual... "
Regulations Concerning Right of Way for Canals, Ditches, and Reservoirs Over ... - 8. lappuse
autors: United States, United States. General Land Office - 1894 - 17 lapas
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Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying ..., 1. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1891 - 648 lapas
...certificate.« and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir has been or shall be constructed by an individual, or association of individuals, it...such individual, or association of individuals, to filo with the Secretary of the Interior, and with the register of the land office where said land is...
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Statutes of the United States of America

United States - 1891 - 762 lapas
...and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been or shall be constructed by an individual or association of individuals, it...the line of such canal, ditch, or reservoir, as in case of a corporation, with the name of the individual owner or owners thereof, together with the articles...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of ..., 39. sējums

Montana. Supreme Court - 1891 - 736 lapas
...and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been or shall be constructed by an individual or association of individuals, it...the line of such canal, ditch, or reservoir, as in case of a corporation, with the name of the individual owner or owners thereof, together with the articles...
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Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land ..., 12. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1891 - 756 lapas
...and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been, or shall be constructed by an individual, or association of individuals, where said land is located, a map of the line of snch canal, ditch, or reservoir, as in case of a corporation, with the name of the individual owner...
Pilnskats - Par šo grāmatu

Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land ..., 12. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1891 - 752 lapas
...and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been, or shall be constructed by an individual, or association of individuals, it...and with the register of the land office where said laud is located, a map of the line of such canal, ditch, or reservoir, as in case of a corporation,...
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Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land ..., 12. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1891 - 750 lapas
...and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been, or shall !*> constructed by an individual, or association of individuals, it...Secretary of the Interior and with the register of the laud office where said laud is located, a map of the line of such canal, ditch, or reservoir, as in...
Pilnskats - Par šo grāmatu

Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land ..., 14. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1892 - 762 lapas
...and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been or shall be constructed by an individual, or association of individuals, it...individual, or association of individuals, to file with the register of the land office where said land is located a map of the line of such canal, ditch, or reservoir,...
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Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the ..., 8. sējums;13. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1892 - 802 lapas
...and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been or shall be constructed by an individual or association of individuals, it shall be sufficient for such individual or associatinn of individuals to file with the Secretary of the Inferior, and with the register of the...
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A Treatise on the Law of Water Rights as the Same is Formulated and Applied ...

John Norton Pomeroy - 1893 - 640 lapas
...certificates and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir has been or shall be constructed by an individual or association of individuals, it...where said land is located, a map of the line of such ditch, canal, or reservoir, as in case of a corporation, with the name of the individual owner or owners...
Pilnskats - Par šo grāmatu

Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land Office in ...

United States. Department of the Interior - 1894 - 666 lapas
...and maps hereiu provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been or shall be constructed by an individual or association of individuals, it...the line of such canal, ditch, or reservoir, as in the cases of a corporation, with the name of the individual owner or owners thereof, together with...
Pilnskats - Par šo grāmatu

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