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" That the right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United States is hereby granted to any canal or ditch company formed for the purpose of irrigation and duly organized under the laws of any State or Territory, which shall have filed,... "
Regulations Concerning Right of Way for Canals, Ditches, and Reservoirs Over ... - 7. lappuse
autors: United States, United States. General Land Office - 1894 - 17 lapas
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Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying ..., 1. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1891 - 648 lapas
...and not to include lauds entered or sought to be entered under mineral land laws. SKC. 1H. That the right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United Slates is hereby granted to any canal or ditch company formed forthe purpose of irrigation and duly...
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Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the ..., 27. sējums

Utah. Supreme Court, Albert Hagan, John Augustine Marshall, John Maxcy Zane, James A. Williams, Joseph M. Tanner, George L. Nye, John Walcott Thompson, August B. Edler, Alonzo Blair Irvine, Harmel L. Pratt, William S. Dalton, H. Arnold Rich - 1904 - 636 lapas
...requisites specified in the enactment. Among other things, section 18 of the act provides "that the right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United States is hereby granted to any canal or ditch company formed for the purpose of irrigation and duly organized...
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The Federal Reporter, 176. sējums

1910 - 1052 lapas
...1875, c. 152, 18 Stat. 482 [US Comp. St. 1901, p. 1568]). The language of section 18 is: "That the right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United States is hereby granted * * * to the extent," etc. Section 19 provides that, upon the approval of the map...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of ..., 39. sējums

Montana. Supreme Court - 1891 - 736 lapas
...Comp. State. 1901, p. 1570), sections 18, 19, and 20 of which Act read as follows: "Sec. 18. That the right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United States is hereby granted to any canal or ditch company formed for the purpose of irrigation and duly organized...
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Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land ..., 12. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1891 - 750 lapas
...other purposes," are forwarded for your guidance : The eighteenth section of said act provides that the right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United States is hereby granted to any canal, or ditch company, formed for the purpose of irrigation, and duly organized...
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Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the ...

Geological Survey (U.S.) - 1893 - 688 lapas much land as is actually necessary for the construction and maintenance of reservoirs; that the right of way through the public, lands and reservations of the United States shall be granted to any canal or ditch company formed for the purpose of irrigation and duly organized...
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A Treatise on the Law of Water Rights as the Same is Formulated and Applied ...

John Norton Pomeroy - 1893 - 640 lapas
...right of way over the public lands and reservations.19 Its terms are as follows : — Sec. 18. "The right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United States is hereby granted to any canal or ditch company formed for the purpose of irrigation, and duly organized...
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Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land Office in ...

United States. Department of the Interior - 1894 - 666 lapas
...19. 20, and 21, of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1891 (26 Stat., 109.5), entitled, "An act to repeal timber.culture laws, and for other purposes,"...reservoirs, heretofore or hereafter constructed by corpora. tions, individuals, or associations of individuals, upon the filing and approval of the certificates...
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The School of Mines Quarterly, 15. sējums

1894 - 568 lapas
...the timber culture laws, and for other purposes," grants the right of way through the public lands of the United States for the use of canals, ditches and...heretofore or hereafter constructed by corporations, associations or individuals upon the filing and approval of the maps, notes and certificates. The right...
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A Treatise on the Law of Irrigation: Including the Law of Water-rights and ...

Clesson Selwyne Kinney - 1894 - 854 lapas
...have been acquired." 2 By the Act of Congress of March 3, 1891, Congress further provided: " That the right of way through the public lands and reservations of the United States is hereby granted to any canal or ditch company formed for the purpose of irrigation and duly organized...
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