General OrdersThe Department, 1911 |
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1st Infantry 1st lieut 1st lieutenant 1st serg 2d Infantry 2d lieut 2d lieutenant 4th Infantry Acting Chief additional pay Adjutant Albay allowance ammunition Appointed and assigned Appropriation Army Regulations authorized battalion Brigadier cadet caliber 30 Camp Daraga capt captain cartridge cash causes for rejection Cavalry certificate charge Chief of Staff Coast Artillery Corps commanding officer commissary Company competitor Daraga department commander detachment duty Engineers enlisted examination expenses Field Artillery Fort Leavenworth FRANKLIN BELL garrison guns HENRY hundred dollars issued MCCAIN midshipman Military Academy military reservation national match Ordnance Department organized militia paragraph Philippine Islands Philippine Scouts prescribed purchase quartermaster range officer rapid fire Regiment rifle Score at national SECRETARY SECRETARY OF WAR shots Signal Corps Skirmish fire slow fire soldiers station student officers subsistence TASKER H teams at national thousand dollars tion transportation troops United States Army United States Military War Department WASHINGTON yards
Populāri fragmenti
8. lappuse - ... or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States...
16. lappuse - States providing for taxes on business and trade, or to the act entitled " an act to provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, the establishment and maintenance of schools, and the care and support of insane persons in the District of Alaska, and for other purposes...
8. lappuse - Canal, under the provisions of section eight of ,An act to provide for the construction of a canal connecting the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans...
12. lappuse - When practicable, horses shall be purchased in open market at all military posts or stations, when needed, at a maximum price to be fixed by the Secretary of War: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of any horse below the standard set by Army Regulations for Cavalry and Artillery horses...