The Psychology of Suggestion: A Research Into the Subconscious Nature of Man and SocietyD. Appleton, 1898 - 386 lappuses |
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The Psychology of Suggestion: A Research Into the Subconscious Nature of Man ... Boris Sidis Priekšskatījums nav pieejams - 2014 |
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abnormal suggestibility amnesia asked attention automatic writing awakened became Binet catalepsy cells cent centres CHAPTER character Clelia condition constellations crowd demonophobia direct suggestion disaggregation dissociation Double Consciousness epidemic experiments eyes fact factors field of consciousness Fingold gestion give guesses hand hundred hypnoidic hypnosis hypnotic hysterical idea immediate suggestion impulse indirect individual induced inhibition insane James letter mania mediate suggestibility memory mental ments mind moments-consciousness moments-content movements Nancy school nature nerve-cells ness normal suggestibility once organized pain paramnesia particular passed patient personality phenomena physiological possessed post-hypnotic suggestion present pricked primary Prof psychic reflex religious revival sciousness Secondary sight sejuncted self-consciousness Sidis sleep social somnambulism sphygmographic stimuli stream of consciousness subconscious subpersonal subwaking sugges synthesis synthetic synthetic consciousness tell thought tion trance Twoey uncon unconscious cerebration upper consciousness witchcraft witches words
Populāri fragmenti
343. lappuse - In 1634, the rage among the Dutch to possess them was so great that the ordinary industry of the country was neglected, and the population, even to its lowest dregs, embarked in the tulip trade.
190. lappuse - Each pulse of cognitive consciousness, each Thought, dies away and is replaced by another. The other, among the things it knows, knows its own predecessor, and finding it "warm," in the way we have described, greets it, saying: "Thou art mine, and part of the same self with me.
140. lappuse - ... after he left home. The remarkable part of the change is, of course, the peculiar occupation which the so-called Brown indulged in. Mr. Bourne has never in his life had the slightest contact with trade. "Brown" was described by the neighbors as taciturn, orderly in his habits, and in no way queer.
339. lappuse - The world seemed to be like a large mad-house for witches and devils to play their antics in." We foster the modern view : a human being sick ; physical causes ; a hospital, light, airy, clean and comfortable ; suitable and abundant nourishment, trained nurses, kindness, non-restraint, reason, liberty. But let us not be deluded. " The cost of giving the treatment has been materially increased...
337. lappuse - God having appointed that, secret supernatural sign, for trial of that secret unnatural crime : so that it appears that God hath appointed (for a supernatural sign of the monstrous impiety of witches) that the water shall refuse to receive them in her bosom, that have shaken off them the sacred water of baptism, and wilfully refused the benefit thereof: no, not so much as their eyes are able to a James's Works, p.
140. lappuse - He was very weak, having lost apparently over twenty pounds of flesh during his escapade, and had such a horror of the idea of the candy-store that he refused to set foot in it again. The first two weeks of the period remained unaccounted for, as he had no memory, after he had once resumed his normal personality, of any part of the time, and no one who knew him seems to have seen him after he left home.
140. lappuse - When confronted with Mrs. Bourne he said that he had "never seen the woman before," etc. On the other hand, he told of his peregrinations during the lost fortnight, and gave all sorts of details about the Norristown episode.