Lapas attēli

ACT OF JULY 4, 1836.

CHAP. CCCLIII.-An act in addition to the act entitled "An act making appropriations, in part, for the support of Government, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and for other purposes.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Duties and powers of the

SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the duties and powers of the commissioners of the sinking fund are commissioners hereby suspended until revived by law, and that the fund ferred to the

of the sinking trans

records of the commissioners be transferred to the cus-Secretary of the Treasury tody of the Secretary of the Treasury, who is hereby authorized and directed to pay out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated any outstanding debts of the United States and the interest thereon.


Approved, July 4, 1836.


ACT OF OCTOBER 12, 1837.


CHAP. II.-An act to authorize the issuing of Treasury


5 Stat. L., 201.

The Presi

to be issued,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States is hereby dent to cause authorized to cause Treasury notes for such sum or sums Treasury notes as the exigencies of the Government may require, but not for not exceed exceeding, in the whole amount of notes issued, the sum 000, and not of of ten millions of dollars, and of denominations not less nation than than fifty dollars for any one note, to be prepared, signed, and issued in the manner hereinafter provided.

ing $10,000,

less denomina


reimbursed and

the expiration

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Treas-Notes to be ury notes, authorized to be issued by the first section of redeemed after this act, shall be reimbursed and redeemed by the United of one year. States, at the Treasury thereof, after the expiration of one year from the dates of the said notes respectively; from which said dates, for the term of one year, and no longer, they shall bear such interest as shall be expressed Notes to bear upon the face of the said notes; which rate of interest as is expressed upon each several issue of the said notes shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, by and with the advice. and approbation of the President; but shall in no case case to exceed exceed the rate of interest of six per centum per annum. the rate of 6

such interest

on their face.

per cent.

The Secretary

of the Treas

portion of said

sued in рау

to such as

The reimbursement herein provided for shall be made at the Treasury of the United States to the holders of the said notes respectively, upon presentment, and shall include the principal of each note, and the interest which may be due thereon at the time of payment. For this reimbursement, at the time and times herein specified, the faith of the United States is hereby solemnly pledged.

(Section 3 provides that the said Treasury notes shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Register of the Treasury, and that those officers shall keep separate accounts thereof, as checks upon each other.)

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary ury to cause a of the Treasury is hereby authorized, with the approbanotes to be is- tion of the President of the United States, to cause to be ment of debts issued such portion of the said Treasury notes as the choose to re- President may think expedient, in payment of debts due ceive them, etc. by the United States to such public creditors or other persons as may choose to receive such notes in payment, The Secretary as aforesaid, at par. And the Secretary of the Treasury ury authorized, is further authorized, with the approbation of the Presithe credit dent of the United States, to borrow, from time to time, not under par, such sums as the President may think expedient, on the credit of such notes.

of the Treas

etc., to borrow


of the notes,


transferable by


The notes SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said Treasdelivery and ury notes shall be transferable by delivery and assignment. endorsed thereon, by the person to whose order the same shall, on the face thereof, have been made payable.


notes to be re

ment of du

public lands, etc.

The Treasury SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said Treasceived in pay-ury notes shall be received in payment of all duties and ties, taxes, taxes laid by the authority of the United States, of all public lands sold by the said authority, and of all debts to the United States, of any character whatsoever, which may be due and payable at the time when said Treasury On every pay- notes be so offered in payment. And on every such may credit to be payment, credit shall be given for the amount of the cipal and inter- principal and interest which, on the day of such payment, may be due on the note or notes thus given in payment.

ment of Treas

given for prin

est, etc.

(Section 7 provides for the accounts to be kept by collectors and other receivers of the public moneys, of Treasury notes received by them, and for the charging and crediting of accrued interest on such notes when paid out by them.)

the Treasury

cause to be re

paid the prin

terest of the

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed authorized to to cause to be reimbursed and paid the principal and in- Imbursed and terest of the Treasury notes which may be issued by virtue cipal and inof this act, at the several time and times when the same, Treasury notes. according to the provisions of this act, should be thus reimbursed and paid. And the said Secretary is further authorized to make purchases of the said notes, at par, for the amount of the principal and interest due at the time of purchase on such notes. And so much of any unappropriated money in the Treasury as may be necessary for that purpose, is hereby appropriated, for paying the principal and interest of said notes.

(Section 9 appropriates for expense of preparing, etc. (Section 10 prescribes punishment for forging notes. (Section 11 prescribes punishment for engraving, etc. (Section 12 authorizes Secretary to make and issue rules and regulations: "Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to reissue any of said notes, but upon the return of the said notes or any of them to the Treasury, the same shall be cancelled.")

Appropriation to pay Treasury notes.

Secretary of

the Treasury

monthly state


SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That it shall be, and hereby is, made the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause a to cause a statement to be published monthly, of the ment to be pubamount of all Treasury notes issued or redeemed, in pursuance of the provisions of this act; and that the power to Power conissue Treasury notes conferred on the President of the act to deter United States by this act, shall cease and determine on 31st December, the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.

Approved, October 12, 1837.

ACT OF OCTOBER 16, 1837.

CHAP. X.-An act making further appropriations for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven.

ferred by this

mine on the


[blocks in formation]

The Secretary

to arrange and

ing drafts

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treas of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized, to ar-ury authorized range and settle any of the outstanding transfer drafts settle outstand given to transfer moneys to the States under the act of given to transtwenty-third of June, 1836, and which have not been the States unpaid by the depositories upon which they were drawn, 115, etc.

fer moneys to

der act 23d June, 1836, ch.


or otherwise arranged and settled by the United States, by receiving such drafts at par in payment of any debts due to the United States, without any allowance of interest for the time the drafts have been outstanding and unpaid, or any other allowance for interest or damages of any description.

Approved, October 16, 1837.

ACT OF MAY 21, 1838.

5 Stat. L, CHAP. LXXXII.-An act to authorize the issuing of Treasury notes to meet the current expenses of the Government.

12, 1837, ch. 2.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress asAct of Oct. sembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approbation of the President of the United States, is notes to 1 hereby authorized to cause Treasury notes to be issued, sued according according to the provisions of, and subject to, all the consions of act of ditions, limitations and restrictions contained in an act ch. 2, in place entitled "An act to authorize the issuing of Treasury


to the provi

Oct. 12, 1837,

of, etc.


notes," approved the twelfth day of October last, in place of such notes as have been, or may be, issued under the authority of the act aforesaid, and which have been, or may hereafter be, paid into the Treasury and cancelled. Approved, May 21, 1838.

ACT OF MARCH 2, 1839.

5 Stat. L., CHAP. XXXVII.—An act to revise and extend "An act to authorize the issuing of Treasury notes to meet the current expenses of the Government," approved the twenty-first of May, eighteen hundred and thirtyeight.

Act of May 21, 1838, ch. 82.

Treasurer to

sued the re

Treasury notes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress asSecretary sembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury, with the cause to be is approbation of the President of the United States, is mainder of the hereby authorized to cause to be issued the remainder of authorized by the Treasury notes authorized to be issued by the act "to authorize the issuing of Treasury notes to meet the current expenses of the Government," approved the twentyfirst day of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, according to the provisions of said act, at any time prior to the thirtieth day of June next, any limitation in the act

act of May 21,

1838, ch. 82.

aforesaid or in the act " to authorize the issuing of Treas

ury notes," approved the twelfth day of October, eight- 1837, ch. 2. een hundred and thirty-seven, to the contrary notwith


Approved, March 2, 1839.

ACT OF MARCH 31, 1840.

CHAP. V.-An act additional to the act on the subject of
Treasury notes.

5 Stat. L., 370

Act of Oct.

2, etc.,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the regulations and provisions contained 12, 1837, in the act passed the twelfth day of October, in the year newed. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, entitled "An act to authorize the issuing of Treasury notes," and in the subsequent acts in addition thereto, be, and the same are hereby, renewed, and made in full force, excepting the limitations concerning the times within which such notes may be issued, and restricting the amount thereof as hereafter provided.



notes may be

of others


SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That under the regu- Treasury lations and provisions contained in said act, Treasury issued in lieu notes may be issued in lieu of others hereafter or hereto- deemed. fore redeemed, but not to exceed in the amount of notes outstanding at any one time, the aggregate of five millions of dollars; and to be redeemed sooner than one year, if the means of the Treasury will permit, by giving notice sixty days of those notes which the Department is ready to redeem; no interest to be allowed thereon after the expiration of said sixty days.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue in force one year and no longer.

Approved, March 31, 1840.

ACT OF JULY 4, 1840.


CHAP. XLI.-An act to provide for the collection, safe 5 Stat. L., keeping, transfer, and disbursement of public revenue.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be prepared and provided, within Rooms to be the new Treasury building now erecting at the seat of the Treasurer Government, suitable and convenient rooms for the use safes for the

provided for

and vaults and

public moneys.

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