Barnett, R. Beaser, H. W Beatty, W. W. Biedenweg, A. G. Bradley, Hon. F Branch, H... Brassor, F. P. Braswell, M. B. Brennan, J. A. Bresnahan, H. W. Burbridge, C. E.. Burch, Hon. T. G. Caemmerer, H. P. Cawley, F. R.. Chamberlain, J. M. Chandler, H. P. Chapman, E. A Colbert, Rear Adm. L. 0. Crittenden. E. C. Custer, C. E De Zychlinski, L. Y... Dodd, N. E Dodson, J. E Dolan, J. P. Doyle, A. J. Duckworth, J. B. Dunbar, Dr. P. B. Dutemple, E. J. Eggleton, R. E.. Eigenmann, J. J. INDEX LIST OF WITNESSES Page 39 132 39 275 142 111 93 58 522 538 246 607 422 320 231 246 246 429 140 246 23 604 518 326, 351, 419 422 140 351 434 351 320 246 239 93, 538 538 135 422 11 246 246 443 275 113 246 56 604 320 604 515 326 537 93 220 111 Green, J. C... Hankins, P. A.......... Page 326 23 369 113 478 287 287 450, 478 478 326 58 309 69 142 411 604 538 275 385 538 369. 351 27 450, 478 Salaries and administrative expenses, increase in limitation on.... 239 239 Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of 200 Insect and plant disease control_ 205 Gypsy moth and pink bollworm control. Insect, investigations. Spruce worm investigations. Forest Service.. National forests, protection and management_ Water facilities, arid and semiarid areas. 205 200 200 220 220 Recreational areas, rehabilitation of.... 220 231 Repair and development, loans for.. 231 · Architect of the Capitol---- 287 Capitol Buildings and Grounds__. 287 District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, 306 United States Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, repairs Declassification and Technical Service, Office of Families of officers and employees abroad at outbreak of war, travel of Household effects, transportation of Patent Office. Page 385 397 401 416 417 416 · 422 434 441 437 434 437 326 421 419 429 429 433 351 326 443 11 11 23 27 27 39 Mental Hygiene, Division of. 56 Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of 58 General administrative expenses. 64 Payments to States, 1946- 58 Federal Works Agency. 69 Public Buildings Administration_ Return of deparmental functions to seat of government. 69 69 Internal Revenue Taxation, Joint Committee on, deficit in funds of....... Reporting hearings- - - - Special and select committees. Stationery Telegraph and telephone, service. 593 593 599 596 597 598 598 Suppressing forest and range fires on Indian reservations. Tribal councils or committees, expenses of. 522 535 534 J Page Justice, Department of__. 275 Contingent expenses, 1937-_. 275 District attorneys' offices, etc., salaries and expenses, 1946__- 280 District attorneys, etc., salaries and expenses, 1945. 276 Lands Division, salaries and expenses_ 276 Marshals, salaries and expenses of. 282 Penal institutions, medical and hospital service.. 285 275 Labor, Department of Traveling expenses, 1942. Employment, office facilities and services___. National Mediation Board.. N Arbitration, emergency, and emergency panel boards. 275 L First Assistant Postmaster General, office of the. Second Assistant Postmaster General, office of the_ Second Assistant Postmaster, office of the. 246 264 264 261 266 266 270 270 272 270 258 248 255 246 250 252 268 268 274 309 United Nations, 1946, United States participation in.. 450 |