Mr. STEED. We go now to page 90 of the committee print and page 238 of the justifications, furniture and furnishings for the Library. This is an item for $189,000 as against $225,000 for 1963, making a net decrease of $36,000. As I understand, $100,000 of this item is of a recurring nature and $89,000 asked for in 1964 is nonrecurring. Is that so? Mr. WELSH. Yes, sir. Mr. STEED. It might be well for you to highlight those nonrecurring items. Mr. HENLOCK. The two principal ones appear on page 239: Catalog cases, processing Department: Sixty 3 by 5 15-drawer sections for replacements in the Official Catalog, forty 3 by 5 15-drawer sections for expansion of the Shelf List Catalog, $22,000. Catalog cases, Copyright Office: 124 15-drawer sections for expansion and the replacement of obsolete equipment in the Copyright Card Catalog, $11,000. Those are the two largest items, Mr. Chairman. Are there any other items you wish us to discuss? Mr. STEED. The item of $25,000 for typewriter replacement, that is a fairly continuing cost, isn't it? Mr. WELSH. Yes, sir. Mr. STEED. Fifteen thousand dollars for movable partitions. Over a period of years of having this item available do you still find more and more of this type of partition necessary? Mr. WELSH. As the space becomes tighter, it has been a very excellent way of utilizing the space. This year, for example, in connection with the air-conditioning program we had to move some personnel. One illustration, on the ground floor where we formerly had the White House photographers exhibit, we moved that out so we could accommodate the Division for the Blind. The Division for the Blind had been in the north half of the building but we had to free that space in order to have the air-conditioning work begin. We have done it in other areas, too. We created another office for several units. The telephone room has had to be expanded. This has been a vital part of our program in the past. Mr. STEED. Will moving into the Navy Munitions space help you any in this field? Mr. WELSH. We hope it will but we will have to use some of this money for movable partitions in the weapons plant. Mr. STEED. Are there any question? 1963 appropriation in annual act... Base for 1964 Additions: Wage-rate increases authorized by Public Law 763, 83d Cong Under the provisions of Public Law 763, 83d Cong., 46 laborers and mechanics on the Botanic Garden roll are compensated on a wageboard, prevailing-rate basis. Public Law 763 provides that the compensation of such employees shall be fixed and adjusted from time to time as nearly as is consistent with the public interest in accordance with prevailing rates. An increase of $5,741 is requested for 1964 to meet on a full-year basis the cost of increased wage rates established for these wage-board positions as a result of a general survey of Government and industrial employees' wages in the Washington metropolitan area, conducted during the past year. The new rates went into effect Dec. 9, 1962, in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 85-872, 85th Cong. This increase is necessary in order that the Botanic Garden wage-board employees may be compensated on a full-year basis in the fiscal year 1964 in accordance with present prevailing rates. An increase of $2,643 is requested for 1964 to meet the cost of withingrade promotions falling due in that year, authorized by Public Law 763 under the wage-board system, for employees compensated under that act. Overtime and holiday pay increased by $1,000 to meet increased pay costs under that allotment resulting from base pay increases under Public Law 763 and the Classification Act___ Regular pay above 52-week base allotment increased by $1,000 to cover 2 additional days instead of the usual 1 additional day above the 52-week base, next year being leap year___ Increased pay costs due to Public Law 87-793, approved Oct. 11, 1962, Federal Increase of $4,110 requested for 1964 to finance a GS-4 clerk position which 1 additional position, W-4 laborer-gardener This item was requested but not allowed for 1963 and is resubmitted for consideration for 1964. 8 additional greenhouses, a boiler plant, and office structure have been erected and placed in service at Poplar Point Nursery. The services of an additional laborer are required to keep the office clean, sweep and wash floors, clean toilets; also, sweep and keep clean the concrete floors of the greenhouses; wash windows; and assist the gardeners in the outside maintenance work. At the present time, it is necessary for these duties to be performed by the greenhouse employees, experienced in gardening work. The allowance of this position would free the greenhousemen from these tasks and permit their experience to be utilized performing duties of a more responsible nature. General annual repairs, increased from $5,200 to $6,500.-. This increase is necessary to meet present-day maintenance costs. years. Cleaning interior and exterior walls of main conservatory, nonrecurring item This is a nonrecurring item requseted to provide funds for cleaning the exterior and the interior walls of the main conservatory of the Botanic Garden, located on Maryland and Independence Avenues, adjacent to the Rayburn House Office Building. The conservatory was completed and occupied in 1933 and the exterior and interior walls have not been cleaned in the ensuing 30 years. The exterior limestone walls are now streaked and dirty and the interior brick walls are dingy looking and should be cleaned at this time, in order that the conservatory may present an appearance in harmony with the new Rayburn House Office Building, rather than an unsightly contrast as at present. During the past several years, funds have been allowed for cleaning the exterior of the Capitol Building, the Old Senate Office Building, and the Main Library Building, resulting in a vastly improved appearance of those buildings, and the request for funds for cleaning the Botanic Garden conservatory is a continuation of this program. Enlarging toilet facilities in main conservatory, nonrecurring item. The This is a nonrecurring item requested to provide funds for enlarging $452, 000 -48,500 403, 500 8,384 1,000 1,000 1,850 4, 110 4,056 1,300 12,000 5,000 The amount requested for 1964 will provide for 3 toilet stalls and 3 washbasins in the women's room, and 2 toilet stalls, 2 urinals and 2 washbasins for the men. The additional space required will be acсquired by extending the toilet areas over the trenches on the inside of the conservatory. Construction over these trenches will present no major problems. Crawl space will be provided under the floors of these additions to insure accessibility to the pipes in the trenches. This enlargement of facilities will in no way affect the space available for interior plantings. Supplies and materials increased from $10,000 to $12,000. This increase is necessary to meet present-day maintenance costs. No increase has been provided under this allotment for the past 8 years. Botanic Garden stock-increased from $15,400 to $19,700. This increase is necessary to meet present-day maintenance costs. We are asking a $900 increase in nursery stock; a $1,400 increase for moss and soil to meet increased costs of peat moss, fiber moss, topsoil and bedding materials; a $2,000 increase for miscellaneous equipment to meet the expanding needs for garden-type equipment required for cultivating, digging, planting, and hauling since the addition of the new greenhouses and outside nursery at Poplar Point Nursery. No increase has been provided under this allotment for the past 13 years. Surfacing roads in nursery with bituminous concrete paving-nonrecurring item___ Rehabilitation of Poplar Point Nursery will be completed in 1964 through installation of topsoil in 4 nursery plots and the planting of these plots with nursery stock to be used for future plantings on the Capitol and other grounds under the Architect of the Capitol. The existing roads at the nursery are not serviceable for the extensive use required. They are dirt roads and are frequently mired with mud in the spring and winter; develop large holes and deep ruts in freezing weather; are dusty during dry spells, and constantly wash away during heavy rains. During the past winter, nursery vehicles were frequently stuck in mud and holes, and nursery employees often found themselves knee-deep in mud. Sufficient funds were available in the amount appropriated for relocation of the greenhouses to the nursery to surface the portion of the nursery roadway extending from the entrance to the nursery along the west side to a point beyond the north front of the nursery headhouse. Under the funds requested for 1964, it is proposed to surface the remaining road areas, comprising approximately 10,500 square yards. It is proposed to pave the remaining road areas with a permanent type of paving, consisting of 4 inches of bituminous concrete paving in 2 courses a 2-inch binder course topped by a 2-inch surface course conforming with the standard specifications of the District government for street and alley improvements. Installation of law sprinkler system in grounds of main conservatorynonrecurring item___ It is recommended that an underground lawn sprinkler system be installed in the grounds about the main conservatory in order that an attractive lawn area may be maintained for this facility. For many years, such systems have been installed in the Capitol Grounds and found decidedly advantageous in lawn maintenance, as well as a saving in man-hours required for manual watering. The condition of the lawns, at present, is not in keeping with the beauty of the conservatory collections. Total estimate for 1964. 2,000 4,300 27,500 7,000 +79,500 483,000 Mr. STEED. We go now to page 93 of the committee print and page 261 of the justifications. This is an item of $483,000 as compared to $452,000 for 1964, an increase of $31,000. I note that you have dropped some items and added some. Aside from the mandatory items could you give a brief explanation of those which have been added? NEW POSITIONS REQUESTED Mr. CAMPIOLI. These additions are in that category: Increase of $4,110 requested for 1964 to finance a GS-4 clerk position which was held vacant during 1963, and for which no funds were asked last year. This clerk is required to assist the GS-9 administrative assistant and the GS-5 clerk in the performance of the administrative and clerical work necessary to be done for the operation of the gardens and to cover present workload conditions, $4,110. One additional position-W-4 laborer-gardener, $4,056. This item was requested but not allowed for 1963 and is resubmitted for consideration for 1964. Eight additional greenhouses, a boiler plant and office structure have been erected and placed in service at Poplar Point Nursery. The services of an additional laborer are required to keep the office clean, sweep and wash floors, clean toilets; also, sweep and keep clean the concrete floors of the greenhouses; wash windows; and assist the gardeners in the outside maintenance work. At the present time, it is necessary for these duties to be performed by the greenhouse employees, experienced in gardening work. The allowance of this position would free the greenhousemen from these tasks and permit their experience to be utilized performing duties of a more responsible nature. GENERAL ANNUAL REPAIRS General annual repairs increased from $5,200 to $6,500, $1,300. This increase is necessary to meet present-day maintenance costs. No increase has been provided under this allotment for the past 14 years. CLEANING WALLS OF CONSERVATORY Cleaning interior and exterior walls of main conservatory, nonrecurring item, $12,000. This is a nonrecurring item requested to provide funds for cleaning the exterior and interior walls of the main conservatory of the Botanic Garden, located on Maryland and Independence Avenues, adjacent to the Rayburn House Office Building. The conservatory was completed and occupied in 1933 and the exterior and interior walls have not been cleaned in the ensuing 30 years. The exterior limestone walls are now streaked and dirty and the interior brick walls are dingy looking and should be cleaned at this time, in order that the conservatory may present an appearance in harmony with the new Rayburn House Office Building, rather than an unsightly contrast as at present. During the past several years, funds have been allowed for cleaning the exterior of the Capitol Building, the Old Senate Office Building, and the main Library building, resulting in a vastly improved appearance of those buildings, and the request for funds for cleaning the Botanic Garden conservatory is a continuation of this program. SANITARY FACILITIES AT CONSERVATORY Enlarging toilet facilities in main conservatory, nonrecurring item, $5,000. This is a nonrecurring item requested to provide funds for enlarging the existing toilet facilities at the Botanic Garden conservatory. The toilet facilities at the conservatory, originally considered adequate when the number of visitors annually to the conservatory was only one-third the present number, are now totally inadequate to serve the 350,000 visitors who come to the conservatory annually. The men's facilities consist of one toilet stall, one urinal, and one washbasin. The women's facilities consist of one toilet stall and one washbasin. Frequently, when large groups are visiting the conservatory, long lines 98620-63-16 |