Supplies and materials- Capitol Power Plant. House restaurants_ Structural and mechanical care.. Sergeant at Arms, Office of, repairs. Supplies and materials. Traffic situation on Capitol Hill- Wage board, overtime, and within grade increases. Capitol grounds. Freeway route_ General annual repairs- Independence Avenue, widening of. Louisiana Avenue, resurfacing portion of Sidewalks, replacement of Street sweepers, purchase of Wage board, within-grade and overtime increases. Contingent expenses. Extension of the Capitol. Overruns on previous estimates_ Projects, status of House Office Buildings. Remodeling of... Legislative garage. Library buildings and grounds: Additional library building- Furniture and furnishings Birdproofing and roof repair, main building- Book conveyers, main building, replacement of 188 Cafeteria expansion, main building- 186 Cleaning exterior of main building. 185 Heating and cooling system, main building, replacement of 13, 190 Restaurants and properties on Independence Avenue.... 187 Salaries, Office of the Architect_ 99 Travel expenses, limitation on.. 105 C Capitol Police.. 269 (II) Resolutions proposed as permanent law. 229 Salaries, mileage for the Members, and expense allowance for the Speaker 228 Unallocated balances, lump sums 231, 237 Committee employees-- 243, 256 |