COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS CLARENCE CANNON, Missouri, Chairman GEORGE H. MAHON, Texas HUGH Q. ALEXANDER, North Carolina JOHN TABER, New York IVOR D. FENTON, Pennsylvania CHARLES RAPER JONAS, North Carolina KENNETH SPRANKLE, Clerk and Staff Director LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1963 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1962. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WITNESSES DR. L. QUINCY MUMFORD, LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS RUTHERFORD D. ROGERS, CHIEF ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS DR. ROY P. BASLER, DIRECTOR, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT DR. HUGH L. ELSBREE, DIRECTOR, LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE SERVICE ABRAHAM L. KAMINSTEIN, REGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS ROBERT C. GOOCH, DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT FRANCIS X. DWYER, ASSOCIATE LAW LIBRARIAN LEWIS C. COFFIN, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, PROCESSING DEPARTMENT ROBERT D. STEVENS, COORDINATOR, PUBLIC LAW 480 PROGRAM WILLIAM W. ROSSITER, BUDGET OFFICER Mr. STEED. The committee will be in order. We begin the hearings this morning on the budget for fiscal year 1963 for the Library of Congress. We have Dr. Mumford and his staff here with us. Gentlemen, we are glad to have you with us in our new committee room surroundings here in the east front extension. Dr. Mumford, would you proceed with your general statement. SUMMARY OF BUDGET ESTIMATES First, we will at this point insert pages 1 through 4 of the justifications and the other summary tables in the record. (The material referred to follows:) 1 Includes $158,500 budget amendment as contained in H. Doc. 366. TABLE II.-Summary of budgeted positions, 1961, 1962, and 1963 Total. 1,940 2,045 2,163 1 Includes 17 positions in budget amendment as contained in H. Doc. 366. NOTE. The total number in each instance includes the full-time equivalent of part-time positions. TABLE III.-Summary of increases and decreases requested, fiscal year 1963-Continued Salaries and expenses, Copyright Legislative Distribution Books for Books for Books for Congress and distri- and micro bution of library materials filming Alaskan church records Total 370,000 370,000 $577,600 $19,700 $67,600 1 $353, 700 $135,000 $20,000 $98, 600 370,000 $15,000 1, 657, 200 Total, special foreign currency program. Total increases__ Net increase, Library of Congress 1 Includes $158,500 budget amendment as contained in House Document 366. 1,632, 200 |