Mr. ROBERTS. We installed several draperies for committees last year. Mr. HARPER. Mr. Bow, we stay within the total amount appropriated. We mentioned that packing boxes are costing more, so since this estimate was sent to the committee it was necessary for the Clerk to make a new allocation for furniture taking into account the changes that were taking place. Mr. Bow. So we are trading draperies for packing boxes; is that it? Mr. HARPER. We are staying within the amount appropriated and this is our best judgment of how it might be spent. Mr. STEED. Much of this is a matter that you have to guess on, is that not so? Mr. HARPER. Yes, sir; based on experience and the requests made to the Clerk for these various items. We have made reallocations to conform to what is taking place. We just rearrange these figures to stay within the appropriation. Mr. ROBERTS. We rearranged the figure on carpets because up to last year we had not purchased any carpets for several years. STANDING COMMITTEES EMPLOYEE EXPENSE Mr. Bow. I would like to go back to the item of "Committee Expense" on page 12. I notice from 1954, when the expense was $1,796,720, in the period of 6 years since that time we have increased that from $1.7 million by an additional $1.1 million. That is quite a substantial increase in the cost of operation of committees. I would like to have a breakdown for the record from 1954 bringing it up to date on each committee, the number of employees, the cost of employees, and the total cost of the operation of each committee year by year. Mr. Harper. I believe that is published quarterly. Mr. Bow. You can condense it easily, then, and insert it in the record at this point. Mr. MEGILL. It is published in the Congressional Record, too. Mr. Bow. Let us get it together so we can have it here and look at it. (NOTE.-The Clerk's office did not supply the information in the form requested in time for inclusion here. It is to be supplied to the committee.) Mr. STEED. Proceed. Mr. ROBERTS. For the fiscal year 1962, we are requesting an appropriation of $2,550,000, the same as that for the current fiscal year, 1961. I again wish to repeat that all of these allocations are with certain exceptions, mostly arbitrary, that may be changed upward or downward, depending upon conditions that may arise throughout the full fiscal year. I might further state for the information of the committee that all disbursements made from the appropriation for "Miscellaneous items" must receive my personal approval, and also the approval of the Committee on House Administration. REPORTING HEARINGS For stenographic reports of committee hearings, other than special and select committees, $150,000, the same as appropriated for 1961. Mr. STEED. At that point, do you have any figures as to what is actually spent on this item? It is a fairly stable sum and I wondered what is actually spent for the stenographic reporting of hearings? Mr. HARPER. I have a breakdown of how this runs by committees through April 13. Mr. STEED. If we could have that for the record, but I also would like to have the grand total. Mr. HARPER. Let me insert in the record the up-to-date figures on that. Mr. STEED. And give how much was spent last year. (The information requested follows:) For fiscal 1960 there was appropriated $150,000. We used $118,295.30, leaving a balance of $31,704.70. For fiscal 1961 there was appropriated $150,000. We have used $8,012.92, leaving a balance at March 31, 1961 of $141,987.08. SPECIAL AND SELECT COMMITTEES Mr. ROBERTS. For the information of the committee, we submit for the record a tabulated statement showing the various committee investigations authorized during the 86th and 87th Congresses, corrected to March 31, 1961. This statement shows the total amounts authorized, the amounts expended, and the unexpended balances. The committee should take into consideration that the authorizations are on a session or term basis, whereas the appropriations are on a fiscal year basis. The total authorization for the 86th Congress amounted to $5,797,000. The total authorized for the 87th Congress as of March 31, 1961, totals $4,989,000. Mr. STEED. The tabulations on pages 20 and 21 will be inserted in the record at this point. (The statement referred to is as follows:) Investigating and Select Committees, 86th Cong., Jan. 3, 1959, to Mar. 31, 1961 Agriculture Committee (Congressman Cooley, North Carolina, chairman); H. Res. 93, Mar. 9, 1959 and H. Res. 156, Mar. 13, 1959. Armed Services Committee (Congressman Vinson, Georgia, chairman); H. Res. 19, Jan. 15, 1959; 150,000.00 116, 734. 18 33, 265.82 Banking and Currency Committee (Housing) (Congressman Rains, Alabama, chairman); H. Res. 81, 200,000.00 138, 120. 33 61, 879.67 13, 1959-- 5,000.00 1,860.89 3, 139.11 1960... 35,000.00 27,541.37 7,458.63 District of Columbia Committee (Congressman McMillan, South Carolina, chairman); H. Res. 143, 10,000.00 3,833.26 6, 166.74 Education and Labor Committee (Congressman Barden, North Carolina, chairman); H. Res. 147, 328,000.00 286, 158.37 41, 841.63 150,000.00 100, 452.27 49, 547.73 Government Operations Committee (Congressman Dawson, Illinois, chairman); H. Res. 108, Feb. 1,040,000.00 938, 741.81 101, 258. 19 House Administration Committee (Congressman Burleson, Texas, chairman); H. Res. 131, Feb. 29, 1959; H. Res. 312, Aug. 18, 1959-- 20,000.00 19, 229.75 770.25 Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (Congressman Aspinall, Colorado, chairman); H. Res. 130, 75,000.00 61, 436.39 13, 563. 61 Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (Congressman Harris, Arkansas, chairman); H. Res. 56, 750,000.00 600, 892.86 149, 107. 14 Judiciary Committee (Congressman Cellar, New York, chairman); H. Res. 27, Jan. 27, 1959; H. Res. 92, Jan. 29, 1959; H. Res. 425, Feb. 17, 1960 425,000.00 355, 193.20 69, 806. 80 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee (Congressman Bonner, North Carolina, chairman); H. 75,000.00 61, 351.07 13, 648.93 Post Office and Civil Service Committee (Congressman Murray, Tennessee, chairman); H. Res. 78 and 79, Jan. 29, 1959-- 75,000.00 69, 206.06 5, 793, 94 Public Works Committee (Congressman Buckley, New York, chairman); H. Res. 91, Jan. 29, 1959; 36, 647.45 Un-American Activities Committee (Congressman Walter, Pennsylvania, chairman); H. Res. 137, 32, 406.57 Veterans' Affairs Committee (Congressman Teague, Texas, chairman); H. Res. 101, Jan. 28, 1959; Ways and Means Committee (Congressman Mills, Arkansas, chairman); H. Res. 182, Mar. 9, 1959; Investigating and Select Committees, 87th Cong., Jan. 3, 1961 to Mar. 31, 1961 Agriculture Committee (Congressman Cooley, North Carolina, chairman); H. Res. 86, Feb. 9, 1961 and H. Res.94, Feb. 28, 1961-- Armed Services Committee (Congressman Vinson, Georgia, chairman); H. Res. 78, Feb. 9, 1961 and H. Banking and Currency Committee (Congressman Rains, Alabama, chairman) (Housing); H. Res. 143, Banking and Currency Committee (Congressman Spence, Kentucky, chairman); H. Res. 200, Mar. 15, District of Columbia Committee (Congressman McMillan, South Carolina, chairman); H. Res. 189, Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (Congressman Aspinall, Colorado, chairman); H. Res. 92, Feb. Post Office and Civil Service Committee (Congressman Murray, Tennessee, chairman); H. Res. 75, Committees Amount author- pended Jan. 3, 1961, to Mar. 31, 1961 ized Balance available Apr. 1, 1961 Res.79, Feb.28, 1961--- 150,000.00 13,024.05 Feb. 9, 1961 and H. Res. 144, Feb. 28, 1961 100,000.00 16, 530.08 83, 469.92 1961...... 5,000.00 5,000.00 Mar. 15, 1961. 10,000.00 10,000.00 Education and Labor Committee (Congressman Powell, New York, chairman); H. Res. 41, Feb. 23, 1961 and H. Res. 149, Feb. 28, 1961-- 633,000.00 32, 841. 42 600, 158.58 and H. Res. 61, Feb. 28, 1961.... 150,000.00 Government Operations Committee (Congressman Dawson, Illinois, chairman); H. Res. 70, Mar. 1, 1961 and rule XI (8) ... )-- 640,000.00 House Administration Committee (Congressman Burleson, Texas, chairman); H. Res. 158, Feb. 28, 1961.... 20,000.00 2,374.75 17,625.25 23, 1961 and H. Res. 128, Feb.28, 1961-- 60,000.00 Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (Congressman Harris, Arkansas, chairman); H. Res. 108, Feb. 9, 1961 and H. Res. 165, Feb. 28, 1961 435,000.00 Judiciary Committee (Congressman Celler, New York, chairman); H. Res. 56, Feb. 9, 1961 and H. Res. 68, Feb. 28, 1961 and H. Res. 204, Mar. 15, 1961... 350,000.00 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee (Congressman Bonner, North Carolina, chairman); H. Res. 98, Feb. 23, 1961 and H. Res. 99, Feb.28,1961----- 75,000.00 2,965.48 72, 034.52 Feb. 6, 1961 and H. Res. 76, Feb. 28,1961--- 100,000.00 8,181.65 91, 818.35 Public Works Committee (Congressman Buckley, New York, chairman); H. Res. 23, Feb. 6, 1961 and Res. 136, Feb. 28,1961 950,000.00 73, 552.93 876, 447.07 |