Itemized estimates of appropriations-Continued Office of the Sergeant at Arms-Continued Assistant custodian (minority). Foreman of laborers_ Laborers..... Cloakroom attendant.. Cloakroom attendants. Laborer (cloakroom) 5 Committee on Appropriations: Salaries and expenses, studies and examination of executive agencies (sec. 202(b) "Legislative Reorganization Act, 1946").... Office of the legislative counsel: House share CLERK-HIRE-MEMBERS AND RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Members and Resident Commissioner: Clerks to Members and Resident Commissioner. Lump sum $16,300,000.00 $16,300,000.00 $16,300,000.00 300,000.00 20,000.00 100,690.00 1,300,000.00 15,045.00 Office of attending physician... Postage..... Folding documents Revision of the laws.. Speaker's automobile Automobile and maintenance for majority leader. Total contingent expenses.. Lump sum 183, 640.00 183,640.00 183,640.00 Lump sum 260,000.00 260,000.00 260,000.00 Lump sum 18,150.00 18,150.00 18,150.00 Lump sum 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 Lump sum 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 Lump sum 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 8,509, 425.00 8,509, 425.00 LEGISLATIVE-MISCELLANEOUS Capitol Police: Uniforms and equipment..... Detailed Metropolitan Police...... Page school: Salaries and expenses, operating the school for pages - Statement of Appropriations: Senate and House Appropriation Committees. Itemized estimates of appropriations-Continued RECAPITULATION Total salaries, mileage for Members and expenses of the Speaker Total salaries, officers and employees...... Total clerk-hire allowance.... Total contingent expenses of the House.. Total legislative miscellaneous... Grand total. 1 10 percent additional not applicable. 3 The estimates for salaries of pages are based on their employment not to exceed 4 The estimates for salaries of 2 assistants in the document room are based on their which the Congress adjourns sine die, or recesses, or the 14th day after such adjourn 5 This position shall terminate whenever a vacancy occurs in the same (J. J. Coates, This position shall terminate whenever a vacancy occurs in the same (W. J. NOTE. Whenever a salary is shown plus an additional amount, such additional amount is payable only so long as the position is held by the present incumbent. |