Lapas attēli

will then set up the payroll deductions, and commencing on July 1 the plan will go into effect.

Mr. HORAN. They are immediately eligible for medical service?

Mr. HARPER. Yes, sir.

Mr. HORAN. On July 2?

Mr. HARPER. On July 2.

Mr. HORAN. Even though a minimum deduction has been made? Mr. HARPER. That is right, no matter how much has been paid. He is under the plan. As soon as they are registered we will notify each carrier, whether Blue Cross or Aetna, or other, as to the total number of employees covered and their names. The carrier will then send to us an identification card which we will pass on to each employee who has registered under that particular plan. Once he has that identification card the procedure then will be just as it is now under Blue Cross. If you get sick you simply present yourself to the doctor, or a hospital for treatment and advise that you are under such and such a plan and the benefits which it gives. The conditions under which the service is rendered are outlined in detail in the brochure.

As to the inequities that creep into it, we will be free of the problem because it will be up to the doctor and the carrying insurance agency just what is covered and to what extent.

Mr. HORAN. And the mechanics of it?

Mr. HARPER. And the mechanics of it.

Mr. HORAN. All you will handle in the Clerk's Office will be the deductions?

Mr. HARPER. We will get him registered and we will take the money out and we will pay to the Commission that which is deducted plus the Government's contribution. We will also advise the carrier at any specific time as to whether an individual is covered. In other words, he presents himself and says he is sick and we verify to the carrier he is covered.

As to how much he gets and how long he stays in, and how much the carrier pays, that is set forth in the original brochure and under the contract under which he buys.

Mr. HORAN. In other words, the responsibility of making sure that justice is done to all participants in this program is left to the carrier?

Mr. HARPER. To the carrier absolutely. The Clerk's Office acts only as a collection agency and registers the people. Once anybody becomes an employee of the House of Representatives they are eligible to join any of these plans, but which one they join is the responsibility of the individual and once he joins the benefits to be derived are determined by the contract that he accepted when he joined the plan. It is pretty well spelled out, Mr. Horan.

Mr. HORAN. That is the answer I wanted. We are dealing with funds for this program and I just wondered how far the responsibility of the Clerk of the House went and what the complete mechanics of administering the program were.

Mr. HARPER. The Clerk's responsibilities are primarily to get the people registered and inform them as to what is available. Once they make the choice then it is the Clerk's responsibility to make a proper deduction and add the Government's contribution. The administra

tion of the specific details are between the individual and the carrier.

Mr. NORRELL. Are there any further questions?

Mr. HORAN. I have no further questions.

Mr. NORRELL. You may proceed, Mr. Roberts.

Mr. ROBERTS. I will not cover the other changes this time since I think the committee prefers that they be discussed as they are reached in the section-by-section analysis..


For the information of the committee, we desire to insert in the record a tabulated statement in support of the estimates-both original and revised as submitted through the Bureau of the Budget, for the operation of the House of Representatives, fiscal year 1961. This statement gives a complete picture covering all estimates by paragraphs as appearing in the committee print.

Each member of the committee has before him a copy of this statement, which breaks down and itemizes each position, or title thereof, by offices and departments, and reflects the number of employees involved, their basic and gross annual salaries, including increased or additional compensation as authorized by law.


Itemized estimates of appropriations


Salaries, mileage, and expenses:
Salaries of Members.

Mileage for the Members and expenses of the Speaker.....

Total, salaries, mileage, and expenses..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


$10, 640, 625.00 200,000.00

10,840, 625.00

$10, 840, 625.00

[blocks in formation]

Itemized estimates of appropriations-Continued SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES-Continued


Assistant tally clerk (minority)...

Enrolling room:

Enrolling clerk.

Assistant enrolling clerks (1 minority).

Assistant enrolling clerk..

Bill clerk's office;

Paper clerk....

Stock and inventory clerk

Bookkeeper and voucher clerk.

Clerks in stationery room...


[blocks in formation]

Committee employees: Appropriations Committee and 19 other standing committees (includes 3 additional clerical assistants, Committee on the Judiciary, H. Res. 172, and H. Res. 464, 81st Cong.; also 2 additional clerical assistants; Committee on Armed Services, H. Res. 37, 82d Cong.; and 2 additional employees for Committee on Foreign Affairs, H. Res. 28, 85th Cong.; 7 additional clerical and 2 additional professional employees for Ways and Means Committee, H. Res. 554, 83d Cong.; H. Res. 468, 84th Cong.; H. Res. 126, and H. Res. 525, 85th Cong.; 2 additional employees for Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, H. Res. 239, 85th Cong.; to provide for the Committee on Science and Astronauties, as authorized by H. Res. 580, approved July 21, 1958, 85th Cong.), total----

Office of the Sergeant at Arms:

Sergeant at Arms...

Deputy Sergeant at Arms (charge of pairs).

Special assistant (retirement)...

Deputy Sergeant at Arms.

Special assistant to the Sergeant at Arms

Secretary to Sergeant at Arms.



Assistant cashiers..

Assistant bookkeepers.


Additional clerical assistants.

See footnotes at end of table,

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