IMPORTANT: The Appendix contains The Act to BY KARL KNOX GARTNER WASHINGTON, D. C. FORMERLY ATTORNEY AND EXAMINER, INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION; AUTHOR, GARTNER'S NOTES TO INTERSTATE COMMERCE G244 COPYRIGHT, 1921, Вү KARL KNOX GARTNER AUG 111921 EASTERN PRINTING COMPANY 150 LAFAYETTE STREET NEW YORK CITY FOREWORD This book is published in response to the many requests which were received asking that the articles which appeared from May 22d to December 11th, 1920, in "The Traffic World" (Chicago) on the Changes in the Act to Regulate Commerce be assembled in book form. Acting upon the suggestion of W. H. Chandler, Esquire, Traffic Manager of the Boston Chamber of Commerce and President of the National Industrial Traffic League, an appendix setting forth both the former and present Act in parallel columns, section by section, has been included. The text indicating the changes that were made in the Act to Regulate Commerce and discussing how such changes might operate, together with the suggestions that have been made for further changes that might be incorporated, supplemented by the appendix, gives a complete reference book on the law under which the Interstate Commerce Commission functions. It is the hope of the author, in offering this book to those interested in interstate commerce, that special consideration will be given to the recommendations for further amendments to the Interstate Commerce Act. Woodward Building, KARL KNOX GARTNER. |