246,644 None 115,598 13.33 1919 13,865 3.00 .06 .29 2228 05 1.31 .04 .89 .04 .81 .04 .60 04 .01 .65 64 $ 906,765,139 4,049,720 $774.601.777 $ 3.119.973 FIXED ASSETS AND OTHER INVESTMENTS Liabilities Total.. 15,054,749 $1,113,344,816 24.492.245 NOTES PAYABLE, unsecured short-term.. $414,409,200 $ 424,637,600 $360,849,020 UNSECURED TERM NOTES due within one year. 14,963,000 9,500,000 14,491,000 SUBORDINATED NOTES AND Capital Debt due within one year. 5,666,000 4,966,000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, ACCRUALS, RESERVES WITHHELD. 29,734,523 26,944,337 20,695.440 RESERVES FOR INSURANCE LOSSES. 2,474,153 2,833,456 2,377,479 RESERVES FOR TAXES.. 8,975,907 9,781,015 10.916.457 UNEARNED INSURANCE PREMIUMS. 20,911,399 23,114,580 22,769.959 SUBORDINATED UNSECURED TERM NOTES. UNSECURED TERM NOTES. NET WORTH: Cumulative preferred stock. Common stock.. Surplus.. Total net worth. Total.. Income Summary GROSS INCOME. OPERATING EXPENSES NET INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES. INCOME TAXES.. NET INCOME. $ 141,354,584 113,763,432 12,590,000 344,120,000 283,225,000 239,794,000 118,136,000 93,802,000 74,468,000 13,500,000 15,750,000 18,000,000 32,180,000 32,104,720 102,274,540 93,925,358 $ 150,204,540 $144,030,078 $890,391.433 $ 129,804,614 $127,075,375 27,591,152 $ 29,717,319 $ 30,450,936 12,735,000 13.280.000 15,001,152 $ 16,982,319 RETAIL INSTALLMENT AND Over the years, Associates has helped millions of This is a vital service, both to the dealer and his customer, and it has played an important role in the country's economy as a whole. In the early days of the automobile business, the customer who lacked the full price of a car had no one to turn to for help. Commercial banks were reluctant, and the auto dealer just didn't have the money, Associates pioneered financing in this fieldproviding money for both parties, and in the peo cess, drew up the first single, easy-to-read contract |