Group No. 3 Group No. 4 Group No. 6 of Total Aspata, Σ of Total Asasta, Σ of Total Assata Σ of Total Assets Group No. 5 Group No. 7 of Total Assets 6.0 6.8 9.8 12.8 13.9 11.3 10.3 Total Risk Assets Total Assets Total Risk Assets 83.7 1.6 83.4 .2 85.0 87.0 90.2 87.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 86.1 100.0 83.7 100.0 89.7 93.2 90.2 87.2 86.1 88.7 89.7 • 6.5 to 1 2012 7.3 to 1 12.2 7.2 to 1 86.1 7.1 to 1 ☐ 6.9 to 1 82.7-5.6 to 1 12. 12.2 Net Notes Receivable Miscellaneous Current Assets Prepaid Expenses Investments in Subsidiaries 92.1 Other Non-Current Assets Common Equity ༢༠༠༤། 14.4 12.4 12.1 12.2 12.8 15.9 Total Risk Assets 95.8 93.0 Total Assets 100.0 100.0 Common Equity Total Risk Assets Year 1953: Cont Fet Fotes Receivable 95. Fiscellaneous Current Assets Prepaid Expenses Investments in Subsidiaries Other Non-Current Assets Total Risk Assets Total Ascota 100-0 200-9 100.0 200-0 Total Risk Assets Risk Asset Ratio to Com Equity 15.6 to 1 • 7.2 to 7.4 to 1 £2.0 7.3 to 1 85.9 6.8 to 1 to 1 12.0 Source: Survey by the American Finance Conference Oroupings are based on the amount of capital funds in 1999, as followe (for ber of companies in each group, see Table II - 21). Group No. 1 Group No. 2 Total Assets, Lot Total Annota 9.4 7.2 85.9 1.0 Risk Asset Ratio to Common Equity 21.9-10.6 to 1 23.2 6.5 to 1 85.2 6.9 to 1 87.0 = 6.8 to 1 82.9 6.7 to 1 20.1- 5.7 to 1 ☐ 6.4 to 1 9.0 E 12.8 12.4 13.9 Year 1948 Met Notes Receivable 09.1 Miscellaneous Current Assets Propsid Expenses Investments in Subsidiaries Other Non-Current Assets Total Risk Assets Total Assets Common Equity Total Risk Assets Risk Asset Ratio to Common Squity Year 1949 Cash Net Botes Receivable 92.5 Miscellaneous Current Assets Prepaid Expenses Investments in Subsidiaries Other Non-Current Assets Total Risk Assets Total Assets Common Equity Total Risk Assets Year 1950 Cash Net Notes Receivable 93.0 Viscellaneous Current Assets Prepaid Expenses Investments in Subsidiaries Other Non-Current Assets Total. Risk Assets Total Assets Common Equity Total Risk Assets 94.2 92.3 90. 87.8 85.8 14.9 91.0 15.6 99.9 Risk Asset Ratio to Common Equity 24.3 -12.9 to 1 7.4 to 1 85.8 7.5 to 1 6.1 to 1 89.9 5.8 to 1 11.9 11.5 15.6 Source: Survey by the Azerican Finance Conference COUR Oroupings are based on the amount of capital funds in 1959, as follows (for number of companies in each group, see Table II - 21); 2 Carital Funds $71-15 Million $3 Million or Less Tyres of Companies National Factory-Owned Sexi-national- Independent Regional - Independent Group No. 1 Group No. 2 Group No. 3 Group No. 4 ASSETS Group No. 5 Group No. 6 Group No. 7 Total Asseta É of Total Assata S of Total Asseta, É of Total Agasta, Σ of Total Assets, É of Total Assets 51.9 16.3 9.3 4.5 Prepaid Expenses .1 .2 .1 .3 .5 Investments in Subsidiaries 4.6 12.1 6.6 1.5 .8 Year 1965: 17.5 23.4 17.8 Not Notes Receivable Miscellaneous Current Assets 49.9 21.5 73.8 1.4 60.8 1.6 70.5 2.4 68.9 14.9 90.3 1.5 Total Risk Assets 48.1 83.7 82.5 76.6 Total Assets 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Common Equity 87.1 41.9 29.3 28.6 30.7 26.9 Total Risk Assets 46.1 90.7 Risk Asset Ratio to Common Equity 98.1.55 to 1 83.2 1.99 to 1 - 2.8 to 1 2.7 to 1 42.2 2.7 to 1 Common Equity 36.5 26.1 14.7 20.2 14.6 24.3 25. Total Risk Assets 75.8 Risk Asset Ratio to Common Equity -2.07 to 1 86.8-3.32 to 1 29.4 6.1 to 1 14.2 Year 1947: Cash 14.6 Net Notes Receivable 83.3 83.4 84.7 79.9 82.6 83.2 87.4 Total Risk Aspeta 85.4 90.6 Total Assets = 100.0 100.0 85.6 86.7 90.1 93.0 100.0 100-0 200.0 100.0 Common Equity 23.1 15.2 13.4 Total Risk Assets Risk Asset Ratio to Common Equity 85.4 3.7 to 120.6 6.000 1| 85. 90.6 88.7 16.0 12.1 18.7 29.9 86.7 90.1 93.0 6.6 to 1 5.6 to 1 7.2 to 1 .8 to 1 - 4.7 to 1 Source: Survey by the American Finance Conference Groupings are based on the amount of capital funds in 1959, as followe (for mumber of companies in each group, soo Table II 21). EXHIBIT IV TABLE II 20 RATIO OF DERT TO CAPITAL FUNDS GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORP. (AND CONSOLIDATED SURSIDIARIES) May 2,465,538 5.5 to 1 1940 Dec. $ 412,542,252 $ 85,898,078 4.8 to 1 282,638 327,456,985 86,717,503 3.8 to 1 1920 March 29,378,458 2,628,261 11.2 to 1 1941 Apr. 485,210,888 89,848,722 5.4 to 1 Nov. 29,149,383 4,213,892 6.9 to 1 Oct. 428,649,725 118,346,152 3.6 to 1 1921 March 31,440,532 4,054,481 7.8 to 1 1942 Feb. 450,500,034 114,160,925 3.9 to 1 Doc. 25,614,627 5,010,551 5.1 to 1 Dec. 135,389,674 87,878,373 1.5 to 1 1922 Sept. 44,239,534 5,211,876 8.5 to 1 1943 Jan. 110,391,849 88,230,090 1.3 to 1 Jan. 26,512,431 4,952,243 5.4 to 1 Dec. 53,964,145 91,032,121 .6 to 1 1923 March 59,768,305 6,463,149 9.2 to 1 1944 Feb. 75,199,685 91,143,104 .8 to 1 Aug. 55,995,604 8,642,754 6.5 to 1 Doc. 6,611,327 91,081,909 .1 to 1 1924 Feb. 84,549,308 10,806,136 7.8 to 1 Dec. 61,092,761 13,618,262 4.5 to 1 1925 Nov. 98,103,013 14,785,929 6.6 to 1 Feb. 52,683,912 13,855,741 3.8 to 1 1945 Jan. 15,568,762 91,065,437 2 to 1 91,498,315 .0 to 1 1926 Oct. 223,872,653 30,717,014 7.3 to 1 April 160,621,163 28,861,449 5.6 to 1 1927 Mary 252,127,065 38,281,935 6.6 to 1 1947 Dec. 68,005,646 87,053,639 .8 to 1 89,826,513 .0 to 1 88,711,450 2.2 to 1 86,910,119 .8 to 1 423,188,118 90,294,340 4.7 to 1 Dec. 252,899,535 52,168,674 4.8 to 1 Jan. 211,257,545 88,895,116 2.4 to 1 1928 Oct. 335,807,077 59,080,954 5.7 to 1 Jon. 244,068,605 52,757,233 4.6 to 1 1929 Sept. 407,476,953 69,802,227 Jon. 278,738,817 64,592,152 5.8 to 1 1930 Jon. 339,244,270 77,608,677 4.4 to 1 Nov. 278,838,196 86,333,657 3.2 to 1 1931 June 287,471,857 79,845,296 3.6 to 1 Nov. 220,137,539 83,001,073 2.7 to 1 1932 Feb. 203,384,828 78,032,002 2.6 to 1 Dec. 82,481,673 79,490,138 1933 Sept. 121,786,338 82,059,871 March 83,970,124 80,521,860 1.0 to 1 1949 Oct. 803,290,798 98,749,961 8.1 to 1 747,764,911 174,828,704 4.3 to 1 173,404,109 4.7 to 1 4.0 to 1 227,790,245 4.7 to 1 258,755,272 3.9 to 1 238,852,928 5.4 to 1 230,507,527 4.4 to 1 254,470,193 5.9 to 1 397,479,287 4.6 to 1 1,854,542,351 404,214,548 4.6 to 1 3.9 to 1 1934 Aug. 201,787,750 89,484,567 2.3 to 1 Jan. 93,912,289 1955 May 2,423,661,636 454,262,401 5.3 to 1 4.4 to 1 84,884,188 1.1 to 1 1933 Dec. 252,811,260 83,148,231 3.0 to 1 Jan. 157,633,227 93,669,818 1.7 to 1 1956 Feb. 2,993,257,290 588,442,518 5.1 to 1 639,955,420 4.5 to 1 1936 Aug. 391,269,630 90,029,307 4.3 to 1 Jon. 266,540,400 83,997,241 3.2 to 1 1957 Dec. 3,364,369,086 648,831,963 5.2 to 1 4.7 to 1 1937 Dec. 419./57,682 84,915,319 4.9 to 1 Fob. 321,044,626 85,877,673 3.7 to 1 1958 Feb. 3,456,240,828 658,470 439 5.2 to 1 696,480.286 4.0 to 1 1930 Jan. 403,241,852 86,546,331 4.7 to 1 Now. 1939 June 322,179,016 Oct. 239,391,909 93,191,508 2.6 to 1 1959 July 3,450,253,466 739,294,967 4.7 to 1 4.1 to 1 Sources GMC Supplements to Annual Reports Note Debt (notes, loans, and debentures payable) excludes subordinated indebtedness. Capital funds employed include capital stock, surplus and subordinated indebtedness. 30 2.496.333 t ་་ ་་་ 2.39.30 692.593 1,729.332 8,276.814 8.387.236 1217 47.11 11 12 4312 22.84 30.00 86.76 8723 144 133 61 Term Debt (non-subordinated) 31 2,396,396 Volume for Pecsod 32 20.994.934 18.727 446 The Quescendings Net Probe to Average Net Worth Didends to Net Prof Took: Expenses, including Taves to Gross Income Net Probe to Retail Purchased New Prude to Average Total Resources |