Lapas attēli

[Ionian Islands.

Cessation of British Protectorate.]

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, His Majesty the Emperor of the French, His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes, it was declared that Her Britannic Majesty has consented, under the conditions then mentioned, to relinquish the Protectorate of the United States of the Ionian Islands, and that Greece should, within the limits then referred, including the Ionian Islands, form an Independent and Constitutional Monarchical State.

"And it was also declared that the Civil Authorities and Military Forces of Her Britannic Majesty should be withdrawn from the Territory of the United States within 3 months, or sooner if possible, after the Ratification of the said Treaty.

"And whereas the Civil Authorities and Military Forces now remaining in the said Territory will, on the 2nd day of June next, be withdrawn therefrom.

"Now, therefore, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Lord High Commissioner doth hereby Proclaim and Declare that on the 2nd day of June, in the year of Our Lord, 1864, the Protectorate of Her said Britannic Majesty over these Islands will finally be relinquished, cease, and determine,* and that the said Islands will become and be absolutely part of the Independent and Constitutional Monarchy of Greece under the Sovereignty of His Majesty King George I.

"Given at the Palace of St. Michael and St. George, Corfu, this 28th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, 1864.

"By his Excellency's command,


"Secretary to the Lord High Commissioner."

The Ionian Islands were evacuated by the British Forces on the 2nd June, 1864.

[Dano-German War. Schleswig, &c.]

No. 362.-PROTOCOLS OF CONFERENCES between Great Britain, Austria, Denmark, France, Germanic Confederation, Prussia, Russia, and Sweden and Norway, relative to the re-establishment of Peace between Austria, Prussia, and Denmark. London, April to June, 1864.



"State Papers," vol. liv, Page

Opening of Conferences at Invitation of British Govern-
... London, 20th April, 1864
No. 1. Presidency of Conferences. Examination of Full Powers.
Proposed Suspension of Hostilities.

London, 25th April, 1864
No. 2. Proposed Suspension of Hostilities by Sea and Land de-
ferred. Conditions of proposed Armistice. Raising of
Blockade. Evacuation of Schleswig by Denmark.
Evacuation of Jutland by Austria and Prussia.
London, 4th May, 1864




No. 3. Provisional Suspension of Hostilities agreed upon.
London, 9th May, 1864
No. 4. Preliminaries of Peace. Bases of Pacification.


No. 5.
No. 6.

London, 12th May, 1864
Bases of Pacification.......... London, 17th May, 1864
Bases of Pacification. Prolongation of Suspension of
London, 28th May, 1864




No. 7. Proposed Bases of Pacification. Territorial Cession by
Denmark. Consent of Denmark to future Destiny of
Territories Ceded. Danish Frontier. Frontier to be
protected by sufficient Guarantees.

London, 2nd June, 1864



Annex A.-Map of Southern Part of Duchy of Schleswig

24th May

Annex B.-Protocol of Warsaw, 5th June 1851 (No. 229) 223

No. 8. Prolongation of Suspension of Hostilities.

London, 6th June, 1864
No. 9. Prolongation of Suspension of Hostilities for a fortnight.

Sub-Commission appointed to settle details of Suspen-
sion of Arms. Proposed Bases of Peace. Line of
London, 9th June, 1864


No. 10. Bases of Peace. Frontier Question. Position of German
Powers as to Treaty of London of 1852. Danish





London, 18th June, 1864


[Dano-German War. Schleswig, &c.]

“State Papers,” vol. liv, Page

No. 11. Line of Frontier. Proposed Mediation of a Neutral Power.
Danish Blockades...... London, 22nd June, 1864
Annex.-List of Treaties between Great Britain and more
than one Power, and of which Ratifications were ex-
changed, not between all the Powers, but only with one
No. 12. Closing of Conferences without arriving at a satisfactory
arrangement for the Restoration of Peace.

London, 25th June, 1864
Annex.-Summary of the Deliberations of the Conference
of London, from the 25th April to the 22nd June, 1864
Observations of the Prussian and German Plenipoten-
London, 29th and 30th June

tiaries thereon







[United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia.]

No. 363.-ADDITIONAL ACT to the Convention of 19th August, 1858, concluded between the Porte and Prince Couza, respecting the United Principality of Moldavia and Wallachia. Constantinople, 20th June, 1864.

[blocks in formation]

Preamble. Reference to Convention of 19th August, 1858.

1. Public Powers.

2. Legislative Power.

3. Promulgation of Laws.

4. Election of Deputies. President of Elective Assembly named by Prince ; Vice-Presidents, &c., by the Assembly.

5. Projects of Law voted by Assembly.

6. Budget to be voted by Assembly, and approved by Senate.

7. Composition of Senate.

8. Renewal of Members of Senate. Re-election of outgoing Members.

9. Duration of Sessions of Senate.

10. Payment of Members of the Senate.

11. President and Vice-Presidents of Assembly. Sittings of Senate to be public. Right of Ministers to sit in Senate.

12. Constitutional Provisions to be under safeguard of Senate. Mixed Commission to report to Prince on Labours of the Session.

18. Projects of Law and parts of Budget to be voted by the Senate.

14. Voting of Projects of Law.

15. Right of Senate to receive Petitions.

16. Internal Regulations of Assembly and Senate.

17. Oath of Fidelity by Public Functionaries.

18. Act and Electoral Law to become Law on sanction by Suzerain Court.

19. Prince to form Council of State. Duties of Council of State.

20. Confirmation of Convention of 19th August, 1858, except in so far as is not modified by this Act.

Principles intended to serve as a Basis for the Construction of a New Electoral Law.

(Translation as laid before Parliament.*)

Reference to Convention of 19th August, 1858.

THE Convention concluded in Paris on the 19th August, 1858 (No. 286), between the Suzerain Court and the Guaranteeing Powers is and remains the Fundamental Law of the United Principalities.

Although the United Principalities may in future modify or change the Laws which govern their internal administration, * For French version see "State Papers," vol. lvii, p. 529.

[United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia.]

together with the legal concourse of all the Powers already established, and without any intervention whatsoever, it is nevertheless to be well understood that this faculty cannot extend to the ties which unite the Principalities to the Ottoman Empire, nor to the Treaties in force between the Sublime Porte and the other Powers, which are and remain equally binding for the said Principalities.

The events, however, which have succeeded one another since the conclusion of the Convention of Paris having made it necessary for some of the provisions of that Convention to be modified, the Sublime Porte has just come to an understanding with His Highness the Prince of the United Principalities, and to an Agreement with their Excellencies the Representatives of the Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris, upon the present Additional Act to the said Convention, resolved and agreed upon as follows:

Public Powers.

ART. I. The Public Powers are confided to the Prince, the Senate, and an Elective Assembly.

Legislative Power.

ART. II. The Legislative Power shall be exercised collectively by the Prince, the Senate, and the Elective Assembly.

Promulgation of Laws.

ART. III. The Prince can originate Laws. He prepares them with the aid of the Council of State, and submits them both to the Elective Assembly and to the Senate to be discussed and voted for.

No Law can be submitted to the Prince's approval unless it has previously been discussed and voted both by the Elective Assembly and by the Senate. The Prince grants or refuses his sanction to it. Each Law requires the sanction of the 3 Powers.

Should the Government be obliged to take urgent measures requiring the aid of both the Elective Assembly and of the Senate at the time when those Assemblies are not sitting, the Ministry shall be bound to submit to them at their next Convocation the motives and the results of such measures.

Election of Deputies.

ART. IV. The Deputies to the Elective Assembly are elected

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