Lapas attēli



ACCORDEN, to agree, accord, grant.

Accordeden, agreed, granted.

Adoube, to dubb.

Adrad, adradde, afraid.

Aferde, afraid.

Again, ageyn, against.
Againward, contrariwise.

Agasten, to frighten, terrify.

Algates, always.

Allies, kindred.

Almayn, Germany.

Angle, to jangle.

Antesis, author, cause.

Apay, to appease.

Appayr, appaired, to impair, impaired.
Appairing, impairing.
Appropred, appropriated.

Aren, arne, are.

Arragonars, Arragonians.

Artetykes, aching of limbs.
Artyd, pressed, constrained.

Assauts, assaults.

Assoil, assoilen, to loose, absolve.
Astonied, astonished.

Avys, advice, opinion, understanding.

Ayen, again.

[blocks in formation]

Cleuchis, cloughs, deep valleys, or ravines in the hills.

Conmyxion, commixture.

Comprize, to undertake.

Con, conne, to know.

Conning, cunning, knowledge.

Contact, conflict.

Contrary, directed towards.

Costlew, costly.

Could, knew.

Covenable, convenient.

C. vetyse, covetousness.

Craft, art.

Curtarse, courteous,


Dagging, slitting, cutting into slips.

Delices, (Fr) delights.

Depart, to divide.

Despoil, to take off, or divest.

Dicts sayings.

Dittenses, prohibitions.

Distraught, to distract, torture; distracted, &c.

Do, sometimes for done.

Done, to do.

Donet, introduction.

Doon, judgment, reason,

Dou, dove.

Doubt, fear; to fear.
Doubted, feared.
Doubty, doubtful.

Dure, to last, extend.
Dured, lasted, extended.
Duresse, durance.

Fft, oft.
Egal, (Fr.) equal.



Either, or, either.

Elle, else.

Else, either.

Encheson, chance.

Enpight, infixed; inherent; from pike, (Sax.) to pitch.

Enseign, or ensign; ensigned, to teach; taught.

Enseignments, instructions.

Entendement, thought, destiny.

Everyche, each.

Extraught, extracted.

Eyen, eyes.

[blocks in formation]

For, because.

For the nonce, on purpose, by design.

Forlet, deserted.

Foryet, to forget.

Freres, (Fr.) friars.

Fro, from.

Frotynge, rubbing? from frotter (Fr.) to rub?

Gar, to make. cause.

Gart, made, caused.

Gardaine, guardian.
Gay, light, trifling.

Gear, stuff, matter.
Ghe, ye, yea.
Git, yet.

Glosse, gloss, lie.


Goilk, the cuckoo.

Gon, gone, goo, goon, to go.
Gridelstede, girdle's place; the waist.
Grome, child, offspring.
Guarish, to cure; from guerir? (Fr.)
Gurged, gorged.

Haly, holy.

Han, have.

Heare, hair.

Hede, care, caution.

Hegh, to high, exalt.

Hele, health.

Hem, them,

Her, for their.


Herie, to master; i. e. to treat as a master or superior.

Hests, commands.

Hete, to ordain, order, command.

Highte, called, or is called.

Hogy, to raise, exalt.

Hostel, house.

Hose, hollow.

Housel, (part.) houseld, to administer the Lord's supper.

How so be 11, notwithstanding.

Hungerand, hungry.

Hutch, originally a coffer, or a recess in a barn, to con

tain corn thrashed, but not winnowed.

[blocks in formation]

Jubarde, to endanger, put in jeopardy.
Jubardy, jeopardy.

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