18 THE COMPLAYNT OF SCOTLAND. the high skyis, quhil the deep hou1 cauernis of cleuchis and rotche craggis ansuert vitht ane high note of that samyn sound as thay beystis hed blauen. It aperit be presumyng and presuposing, that blaberand eccho had been hid in ane hou hole, eryand hyr half ansueir, quhen Narcissus rycht sorry socht for his saruandis, quhen he was in ane forrest, far fra ony folkis, and there efter for love of eccho he drounit in ane drau vel. Nou to tel treutht of the beystis that maid sic beir, and of the dyn that the foulis did, ther syndry soundis hed nothir temperance nor tune. For fyrst furtht on the fresche fieldis the nolt maid noyis vitht mony loud lou. Baytht horse and meyris did fast nee, and the folis neckyr. The bullis began to bullir, quhen the scheip began to blait,, because the calfis began till mo, quhen the doggis berkit. Than the suyne began to quhryne quhen thai herd the asse tair, quhilk gart the hennis kekkyl quhen the cokis creu. The chekyns began to peu when the gled quhissillit. The fox follouit the fed geise and gart them cry claik. The gayslingis cryit quhilk quhilk; and the dukis cryit quaik. The ropeen of the rauynis gart the cras crope. The huddit crauis cryit varrok varrok, quhen the suannis murnit, because the gray goul mau pronosticat ane storme. The turtil began for to greit, quhen the cuschet zoulit. The titlene fol 1 hollow. 2 cloughs, deep valleys or ravines' in the hills. 3 forced, caused. THE COMPLAYNT OF SCOTLAND. 19 lowit the goilk,1 and gart hyr sing guk guk. The dou croutit hyr sad sang that soundit lyik sorrou. Robeen and the litıl oran var hamely in vyntir. The jargolyne of the suallou gart the jay angil3, than the meveis maid myrtht, for to mok the merle. The laverok maid melody up hie in the skyis. The nychtingal al the nycht sang sueit notis. The tuechitis cryit theuis nek, quhen the piettis clattrit. The gar 4 ruling of the stirlene gart the sparrou cheip. The lynt 6 quhit sang counterpoint quhen the oszil zelpit. The grene serene sang sueit, quhen the gold spynk chantit. The rede schank cryit my fut my fut, and the oxee cryit tueit. The hérrons gaif ane vyild skrech as the kyl hed bene in fyir, quhilk gart the quhapis for fleyit cuckoo. • dove. 3 jangle. 4 lapwing. 5 fieldfare. 6 small hedge sparrow, SIR WILLIAM BARLOWE. SIR William Barlowe was a descendant of the ancient family of the Barlowes in Wales, and born in the county of Essex. He was at first a monk in the Augustine monastery of St. Osith in Essex; and was educated at Oxford, where he took the degree of doctor in divinity. He was afterwards friar of the canons of his order at Bisham in Berkshire ; though at the dissolution of the monasteries, he resigned his house, and prevailed upon several other abbots and friars to follow his example. He was promoted successively to the sees of St. Asaph, St. David's, Chichester, and finally to that of Bath and Wells. He died in 1568. Sir William Barlowe was the author of several compositions; as "The Godly and Pious Institution of a Christian Man," commonly called the "Bishop's Book;" 1537, London. During this reign, he is said to have translated into English the "Apocrypha," as far as the Book of Wisdom. But the work whence I have taken the following short extracts is entitled "A Dialogue describing the original ground of these Lutheran factions, and many of their abuses. Compiled by Sir William Barlowe chanon, late bishop of Bath. Anno 1553." A MS. note adds-" Mariæ I. the second edition (which appears by the preface). This author sir William Barlowe was first bishop of St. Asaph, then bishop of St. David's, then bishop of Chichester, lastly bishop of Bath and Wells. In Edward VI. days began heresy, and in queen Elizabeth's days established." There can be no question that this is the doctor William Barlowe of the Biog. Brit.; and it is as certain, that that article is very erroneous. For, it is there stated, and likewise in Dr. Rees's new Cyclopedia on that authority, that upon Mary's accession in 1553, he was deprived of his bishopric of Bath and Wells, and committed to the Fleet prison, on account of his attachment to the protestant religion, and his being married; but escaping to Germany, that he remained there till the accession of Elizabeth; when he returned, and was then promoted to the see of Chichester, 1559. Now, here is an attack upon the reformation, published for the second time by sir William Barlowe, the very year when he is said to be degraded and imprisoned as a reformer himself. The book is a remarkably good one; by no means superstitious, but quite the work of a sensible and prudent man; arguing against the reformation, from the excesses of the reformers; just as such a man, ten years ago, would have written about the French. As it is evident that neither the writer of Barlowe's article in the Biographia, nor his copyist in the Cyclopedia, has seen the book in question, it is proper to observe that it is in the possession of Mr. Southey. This is one instance, among many others, in which bibliology corrects an error in biography. This little book is probably very scarce. Indeed, the author himself might have wished to suppress it: for having resolved to swim with the stream, he resigned his house to Henry VIII. took an active part in the divorce, and was rewarded with one of the new bishop |