OF TRANSPORTATION DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES, PURSERS, MERCHANTS, FARMERS, MECHANICS, AND ALL CLASSES OF BUSINESS MEN. OVER 300 ILLUSTRATIONS AND 200,000 CALCULATIONS. BY P. W. JOHNSON. CHICAGO AND SAN FRANCISCO: THE WHEELER & WHEELER COMPANY. زل 65230 Entered According to Act of Congress in the year 1891, by P. W. JOHNSON In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRESS OF THE HICKS-JUDD CO. 23 FIRST ST., SAN FRANCISCO THIS WORK IS SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY IT IS NOT TO BE HAD AT BOOK STORES. PARTIES WISHING COPIES CAN OBTAIN THEM FROM AUTHORIZED AGENTS, OR ADDRESS THE PUBLISHERS. Summary of Contents. INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL CODE. In use by the United States and adopted by England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Brazil, Austria, Holland, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, and all merchant ships. SEMAPHORE SIGNALS. Many of which are established on the French, Italian, Portuguese, and some on the Spanish and Austrian coasts, where the International Code of Signals is used. SEMAPHORIC ALPHABET. Showing the value of each combination, and corresponding to the alphabet of Distant Signals. VESSELS. Vessels of various kinds, descriptions, illustrations, names of rigging, and full information respecting the same. SHIPS' TONNAGE. Approximate rules for determining gross and net tonnage, showing the ratio of weight to measurement. International Register Tonnage, showing by what nations and when adopted. Rule for calculating, approximately, the dead weight cargo in tons which a vessel can carry on an average length of voyage. SIGNAL CODE. Giving the Bell, Whistle, and Fog Horn Signals as used by steamers and sailing vessels. NIGHT SIGNALS AND FUNNEL MARKS. Night Signals and Funnel Marks of the principal Atlantic and Pacific steamship lines. HOUSE FLAGS. Illustrations showing designs adopted and in use by Atlantic and Pacific steamship lines. READY FREIGHT CALCULATOR-CUBIC FEET. Tables for the ready computation of freight when received by measurement, giving results in dollars and cents on any number of cubic feet at any given rate per cubic foot or ton of 40 cubic feet. Calculations are made from 5 to $50 per cubic ton of 40 cubic feet, and from 1984 to $1.25 per cubic foot inclusive. |