Catalog of Copyright Entries, Third Series: Commercial prints and labels. Part 11BLibrary of Congress, Copyright Office, 1978 The record of each copyright registration listed in the Catalog includes a description of the work copyrighted and data relating to the copyright claim (the name of the copyright claimant as given in the application for registration, the copyright date, the copyright registration number, etc.). |
8 Aug 78 DCR 1978 POB 7Aug78 | 144 |
1 no | 162 |
168 19Dec77 DCR 1977 POB 19Dec77 | 168 |
for the personnel executive Bureau | 484 |
ISSN 05252156 biweekly Labor | 502 |
journal | 688 |
Fourth of July and the last week in | 704 |
387 20Ju178 | 993 |
Autortiesības | |