Lapas attēli

Silk, exports of, 534
-imports of, 534
-manufacturers of, 533
-tariff rates on, 532


workers, strike of, Paterson,
N. J., 411-413

Silos, use of, 471

Silver, coinage of, world's, 523
-exports of, 551, 552

imports of, 553, 554

- leaf, 479

metallurgy of, 515-518
milling, 517

mining, 507

production of, in U. S., 526
--world's, 523
-ratio of, to gold, 523

Silver, lead ores, genesis of, 626
Simon, Sir John, 136
Simpson v. Geary, 255

Sing Sing Prison, condition of, 446
Single population, death rate of,

-statistics of, 383
Single tax, 76, 355

Six-Power loan to China, with-
drawal of U. S. from, 87
Sixteenth Amendment, 5
Sixty-second Congress. See Con-

Sixty-third Congress. See Con-

Slander, law of, 262
Sleeping sickness, 481
Slocum, William F., 829

Smelter fumes, elimination of, 662
Smith, Hugh M., 165

Smith College, endowment of, 829
Smithsonian Institution, 166

Solar heat, effect of volcanic dust | Stars, parallax of, 618

on, 616, 631

power generation from, 588
radiation, 616, 631, 666
Solutions, theory of, 643, 645
Soudan, exploration in, 642
South Africa, commerce of, 142
defense in, 141
finance in, 142

labor troubles in, 141

- politics in, 141

South, Conference on Education
in, 813

South Carolina, constitution of,
amendments to, 202

pardons to prisoners in, 453
prison labor in, 450
taxation of timber in, 355
South Carolina & Western Ry. v.
Ellen, 254

South Dakota, constitution of,
amendments to, 70, 83, 202
constitutional convention in, 83
convict labor in, 267
direct primary in, 74
female labor in, 438
forestry in, 494

game protection in, 488
Library Commission of, 837
mothers' pensions in, 407
parole of prisoners in, 267
public employment bureau in,

public utilities corporations in,

woman suffrage in, 70
South Dakota v. Central Lumber
Co., 257

South Polar region, maps of, 639

-aerodynamical laboratory of, South Pole, discovery of, 640


[blocks in formation]

Southern Baptist Convention, 750
labor Congress, 418
Southern Presbyterian Church,

union movement in, 755

Southern Pacific Co. t. Campbell,


Southern Pacific-Central Pacific,
merger, dissolution of, 565
Souther Pacific Union Pacific
merger, dissolution of, 346,

Southern Railway Co. v. Hull, 258
on Spain, 152

research, laboratories for, 397-

-surveys, 700

-work of the churches, 408-410
Socialism, 404-407

- in universities and colleges, 827
Socialist mayors, election of, 66
-party, information department
of, 213

-vote for, 1908 and 1912, 158
Socialist-Labor party, vote for,
1908 and 1912, 158
Socialistic Society, Intercollegiate,


Sociology, 699-701

Sodium content of the ocean, 637
Soft drinks, purity of, 652

Soil surveys, 276

Soils, Bureau of, 164

chemistry of, 654

physiography of, 635

relations of, with France, 107
-social legislation in, 245
Speaker, election of, 22
Specific heat, 646
Spectroscopic binaries, 619
Spermiogenesis, 711
Splenetic fever, 476
Spokane, commission government
in, 208

public utilities regulation in,


Sponges, machine diving for, 496
Springfield, O., civil service in, 182
Springs 0. Hanover National
Bank, 262

Stable fly, transmission of disease
by, 481

Stallions, registration of, 484
Stamp mills, 516

-classification of, in national Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co. v.

[blocks in formation]

photography of, 619
proper motions of, 618
radial velocities of, 618
spectra of, 618
temperatures of, 619
variable, 619

State administration, 194-198
administrative boards, 195
banks, legislation affecting, 364
-regulation of, 363
-statistics of, 362
budgets, 197

civil service, 181

constitutions, amendments to,

constitutions, amendments to
(see also states by name), 198-

table of, 186
Department of, 159

executive officers, powers of,
finance, 185

- administration of, 196
geological surveys, 273-276
government, commission form
of, 81, 208

proposed reforms in, 80-83
tables of, 183-193
governors, powers of, 194
-table of, 186, 187
judiciary, table of, 190-192
law, enforcement of, 197
laws, uniform, 248, 364
legislation. See under subjects
and states.

legislatures in session, 189

table of, 188, 189

maps, 272
roads, 285

school systems, 812
Secretary of, 159

supervision of local finance, 196
tax commissions, 358
State-use system of prison labor,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Sugar manufacture, of statistics | Taft, Wm. H., administration of.

of, 537-539

production of, in Porto Rico, 240

in principal countries, 500
in U. S., 501, 539
world's, 498

tariff on, 241, 539
Sugars, chemistry of, 650
Sullivan . Minn. & St. L. Ry., 253
Sulphide enrichment in ore de-
posits, 624

Sulphur, chemistry of, 646
production of, 521

- removal of, from smelter fumes,

Sulphuric acid, lead chambers for,

Sulzer, William, appointments of,
to Public Service Commis-
sions, 299

-Department of Labor bill of, 2
impeachment of, 53-55
Summer schools, 823

-proposals of, for reform of state Sun, 615

government, 82

Stock certificates, negotiability of,

- of copper-mining companies,328
-exchanges, legislation affect-

ing, 339-341
market, 334, 335
prices, 335

savings banks, 362
transactions, 334, 335

Transfer Act, Uniform, 248
Stocking, William A., 830
Stoll v. Pacific Coast Steamship
Co., 260

Stomach, cancer of, 733

physiology of, 713

- ulcer of, 722

Stones, building, 273

Storage battery cars, 587

eclipses of, 616

magnetic field of, 615, 666
radiation of, 616

--power generation from, 588
spots, 615

Sun River Game Preserve, 488
Sun Yat-sen, 153

Sunday opening of saloons, 401

School Convention, World's,

Sundry Civil Appropriation bill,
4, 23

Sunshine records, U. S., 632
Superfotation, 675

Supervising Architect, U. S., 160
Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of
U. S. N., 163

Supply Corps, U. S. Army. See

Storm warnings by wireless teleg- Supreme Court, U. S., 175

raphy, 583

Stop-back in peach trees, 481

Stratigraphy, 274, 623

Straus v. Am. Publishers' Associa-

tion, 346

Strauss, Adm. Joseph, 162

Street cleaning, 306

-lighting, 304, 584

-railways, 561, 587

equity rules of, 261, 543
injunctions issued by, 261
interpretation of Sherman Act
by, 7

Supremacy of federal law, 256
Surety insurance, 381

Surface combustion, 588

Surgeon-General, U. S. Army, 161
-U. S. Navy, 163

Stricklen v. Combe Printing Cc., Surgeons, American College of,

Strikes and lockouts, 411-414, 507
- of coal miners, in West Virginia,


- Clinical Congress of, 730

Surgery, 730-735

Surra, 481

of garment workers, New York, Surveys, detailed areal, 274

254, 413


in Great Britain, 137

- of miners on the Rand, 141

Susquehanna Coal Co. v. South
Amboy, 253

Sutri, excavation at, 775

[blocks in formation]

record of, 11

-customs service reorganization
by, 10

messages of, 9

on Alaskan railroads, 235
-on budget reform, 10

-on retirement of public debt,


-order of, classifying fourth-
class postmasters, 179
--classifying navy-yard arti-
sans, 179

peace plan of, 113

policy of, on Mexico, 9

-on Panama Canal tolls, 9
professorship of, in Yale Uni-
versity, 12

relations of, with Congress, 9
speeches of, on arbitration
treaties, 11

--on Panama Canal tolls, 10
--on Philippine independence,
11, 18

--on Republican party, 11, 60
-statement of, on classification
of postmasters, 179

-on Department of Labor
bill, 2

-on exemptions from anti-
trust law, 4

-on literacy test for immi-
grants, 3

Webb-Kenyon Liquor bill, 4
vetoes of, of Immigration bill, 3
of Liquor bill, 4

of Seamen's bill, 4

of Sundry Civil Appropria-
tion bill, 4

-vote for, 1908 and 1912, 158
Tallman, Clay, 163

Tammany Hall, 55, 66

Tampa, harbor improvement at,


Taylor, Leon R., 14
-William A., 164

Tariff Act, Underwood. See Tariff


Tariff bill, course of, in conference,

in House, 32

--in Senate, 35-37

in Senate Committee on
Finance, 33-35

--in Senate Democratic cau-

cus. 35

-effect of, on Canada, 130

exemption of income tax col-

lectors in, 180

framing of, 28, 349

handbook on, 349

hearings on, 28

history of, 28-38

-income-tax section of. See In-

come tax.

-influence of President Wilson

on, 351

lobby against, alleged, 26

original draft of, 29-32

--administrative features of,


estimated revenue under, 31
free list in, 30

income tax in, 31

rates in, 29-31

Pres. Wilson's message on, 28
principles of, 28

-rate of duty under, average, 350
-statement of President Wilson

on final passage of, 37
Tariff Commission, proposed, 351
-competitive, theory of, 29, 349

Tariff, cost of production theory Testes, interstitial cells of, 674

of, 28, 349

-economic theory of, 701

protective, results of, 349

Tariff rates, on dairy products, 473
on imports in American bot-
toms, 32, 38

-on manufactures, 532

on meat products, 474

in original Tariff bill, 29-31
-on principal imports, 352
-on shipbuilding materials, 548
-on zinc, 520

Tariff revision, Democratic theory
of, 28

-effect of, on business condi-
tions, 529

-on manufactures, 529, 530
Tax commissions, state, 358
-corporation.SeeCorporation tax
-on cotton futures, proposed, 35,
37, 343

income. See Income tax.
maps, 359

-rates, principal cities, 233
-single, 76, 355

-on tobacco manufactures, pro-
posed, 35, 36

Taxation, of anthracite coal, 356
-classification of property for,

from, 355

Testing materials, 596

Texas, agricultural coöperative

banks in, 483

Trade unions. See Labor unions.
Train crews, legislation on, 573
dispatching by wireless teleg-
raphy, 583

- Board of Water Engineers of, Trainmen railroad, wage dispute
-constitution of, amendments to, Tranbarger . Chicago & Alton

75, 203

-employers' liability law of, 378

- female labor in, 438
hazing law of, 248

of, 416, 566

Ry., 255

Transcontinental rate cases, 568

Transfusion of blood, 734
Trawl-net fishing, 497

[blocks in formation]

Textile fibers, imports and ex-
ports of, 534

-industries, effect of tariff on,
529, 531-534
statistics of, 533

Theists, World Congress of, 761
of improvements Theological education, 831

- of forests, 355

Thermionic effect, 668
Thompson, Carmi A., 161

- of incomes (see also Income Thorium, use of, in medicine, 727
tax), state, 357

- of inheritance, 357

- of insurance companies, 356

- for library purposes, 836

Thunderstorms, electrical energy
of, 632

Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 837
Thymus, 675, 711

- of life insurance companies, 370 Tiaco v. Forbes, 250

of mineral resources, 356

of public-service corporations,

of railroads, 356

Tiahuanaco, excavations at, 697
Tian Shan mountains, physiog-
raphy of, 636

Tibet, autonomy of, 110

-state (see also states by name), Tillinghast, William H., 837


Tea culture in U. S., 486

Time, transmission of, by wireless
telegraphy, 583

Teachers (see also Schools), train- Tin, production of, 521

[blocks in formation]

-wireless. See Wireless telephony. Toronto, harbor improvement at,

[blocks in formation]

Tumulty, Joseph Patrick, 157
Tungsten lamps, incandescent,
584, 667
Tunnels, 577

Turbines. See types by name.
Turkey, finances of, 106

- Ministries in, 149

new frontier of, 101, 102
railway concessions

France, 110

of, to

recapture of Adrianople by, 149

- relations of, with Balkan allies,

94-98, 102, 146-149

with Bulgaria, 102

with Great Britain, 111

with Great Powers, 146-148
-with Greece, 105

war of, with Balkan allies, 146-

-Young Turks' coup d'etat in, 147
Turner v. Tennessee, 254
Turpentine, manufacture of, 663
Tutuila, 242

-exports, to 552
-imports from, 553

Twin Falls, Idaho, dam, 582
Twining, Adm., N. C., 163
Typhoid fever, 723-725
-carriers of, 722

- investigations of, 737

- vaccination for, 314, 722

Ugarte, Manuel, writings of,

BEDA . Zialcita, 264


Uhler, Philip, 480

Ulcer of the duodenum, 723

- of the stomach, 722

Ulster, resistance of, to home rule,


Ultraviolet rays, sterilization of

milk by, 657

water purification by, 653
Unconstitutional statutes, Inop-
erative, 256

Underwood, Oscar R., candidacy
of, for Senate, 25
-elected floor leader, 21
Underwood Tariff Act.


See Tariff

Unemployment, legislation on, 435
Unfair competition, 264
Unger. Kennedy, 251

disputes. See Industrial dis- Ungnad, Arthur, 827


marks, law of, 264

transportation and communi-
cation, 544-574

Uniform Judicial procedure, 264
Ilaw on bills of exchange, 244
-state laws (see also acts by

name), 23, 364

Union Pacific-Southern
merger, dissolution of, 346,

Union Theological Seminary, 756,

Unitarian Church, 761
-social work of, 410

United Brethren in Christ, 753
Kingdom. See Great Britain.
Presbyterian Church, union
movement in, 755
Protestant Church, 754
United States v. Adams Express
Co., 262

-v. Chandler-Dunbar Co., 256
v. Pacific & Arctic Co., 256
-r. Winslow, 257

United States Irrigating Co. v.
Colorado, 280

Universal Peace Congress, 111
Universities and colleges, admin-
istrative courses in, 828
benefactions to, 825
changes of personnel in, 829
classification of, 826
-coeducation in, 825

correspondence courses of, 828
degrees granted by, 825
distinctions between, 826
enrollment in, 824
-entrance requirements of, 821
-extension teaching in, 828

foreign professors in, 827
international spirit in, 827
museums in, 828

for negroes, 819

preparation for, in secondary
schools, 821

revenues of, 824

-scholarships in, 825

-socialism in, 827

-statistics of, 810

Unlawful possessions, law


Untermyer, Samuel, 6


Urgent Deficiency Appropriation

Act, 24, 180
Uruguay, history of, 127
Utah, drainage districts in, 281

female labor in, 437

initiative and referendum in,

minimum wage in, 437
mothers' pensions in, 408
public utilities corporations in,

[blocks in formation]

Vaterland, ss., 609


Ventilation, 595, 653

-N. Y. State Commission on, 743
Vermont, accident insurance in,

child labor in, 431
-constitution of, amemdments
to, 72, 74, 203, 432
Department of Labor of, 430
direct election of U. S. Senators
in, 69

direct primary in, 74
female labor in, 438
jail administration in, 457
labor disputes law of, 434
-Public Service Commission of,

state purchasing agent of, 195
street car legislation in, 428
taxation of forests in, 494
-workmen's compensation law
of, 431

Vernon County (Wis.) Bar Asso-
ciation v. McKibbin, 249
Veterinary education, 831

[ocr errors]

- Medical Association, American,

-science. See Live stock.
Vice investigations, 221-224, 441
Vice-President of the U. S., 159
Republican nominee for, 12
Virginia, charity administration
of, 458

convict labor in, 450, 451
dependent children in, care of,

elections in, 66

feeble-minded of, care of, 460
oyster fisheries of, 497

probation system in, 455 j
Virus. See Serum.
Visceral organisms, 715
Visiting teachers, 816

Vital statistics, 384, 700, 744-749
Vitamines, 649

Vocational education, 393-395,
482, 483, 822
guidance, 394

-Association, National, 394
Volcanic dust, effect of onsolar ra-
diation, 616, 631

Volcanoes, 631
Volta effect, 669
Volturno, wreck of, 548
Volunteer forces, legislation on,

Vote for President, 1908 and 1912,


Voters, registration of, 71
Voting, preferential, 68, 75
Vreeland v. Forest Park Residence
Commission, 250

WAGE, minimum.

See Mini-

mum wage.
Wages, legislation affecting, 435-

-relation of, to immorality, 221
Walsh v. Pulitzer Pub. Co., 262
War Department, 161

-estimates of, 27
-organization of, 308
-Secretary of, 161

Ward, Lester Frank, 701

Warehouse Act, Uniform, 248
Warner v. Couchman, 246
Washburn, Wm. C., 178

Venereal disease, registration of, Washington, banking regulation

Venezuela, archæological investi-

gations in, 697
history of, 128

[blocks in formation]

capital punishment in, 445

[blocks in formation]

industrial safety law of, 429
initiative and referendum in,
-irrigation in, 280

juvenile courts in, 444
minimum wage in, 437
mothers' pensions in, 408
municipal home rule in, 205
- non-support law of, 455
prison labor in, 450
publicity pamphlet in, 78
Reclamation Board of, 280
workmen's compensation law
of, 260, 431

Washington v. City of Seattle, 260
Washington, D. C., government
0. Neitzel, 256
of, 208

housing in, 219
longitude of, 615

Public Service Commission of,

[blocks in formation]

See Hydraulic tur-

Waterfront facilities, municipall-
Watersheds, forested, protection
zation of, 291
of, 494

Waterways, 285-288, 578

| Weather Bureau, 164

inland, commerce on, 554-556

appropriation for, 464

-frost prediction by, 485
Webb, W. A., 830
Webb-Kenyon Liquor bill, 3, 400

Weed eradication, 484

Weidner . Friedman, 259
Weik v. Southern Pacific Co.,257
Weitzel, George T., 179

Welch, William A., Endowment

Fund, 832

Welfare work, industrial, 420-424
Wellesley College, experimental

kindergarten at, 829

Wells College, presidency of, 830
Welsh Church, disestablishment

of, 133

Wesleyan Conference, British- 754
West Indies, trade of Camada

with, 131

West Virginia, coal strike in.


West Virginia constitution of, Wilson signs Sundry Civil Appro- | Wisconsin, workmen's compensa-
amendment to, 203

[blocks in formation]

Western Union Telegraph Co.,
control of, 56, 560
Westphal's comet, 617
Wheat, price of, 327, 504
-production of, in principal
countries, 500

-in U. S., 326, 327, 464, 501

--by states, 502
--world's, 498

White phosphorus matches, 739
White pine blister blight, 479
White-Slave Act, Federal, con-

stitutionality of, 223

-laws, state, 266, 442

White Slavery, International As-
sociation against, 442
Whooping cough, pathology of,718
Wickersham, George W., 161
Widows' pensions, 407

Wied, Prince William of, 104
Wild life, conservation of, 487-489
Wilkesbarre, municipal adminis-
tration in, 211

Willard Gibbs Medal award, 665
Williams, John Skelton, 160
Williams, in re, 258
Wills Act, uniform adoption of, 248
Wilmington, Del., Public Utilities
Commission of, 296
Wilson, Henry Lane, 92, 776
Huntington, 16, 159

-James, 163, 463

- Wm. B., biography of, 165
Wilson, Woodrow, appointments
of, in consular service, 178
--in diplomatic service, 178
biography of, 257

- Cabinet of, 15, 159-165
-directs prosecution of Diggs-
Caminetti case, 19

- Governor of New Jersey, 13
inauguration of, 14

-influence of, on tariff legisla-

tion, 351

message of, annual, 26

-on Currency bill, 39

-as Governor of New Jersey,

--on Presidential preference
primary, 74

-on Tariff bill, 28

- messages of, delivered in per-
son, 28, 59

-New Freedom" of, 13

-order of, on classification of

postmasters, 180
policies of, 59

-comments of Roosevelt on,

--on consular appointments,


--on diplomatic appointments,


-- recommended to Congress,26
proposal of, for national Presi-
dential preference primary, 26
-repudiates "dollar diplomacy,"

-sends John Lind to Mexico, 921

priation Act, 23

speech of, before Commercial
Club of Chicago, 13

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

tion law of, 431


t. McDermott and

Grady, 651

Woman suffrage, 68, 69, 70
-in Great Britain, 134

Woman's Christian Temperance

Union, World's, 402

work, legislation affecting, 435-

of, on anti-trust Women, colleges for, 829

legislation, 27

-on Chinese loan, 87

on Currency bill, 53

-voters, number of, 71

Women's Clubs, General Federa-
tion of, 835

on exemptions from ant!- Wood v. Oregon, 250
trust law, 24

-on exemptions from civil-
service law, 24, 181
-on Latin-American policy,
15, 89, 90, 117

on lobby in Congress, 25
on Mexican situation, 93
on patronage, 178

on New Jersey corporation
laws, 13

on Philippine policy, 18, 238
on progressive advisers, 13
-on tariff bill, 37

vote for, 1912, 158
Wind records, U. S., 632
Winthrop, Beekman, 162
Wireless telegraphy, 583
in army, 313

British Empire scheme of, 136
determination of longitude by,


Marconi system of, 136
-rates in Canada, 132
-on ships, Canadian law on, 132
Wireless telephony, 583
Witnesses, extradition of, 268
Wisconsin, child labor in, 431,

-classification of property in, 354
constitution of, amendments
to, 75, 78, 203, 205
convict labor in, 450, 451
crippled children in, care of, 442
disorderly houses law of, 223
employers' liability law of, 431
employment bureaus in, 435
epileptics in, care of, 460
game protection in, 489
female labor in, 437, 438
fire-insurance investigation in,

full train crews in, 428
indemnity to innocent con-
victs in, 446

initiative and referendum in, 75
insane in, care of, 459
minimum wage in, 437
mothers' pensions in, 408
municipal home rule in, 205
old-age pensions, 434
parole of prisoners in, 454
passenger trains, law of, 428
poor relief in, 458

prisoners' wage in, 446
recall in, 78

- road construction in, 283
school attendance in, 431
state life insurance in, 369
taxation in, of forest reserves,

-- of incomes, 357

- of inheritances, 358
- of mineral rights, 356
-University of, correspondence
courses of, 828

Wood pulp, manufacture of, 538,

-tariff rates on, 540
Wool, consumption of, 534
-exports of, 534

imports of, 534

-manufactures of, statistics of,
533, 538, 539, 540

-tariff rates on, 532
production of, 534

Workmen's compensation, jud!-
cial decisions on, 258, 259
- legislation on, 55, 248, 378, 431-
433, 572, 739

World Conference on Christian
Unity, 759

-Congress of Theists, 761
-International Map of, 272, 634,

--Geological, 639

Peace Foundation, 112
World's Sunday School Conven-
tion, 762

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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